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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. This was designed to humiliate muslims. To show how bad they made for the muslims, I would suggest the iranian or any other daring muslim cauntry to give Osama Bin Ladin a top award for his fight agaisnt injustice and his resistance work throughout the etire world and for those oppressed and see their hypocritical face turned sh1t! thats when they can realize and see their mistakes.
  2. ^ I do remember his work and effort to justify these barbaric actions commited by UIC's Buaale stooges.
  3. ^^Adeer Emperor, maybe you dont understand ma somali, so let me rephrase it with my little englisk in the hope of you do understand me at last. First, it was you who brought here this "BAADID", since am more adjustable then I have to use your own term "Baad" to make you understand how things are related to each other. All these "baad" I wrote is directed to AY and his associates -not all other peaceloving reer Baris- in their greediness and fake belief and persuit of xoog wax ku raadin by simply using foreign merceneries. I took Jama Ali Jama as an example. This gentle man is a peace loving man, while serving his term peacefully in PL adeer AY attacked him and chased him out of zone PL with the help of Amhaaro technicals and tanks, so now that AY believes wax baadid, and by xoog wax ku raadis and that is what he is doing in Mogadishu, crushing all these resistances with the help of amhaaro, and thats what you guys always believe, that you can crush Kismayo resistance...but hey this time around without amhaaro. so who is in trouble here ma friend? PS. Dont use terms you dont understand their meaning then.
  4. I am sorry ciyaal baar Feynuus lost the game. My ex-xaafad. Horta Dukoow, askarta TFG maxaa loo naaxin waaye, irbad lagu dhufto ahayd oo sidii digaaga loo naaxiyo camal loo naaxiyo ayeey ahayd tabar-darro awgeed they can hardly bear a rifle. See the dude on lefthand side of the pic above
  5. ^^^loool @ Mr. Cambridge, the Duke of waxaracade. Indha-adeega ku sii wad. I am out!
  6. ^^ lool classical faanfaankii cidda meesha la timid. These boyz ma faanfaantaman, instead they mean business, so we'll se who talk the talk! fasten your seatbelt adeer, hadhici! Originally posted by Emperor: ^War adiga markii lagu arkoo Xoog iyo waxbaan cayrsanay iyo cidbaa naga ogayday baad kuhaysaa... Yaraantaadi waxaan umalaynayaaa waa lagu baadi jiray oo waligaa cid kama adkaan... Emperor, looool @ baada, duqa, waligay wax ma baadin jirin. Balse run aahitii sanadkii 1969 markii aan ku baaday ayaa baad oo dhan iigu horeysay iiguna dambeysay waaba hilmaamayba sida wax loo baado hadda malaha adiga ayeey kugu cusub tahayo rabtid inaad amxaar wax ku baadid awal aa Jaamac Cali Jamac amxaar ku soo baadeen haddana wixii baad koonfurta keenteen haye!!
  7. ^^^ indho adayg waa rasamaal ayaan maqli jiray. It took you 4 days inad wax isku soo xirxirto and to come up with this. Nice try tho!
  8. Yusuf Garaad is the man. I gave him credit for his effort & professionalism in raising the BBC Somali's standard, adding more news items, more on-air minutes and making possible that BBC Somali can be listened in local FMs. Think what it (BBC somali) was before him.
  9. ^^^ small clan, huh? duke watch out the small clan and how they chase these "big" clan-tfg thugs!. Adeer Abdullahi Amhaar opened up a pandora's box of maxaa igu watayee. Arboowe, Would amharos come to your rescue? tell me bal!
  10. ^^ now better! balse ogoow, the G-boyz have all the ICU's and Guuto 1aad's technicals at their disposal so no need Mudane CQ's rescue if you like that way :cool:
  11. Duke, you forgot the title mudane be included before name the name Abdiqasin.
  12. Very sad indeed. The TFG started now promoting Xertii Timo-dheerta & suufidii etc as the genuine ulama of somalia. They go under the label name alsuna waljamaca and any other wadaad who is not fit into this label is to be jetted off to Zenawi so he can pargain with americans for money and security inexchange.
  13. ^^ ICU was 300% better than this rogue tfg. Despite its shortcomings ICU still ejoyed a wider support of the public.
  14. The cauntdown and as I understood Afguduud is in the town, asking for another chance to be given to him so he can prove his critics wrong, i.e. a rematch! well, I wanna watch the match maself so hook me up where can I get a ticket for this game. Would love to sit and watch it with Afguduud fans, where is Duke and the other boys.
  15. ^^^ sxb, how ONLF is been exposed. This little boy "Reagan" is nothing to do with the actual organization ONLF. All he just wanted was to help his people by getting the story out balse taatikadii aa ka halawday...
