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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^^ Who else! C'mon you know it! Wait for Duke! till he is in contact with his paramilitary on the ground!
  2. ^ Be presice adeer, who and his brother are you talking about here?
  3. Xilldhibaan Barre-Hiiraale Oo Dhaawac Uu Ka Soo Gaarey Qarax Miino Oo Lala beegsadey Meel U Dhaxeysa Baardheere iyo Xaruntiisa Muuri Xildhibaan Barre Aden Shire iyo Mas,uuliyiin la socotey ayaa maanta 12-30duhurnimo ayaa waxaa lala beegsadey baabuur ay wateen qarax la sheegay inuu yahay noocyada gacanta laga hago,iyadoo halkaasina dhaawac ay ka soo gaareen xildhibaan Barre Hiiraale iyo xubno la saarnaa baabuurka oo ay ka mid yihiin Xuseen Sheekh Ismaaciil (Fareey) iyo Aden Maxamed Wacay (Koronto). Dhammaan dadkii ku dhaawacmay qaraxaasi oo uu ka mid yahay darawalkii Baabuurka u wadey xilldhibanka oo xaaladiisu laga deyrinayo ayaa waxaa la dhigay rug caafimaad oo gaar loo leeyahay oo ku taala gudaha Magaalada Baardheere. Ilaa iyo hadda lama yaqaan cida ka dambeysa qaraxan maanta dhacay,waxaana kacsan xaalada nabadgelyo ee magaalada,waxaana xiran goobahii ganacsiga qaar ka mid ah. Qaraxan ayaa yimid xilli Bare hiiraale iyo xubnaha la socdey ay ku sii jeedeen dhinaca Muuri,iyagoo xiligaasi ka tagey Shiirkole ee Deg.Baardheere oo kulan ay kula lahaayeen maamulka iyo odoyaasha degmada Baardheere. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo qaraxyo noocani oo kale ah ay ka dhacaan degmada Baardheere,14-15 bishii shanaad ayey ahayd markii goobo shaneemooyin ah oo ku yaala gudaha Baardheere lagu weeraray bambooyin,iyadoo halkaasina ay dadku dhinteen. Waxii soo kordhana dib ayaan idinkala socodsiin doonaa A C Saalixi-GEDO-NN-Baardheere GNN
  4. Xildhibaan Barre Hiiraale oo ku dhaawacmey qarax miino oo lala beegsadey gaarigiisa. Mogadishu 27, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network)Xildhibaan Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale ayaa maanta dhaawac ka soo gaarey marki gaari uu la socdey ay la qaraxdey miino dhulka loogu aasey degmada Baardheere ee g/ka Gedo. Barre Hiiraale ayaa ku dhaawacmey qaraxaasi waxaana lala beegsadey miino dhulka lagu aasey isagoo maraayey duleedka Degmada Baardheere. Hadda ayaa waxaa xildhibaanka lagua dabiibayaa goob si gaar ah loo leeyahay oo ku taalla degmadaasi, isagoo la sheegey in dhaawaciisa uu yahay mid fudud. Sida uu ku soo waramey wariyaha Shabelle ee Baardheere waxaa sidoo kale ku dhaawacmey gaarigii Xildhibaanka uu watey xubno ay ka wada tirsanaan jireen isbaheysihii dooxada Jubba. Lama soo sheegin wax dhimasho ah oo qaraxaasi ka dhashey hasa yeeshee waxaa dhaawac halis ah soo gaarey daraawalkii gaariga u wadey xildhibaan Barre Hiiraale. Shabelle News Network
  6. Originally posted by me: Allamagan do you have this from the CIA website? they have allot fo declassified material from the 60's now. Maybe even stuff about Somalia. ME, if you go to CIA website and do a query or search by the word "Somalia", you will get considerable amounts of valuable declassified data back. Here are some selected titles. Very interesting though, it is picture format and cant be copied to be pasted here in SOL! Have a nice read. Somalia ------- 1- SOMALILAND PRESIDENT EGAL SPEAKS ON MYSTERIOUS BOMB BLAST 2- SOMALIA: DEALING WITH AIDEED 3- SOMALIA: LESSONS LEARNED FROM WHAT HASN'T WORKED 4- ETHIOPIA: THE IMPACT OF SOVIET MILITARY ASSISTANCE 5- ETHIOPIA-SOMALIA: OGAAADENIA SITUATION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR PRESIDENT SIAD 6- SOMALIA AND INSURGENCY IN THE OGAAADENIA 7- THE COUP ATTEMPT IN SOMALIA: BACKGROUND 8- (ESTIMATED PUB DATE) KENYA - SOMALIA - A COMPARISON OF MILITARY FORCES 9- SOMALIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR PRESIDENT SIAD OF A SOMALI WITHDRAWAL 10- POSSIBLE REPERCUSSIONS OF A SOVIET WIN IN ETHIOPIA/SOMALIA 11- INCREASED SOVIET MILITARY ADVISOR ROLE AND SOVIET GENERAL'S RECOMMENDATIONS CIA website
  7. Originally posted by Northerner: The guy and his party actually made some good domestic decisions. Paternity leave? He is arguably done good in domestic politics, but utterly failed in everything else he has ever tried to do in the ME. Discredited in that region, Blair now wants to make peace between falastiiin & israil. Waste of time and energy, I say!
