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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Seems like Peacenow has an issue with arabs and muslims (Islam). I wonder why!
  2. Mac sonkor!. I think this comes with the job when a woman shares life with a ruthless alkuliiste. Look at any alkuliiste wife and you see her life stamped with life-time misery. I have seen many miserable housewifes & their life with alcoholics, however, the story of one of these underprivileged housewifes I will never forget in my entire life. It was in Copenhagen back in 1999, I had this somali family right next to me, my next door neighbor. The guy was aggresive alcoholic and each time this punk came home drunk he start beating the hell out of her. 2 block away you can still hear her waawareey, even at times she was pregnant. She is a very attractive and pretty young woman, with two beautiful kids for this abuser. Then when you see her in the morning or afternoon with blacken & swollen eyes, cant walk proberly and you ask her if she is OK or what had happened to her (of cource I know what had happened to her) then she will come up all sorts of lies jaranjartan ka soo duulay, maxamad deeq aa digsi wajiga iigu dhuftay etc...etc.. each time I felt so sorry for her to see her in that alarming condition. There were many ways I could help her, but she was not interested or willing scared most of his reactions if he finds out. A danish neighbor once called the cops and reporting domestic vialonce against his neighboring woman by her husband and when the cops came then there she is denying everything. A big embarrasment to the helping hand and wasting officers' time. Anyway I moved from there but the last time I saw her in the town she looked stressed out, looked 20 yrs older then her actual age. Who to blame all this? none but herself!. well it is right when they say lax waliba meeshii aay isdhigto aa lagu gowracaa
  3. Originally posted by Abwaan: I wonder inta qof oo Maraykan inay u dhoofto rabtey ee uu Geeddi sii xambaaray inta lacag ka qaatay? lool @ Abwaan you damn right sxb. I personally know 2 relatives of mine hitched a lift to Bruxless by Geedi's aids -he is the one getting the money though!-. According the papers, they were "member" of PM delegates and were dropped off there costing them huge sum of money to come to europe. All of the TFGs including Yeey are human traffickers leaving behind scores of new Qaxootis in the west.
  4. They dont seem to have learned from the past. Unless one is insane, who the h**l will have stooge AY's picture on his wall.
  5. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: I think both parties should drop this "anigaa iskale " attitude, and work together for peace. Agree, but who is contantly barking out load about "annagaa iska leh" kinda attitude? Well I guess, you already know the answer.
  6. Originally posted by Xanthus: ^^Pakistan recently bombed a school with 500 students in one go! not to mention the numbers in prison, the worse place for ulams! Yeah, you right, things quite changed since then. Especially under Musharaf's. laakiin what I was referring to was at least they can gather in the public places, come out in a mass demonstrations, burn flags if they want to , these kind of things is impossible in other mentioned countries. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Islam is stronger in SOL Where in SOL, duqa? No dawa programmes amongest SOLers. The only active person I see in SOL is br. Nuur with his amazing eNuri publications in the Islam section.
  7. ^looool@ Dhubad War maantuuba ka daray JB wataa uu suudaanti nala aaday!
  8. America (Bush) & Britain (Blair) are to blame all these. Simplu by lying and going to war based on fake WMD search. People were better off under Sadam's no matter how brutal he was.
  9. May Allah grant the victory. Amin. It is time every somali has to go down there once in a life time and spend time with fighting along side these brave mujahideens.
  10. yes, Islam is stronger in the west. Look at those muslim scholars in the west and how they enjoy freedom of speech (yes to some extent tho) and compare it to those of Saudi, USA, morroko, tunusia, Egypt, Algeria, Somalia. Pakistan is exception though. Better than all those arabs and africans together.
  11. ^^ so JB dont play with Sharmakee's man!. Anyway, whoever block he is on, to my understanding he is a good somali politician that knows what he knows and what others doesn't know.
  12. loool @ this pseudo-cafis. AY wuxuu isu badbadalaa sidii hawada skandinefiyanka oo kale. Shalay wuxuu lahaa waxa la cafiyey ICU-da oo dhan inta aan ka ahayn madaxdooda sarsare sida shariifka & Awes, hadana waxaa halka ka muuqato kulli waa lacafiyey!!