  16. Bishiiba waxaa xamar ama Somalia laga xusaa intaaso "maalintii saas & maalintii sidaan" Ironically, waxaad maalin walba maqlaysaa maalintii caruurta oo la xusay, maalintii haweenka, maalintii cimilada, maalintii guryaha, maalintii dhirta, maalintii naaafada, maalintii nabada, maalintii nadaafad and so on.
  17. Horn, raggaan kaadi najaasta ah wad isaga fillan tahy baan filayaa Anyway, the ICU, they came and they went within the space of 6 months. Why? Because there were good men and bad men within the ICU, and these BAD & ruthless opportunists exploited the publicity at every oppurtunity and therefor regrettably hijacked the good cause of the ICU & Kacdoonskii Shacabka. So the ICU has been led astray by out-of-date-map drawn by these indivduals. So now I dont understand why some people mourn falsely about ICU. did they restored peace and security in Mogadishu, the answer is yes, did they restored peace and security to outside Mogfadishu, then answer is no. were they better than this tfg in terms of wider public support the answer is yes. So for some people here like to hide under big BUSTE and I do understand waxa wada coz they just wanna use the ICU-card to their hidden clan advantage we have seen this when they were blatantly agaisnt the ICU when it was bound to central Somalia. So now all-in-all the ICU is gone and will never come back as they were before, if it comes back this time around then yes with different name and different strategy and this time may the good, wise & learned people be in the lead and you'll see they reach from tip to tip and enjoy the support of the people. Adeer XAQU ma baxo ama ma suulo, balse baadilku wuu burraa, XAQ & BAADILNA meel ma lagu wada hayn karo ICU-da labadaan ayeey isku meel ku hayeen ayagoo ogoo wixii karaacayna waa la oggaa.
  18. Northerner, you took Gordon's remarks too personal. You gotto calm down sxb!
  19. lool so the guy was part-time muslim, hhehe. Maalinba meeshii sab ka jirto ayuu ka tirsanaa... reminds me some nigerians and a kenyan who used to go to mosques as well as churches. maanta halka berri halkaas
  20. Things not going well in Falastiin. Sad to see Palestinians killing each other when they are sarounded by sworn enemy subhanallah!. And now that there are 2 PMs & 1 president, situation evet got out of hand. I think Fatah is the problem and most of Palestinians not happy with them and therefore should go and let Hamas to steer... The incompetent arab league but what can they do?
  21. Adeer, New Times call for new modern young reporters. Truly agree! new kidz on da block, so meesha ha la isku ban-baneeyo. People like Nadara has to move in to replace Hereri, for sure he will be a great addition to BBC Somali team. Horta Amin Caamir & Yuusuf garaad maxaa dhexmaray, sowtan Amin Caamir uu ninkan iska daba dhigtay waayadan...
  22. Adeeryaal Kismaayo forces joined anti TFG forces and anti ethiopians long ago. Dowladaanu taageersanahay waa siyaasad looga hortagayey in qabiiloyin kale soo kaxaaeystaan xabashida si aay ugu gumaadaan shacab kale, marka game-kii waa lala cayaaray, amxaarkiina xamar soodhaafi waa, TFG-na waxbakama aha Kismaayo, Gedo and the whole jubooyinka. Xasilooni daridana dad ayaa kuhaya, foodadana waa wax lagyrabo inlagu wiiqo TFG haddana Kismaayana ehelkeedi baa garka haysta ciddii kaleeto waa welcome cid laga xigana ama loo diidan yahay ma jirto. Ninkii sidaa rabin oo diidadan nabadda & wadanoolanshaha daadka deyrta ayaa badweynta ku shubi doona taa hala ogaado
  23. Originally posted by Baashi: TFG has lost the plot. It has neither the credibility nor the wisdom to settle Somali problems. Sometimes I wonder what these men are made of...ya see the chance was there and still there if the reconciliation effort is given the care it deserves... Good question what these men [Yeey & Geedi] are made of? tough question, but consider tfg's top guys, we have AY who simply not for peace, lack of patriotism substances in his gen, where bribing, nepotism & assasination of his apponents is his way of making a living. Consider also his total inability to win the hearts and minds of ordinary somalis. On the other hands we have MR. Geedi, the vet, the cow flu specialist, the alien who some how strangely brought thru the window by ethiopians right at end of Empaghati somali conference and was made the somali PM. This guy should be in Guiness World Record book for becoming a PM right after his first day entering the world of "politics" with no knowledge or experineces in this field at all. hehe Thanks to Melez. So what do we expect from these two individuals? nothing more to be expected from these stooges I guess. I dont even believe this reconciliation thing, Ali Mahdi a.k.a Ali Nafato is the man for this job and guess what? the man is not fit for this job and is part for the problem so we all se that the whole thing is simply kinda theatrical gesture and a fundrising for ethiopia and as long as these two stooges are there nothing waa hade nothing to hope or any break thru. Ceelna uma qodna cidna uma maqna sow ma ahan xaajadu....