  8. CIA conspired with mafia to kill Castro The CIA conspired with a Chicago gangster described as "the chieftain of the Cosa Nostra and the successor to Al Capone" in a bungled 1960 attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro, the leader of Cuba's communist revolution, according to classified documents published by the agency yesterday. The disclosure is contained in a 702-page CIA dossier known as the "Family Jewels" compiled at the behest of then agency director James Schlesinger in 1973. According to a memo written at the time, the purpose of the dossier was to identify all current and past CIA activities that "conflict with the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947" - and were, in other words, illegal. The dossier covers operations including domestic surveillance, kidnapping, infiltration of anti-war movements, and the bugging of leading journalists. But its detailed information on assassination attempts against foreign leaders is likely to attract most attention. The plot to kill Mr Castro, whom the US government at the time considered a threat to national security and a stooge of the Soviet Union, begins quietly and sinisterly in August 1960. The documents released yesterday describe how a CIA officer, Richard Bissell, approached the CIA's Office of Security to establish whether it had "assets that may assist in a sensitive mission requiring gangster-type action. The mission target was Fidel Castro". The dossier continues: "Because of its extreme sensitivity, only a small group was made privy to the project. The DCI (Director of Central Intelligence Allen Welsh Dulles) was briefed and gave his approval." Following the meeting with the Office of Security, Bissell employed a go-between, Robert Maheu, and asked him to make contact with "gangster elements". Maheu subsequently reported an approach to Johnny Roselli in Las Vegas. Roselli is described as "a high-ranking member of the 'syndicate' (who) controlled all the ice-making machines on the (Las Vegas) Strip and (who) undoubtedly had connections leading into the Cuban gambling interests". The CIA is careful to cover its tracks. According to the dossier, Maheu told Roselli that he (Maheu) has been retained by international businesses suffering "heavy financial losses in Cuba as a result of Castro's action. They were convinced that Castro's removal was the answer to their problem and were willing to pay the price of $150,000 (£75,000) for its successful accomplishment". Roselli was also told that the US government was not, and must not become aware of the operation. Roselli in turn led the CIA to a friend, known as Sam Gold. In September 1960, Maheu was introduced to Gold and his associate, known as Joe. In a development that appears to underscore the amateurishness of the whole operation, Maheu subsequently accidentally spotted photographs of "Sam and Joe" in Parade magazine. Gold was in fact Momo Salvatore Giancana, "the chieftain of Cosa Nostra (the mafia) and the successor to Al Capone". Joe was actually Santos Trafficante, Cosa Nostra boss of Cuban operations. At a meeting at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach, Gold/Giancana suggested that rather than try to shoot or blow up Mr Castro, "some type of potent pill that could be placed in Castro's food or drink would be much more effective". He said a corrupt Cuban official, named as Juan Orta, who was in debt to the syndicate and had access to the Cuban leader, would carry out the poisoning. The CIA subsequently obtained and supplied "six pills of high lethal content" to Orta but after several weeks of abortive attempts, Orta demanded "out" of the operation. Another disaffected Cuban was recruited to do the job, but he demanded money up front. In the event, the dossier relates, "the project was cancelled shortly after the Bay of Pigs episode" (in April, 1961). Yesterday's document release under the Freedom of Information Act also reveals details of CIA bugging and surveillance operations and the handling of a Soviet defector and KGB agent, Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko, in 1965-67. Also made public are 147 pages of documents relating to CIA assessments of the Soviet and Chinese cold war leaderships. "The CIA fully understands it has an obligation to protect the nation's secrets, but it also has a responsibility to be as open as possible," CIA director Michael Hayden said yesterday. "The declassification of historical documents is an important part of that effort." Source:
  9.,,,'s pulsh1tz ma ahee wax kale ha keeno. xaggeey jireeen markii xamar BM & madaafiicda lagu gaaracayey shacab aana waxba galabsan? It is an insult to their intelligent adeer!