  13. I believe Kashafa brought in here good article highlighting the plight and the condition of our brothers & sisters in the occupied Western Somalia. Then emotion outrun him killing his own thread by simply namecalling anyone he is not agree with. He then later recognised this problem of why there is no progress in this debate and hope he learened something from it. Originally posted by NGONGE: mala meel an anigo wax ka arko adinko, being emotionally attached to the situation, kama aragtan! Waayahay, saaxib. Bal indhaha masax oo akhriso waxan kuu so qori dona... yaa yiri NGONGE somali ma yaqaano? Originally posted by NGONGE: arr badow yan la wada noqon, entaan edin la joogo ega faideesta nacal shaklak. War dadoow NGONGE ha la dhageysto. I trully agree where he stands on this issue people here mixing caano & liin halk!
  14. naf..naf.. Gar* why turn it to personal adeer. I wonder how low you can go!
  15. Of course there is need for a plan and a strategy laid down by those already in the play, before challenging these stooges otherwise it would turn to kadaroo dib dhal.
  16. JB, yes they must go whatever the consequence! Each day they export learned people, the ulama to Melez and Co. TFG is led by by some selfish & nepotistic bunch of 1diots. Instead of wining the hearts & minds of the people they kill, rob and prison people they compete one another to Melez at expense of the somali poeple in the cauntry. They work for the amharo and not for the people so by any means they have to be toppled down and dealt with.
  17. Horta marxuunka Allaha u naxariisto, inkastoo aanan annigu aqoonin heesihiisana aanan aqoonin haddana waxaan ogahay inuu yahay nin xaggina ku weyn oo magaciisa ayaan maqlaa ama moogayaasha iwm. hadaad haysid heesihiisa balka halka ku soo tuur aan dhageysto bal e... Maxamed Mooge , gaadhi Land Crusser ah oo Toyota ah oo noocii hore ee Siible qafasle ah ayay saarnaayeen isaga iyo dhawr toban Mujaahid ayay ahaayeen , gabadh Faadumo la odhan jiray ayaa iyaduna la socotay , halkaas ayaa Ambush jidgoyn loogu galay waxana u galay dadkii halganka dhabarka kala dagaalamay. Waxaan umalaynayaa meeshaas loo galay waa dhulka Soomali galbeed, right? su'aashedydu waxay tahay yaa ugalay? ma isla qabiilka uu ka soo jeedo laffo kamida (inside job) mise qabiilo kale oo localka aad u taqaanin ******ta ayaa jidka u gashay mise amxaaro illeen cidamaddii militeriga soomaliya meelahas kama shaqayn jirine! just curious adeer JB!
  18. ^^ Peacenow, how did you understand this news in somali? were you not the one seeking help for translation the other day? just curious! Re. Buubaa, if this news is true, then it is a severe blow to this tfg. This guy was the most reasonable one in this team tfg and if they lost him, which they virtually lost him long ago when the vet man (dhaqtarka digaaga) Mr. Geedi showed him the door after Buubaa sacked Mr. untauchable Ali America, Geedi's brother-in-low. This shows how this tfg, is clan-oriented business. split (share) between Geedi's & uncle wolf's, blukah! this TFG is a joke and it must GO now in its entirety before its late.
  19. ^^ address the issue as summarised by Geeljire above Halgam, when I said macallinka, I was right, sxb! what exactly do you want to know from me if I may ask, do you want to put the "words" you like into my mouth? what is it that you want me to say reg. this issue? I dont understand you at all. If you have problems decoding the "men in mask" or doesn't know what "mask" is then there places you get help from or you may look it up in dict. Good luck!
  20. ^ OK, macallinka, may you find someone to debate with you in extremly pleasant way.
  21. Chevez's Venezuela and Iran are in the same boat. They have nothing to fear about, the US can shed crock tears if she wants, the truth is these nations got oil and the economy is booming. so Chevez to shut this tv station is as "legitimicy" as the usa "ligitimizes" nicking people from world streets under pretext of national security. So if Chaves see this TV station as threat to his national security then why not close the whole sh1t thats how I see it.