  10. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by N/AA: Dagaalkaan so ma beenowin? Ma awalbey run so tebin jireen? Waraa juje ka qalee dadkan adiga noo! adi sniper weyn a tahay, jooji dhibka. Dadkaneto tacsi o u fadhiya ha rabshenin nooh! shuuus! sory am out...
  11. Horn, A bit hasty decision tho I think. You shouldn't quit from this politic section at all, but rather be not active as you used to be in here and from an islamic point of view should try to aviod all these clasical slippy muddy threads. Some people here hated you because of your uncompromising stance & true over many issues and I am sure many others here will be missing you as well so hope you take some good break and come back. Many here like MR X, MR Q9, MR 007 & MR Qoslaaye are all celebrating tonight tho . Good luck and you welcome any time. Convey my salams to brother Nuur out there Farax Brown, Adeer ma istiri, you like to challenge me these days . In another thread you asked me questions which I answered, and I asked you questions you presumably decided to ignore... NW, it is your deal!
  12. Originally posted by Emperor: Allamagan where is the source of the news? here..
  13. Originally posted by khalid bin waleed: "^Adigu dadka maydka ah ayaa dagaal kula jirtaa, markaa warkaaga qoraal maleh... Qofka amaba xataa isagoo kula dagaalaaya ha dhinto ama si kaleba ha udhibtee, qofku markuu dhinto ciida hoosteeda ayuu galay lalama xisaabtamo, laakiin adiga taas waa kaa dhacsantahay ee mayaatiinka ayaad lafac noqotay, walahi waa yaab, kuwa mayd dhintay gubay ayaan aragnay... Subhanallah" IF YOUR GONA FORGIVE HIM AFTER YOU KILLED HIM WHY KILL HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE. OMG, are you confused brother? What are you talking about here?
  14. Col Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa wuxuu yahay nin dakano badan oo dadku aysan jecleyn. Wuxuu la mid yahay Dhurwaagii duqoobay ee weydiistay carruurtiisa inay qaadaan oo ay geeyaan meel nabadeed oo uu ku alleysto. Markey meel geeyaanba wuxuu yiraahdaa “halkaan waxaan ku cunay Lax heblaayo.” Meel kale markey u raadiyaan wuxuu ku calaacalaa “halkaanna waxaan habeen ku cunay Rati hebel oo ay habar heblaayo keligii ka lahayd.” Markii dambe ayay carruurtii Dhurwaagu yiraahdeen “hadde Aabbe xaggeen ku dhignaa?” Wuxuu ugu jawaabay “weligiinba kor ii sida .” Haddaba, Col Cabdullaahi Yuusuf wuxuu doonayaa inay weligii kor u sidaan Ethiopia ama ciidan kale oo ajnabi ah. Source:
  15. Cabdiqasim Salad Xassan oo wareysi siiyey idaacada VOA
  16. Apart from hunting down the firxadkii Afguduud and destroying any threats posed by them, it seems that reer Gedo boys catching up the TFG-clan in terms of how the the game is being played out by using whatever card at their desposal.
  17. Afhayeenka Beesha **** ee gobolka J/hoose ayaa warbixin dheer siiyey maanta jaaliyadda Beesha **** ee ku nool qurbaha. Warbixintaan waxaa noo soo diray maxamed xasan caynab oo jooga siaatle washinton ee wadanka maraykanka oo ka mid ahaa dhagaystayaasha teleconfreensiga maanta la qabtay Xasan Dheere oo kula hadlayey jaaliyadda khadka telefoonka ee loo yaqaan teleconfreensiga ayaa sheegay in Kismaayo ay soo weerareen kooxo is bahaystay ee jabhadda ONLF ee ka dagaalanta itoobiya iyo Aragagixisada alqaacida oo ay isku hayb yihiin Madaxweyne C/laahi Yusuf . ilaahay mahadiina alle waa nooga guuleeyey ayuu afhayeenku intaa ku daray Waxaa kaloo afhayeenkusheegay in C/laahi Yusuf iyo Gen. Morgan ay dhiiragaliyeen kooxahaas oo rabay inay Kenya iyo Baydhabo kala aadaan, uguna bishaareeyey maadaama ay Itoobiya diiday inay kaalmayso in uu ciidamo iyo dhaqaalaba ka soo abaabuli doono puntland. "Haddii aad sidatan kismaayo uga baxdaan, dib dambe gacanteena ugu soo noqon mayso" ayuu yiri C/laahi Yusuf, waa sidii uu hadalka u dhigay Afhayeenku. mar la waydiiyey amaan xumada ka jirta Kismaayo, "Way jirtaa in maleeshiyo caraysan markay magaalada ku soo noqotay inay boob ka gaysteen oo ay baabuur iyo hanti kalaba qaateen, Laakiin waan soo celinay wixii ay qaateen" ayuu yiri afhayeenku. "waxaanu dhisaynaa guddi hoosaadyo iyo ciidan suga amaanka magaalada Kismaayo ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray afhayeenku." Mar wax laga waydiiyey inay kalsoonida kala noqdeen dowladda Federaalka afhayeenku waxaa uu yiri "Annagu waan taageersanahay dowladda Federaalka, ciidanka dagaalayana waxay markoodii hore ka wada tirsanaayeen dowladda walina ka wada tirsan yihiin, Laakiin dowladdu ma aha C/laahi Yusuf ee dowladdu waa shicibka". Waxaa kaloo afhayeenku sheegay inay weerari doonaan muddo 24-saac gudahood ah kooxaha fariisinka ka dhigtay Tuulada Janaale Cabdalle oo 60 KM u jirta magaalada kismaayo, hadaysan isaga tagin oo banayn meesha " wax aan qarinaynana ma aha" ayuu raaciyey afhayeenku. Xasan Dheere oo digniin tanoo kala ah hore u siiyey maleeshiyada daacadda u ah C/laahi Yusuf iyo Col Afguduud ayaa ka dhabeeyey digniintiisii hore. Afhayeenku waxaa kaloo uu intaa ku daray in ciidamada Gedo ku sugan ay ka maarmaan iskuna filan yihiin waqtigaan hadda la joogo, laakiin loo baahan yahay inay diyaar ahaadaan waqti kasta oo loo baahdo. "Xiriirkeena waa joogto madaxda dowladda Itoobiya iyo saraakiisha wasaaradda gaashaandhiga ee DFKMG ah wayna nagu waafaqsan yihiin go'aamada aanu qaadanayno" ayuu yiri afhyeenku, isagoo xaqiijiyey in wasiir ku xigeenka difaaca Salaad Cali Jeelle iyo General Gabre ee itoobiya ay u hambalyeeyeen. Inkastoo uu afhayeenku uu ka hadlay arimo kale oo xasaasi ah haddana warbixintii waxay ku dhamaatay is afgarad iyo iyadoo talooyin badan loo soo jeediyey Afhayeenka iyo Ciidamada kismaayo, laguna booriyey inay si wanaagsan ula dhaqmaan dadka rayidka ah , ciidanka amaankana laga soo xulo beelaha wada dega magaalada
  18. Originally posted by Juje: Hadhow bey oraan hanola tacsiyeeyo....! looooooooooooooooooooooooool @ Juje, damn I spilt my coffe on by pants, man!. You got 'em there!
  19. Originally posted by Gediid: I wonder what diplomacy and running the meter in a cab have in common???? looool, maybe TFG supporters here would enlighten for us to understand the relation between diplomacy & running a meter in a cab!
  20. Duke, ma caraysanaysaa misna? mise business as usaul gidaarada la taagnoow dhac, kufsad & crocodile tears! have a nice huuhaahuuu alla ba'nayyee. Where is my tea!
  21. ^ It is more like family run circus! ciddii ugashaba ha daawato!