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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Innocent until proven guilty. What evidence did they presented or suggested that these two guys killed the deputy? Reading these article neither this tfg presented any evidence against these two guys nor did these two guys pleaded guilty. "They just killed a deputy" is not enough! Allaha u naxariisto!
  2. This is hilarious! watch and listen Chris Rock on how not to get your åss kicked by the police. Watch it!
  3. Magaalada Dhagaxbuur, ugu yaraan 20 qoys oo looga shakiyey inay qaraabo la yihiin ONLF ayaa lala wareegay geelooda It is these kind of actions that many people have left no choice but to join the resistance. May Allah grant them victory. amin!
  4. 60 min: An interview of Hassan Batt (video) In this video this guy have admitted to have been involved terrorism activities in UK and overseas, and helped fundraising lots of money to be used on these purposes only and I wonder why he is not charged with terrorism. He may have now realized of his evil doings, but then think about all the people that have been affected by his and his likes activities like selling drugs, brainwashing kids, collecting money for terrorism etc. strange, he should be accauntable for all these things and come clean. This organisation Almuhajiroon activists are still active in British universities and preach hatred and make noises etc.
  5. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^No idea. I'm still trying to put a face to the name Here is the man, Hassan Butt
  6. ^^ Personal attack? oo adigu magacyadaas aan sheegay mid kamida miyaa lugu yiraa? Kee? aanu bal ogaane, kaana raali gashee? Duke, sidaad lasocotidba, waxaa hadda Kismaayo lagu hayaa 150 wiil oo uu Afgaduud kaga cararay goobtii oo camp lagu daryeelo, Xassan Dheerana wuxuu leeyahay ma masruufi karno wixii intaa ka badan ee TFG haddii aysan masruufkooda meel saarin xaaladooda caafimaad waa mid laga dayrinayo gaajada & cuno la'aanta ka jirta meesha. Ka warran raggani adeer YEEY siduu ka yeelaa. Maalin walba ayeey soo galaan kadib markii duurka & saxaraha dhowr berri ku soo dhmeysteen meel la aadana garan waayeen ayeey iska soo noqdeen ayagoo isa soo dhiibaya
  7. Hadduu soo cesho rag kale ayaa ku tagaya oo qaadanaya ee see la yelaa hee!
  8. Allaha u naxariisto. Dhiiga shacabka waa la iska xalaashaday.
  9. loool @ ina-Dhiigsokeeye! xataa haddii Ina Cadaab-wardiyeeye ama ina-KaadiBadane iyo dhamaan bah Wajiyo Xun oo dhan la soo kaxeeyo wax aay arrinkan ka badali karaan ayaaba iska yar aanan ka ahayn in ayaga qudhooda laga sii qanimeysto
  10. Ciidamo daacad ah Col Shaatiguduud oo kacdoon ka bilaabay Magaalada Baydhabo Ciimada Col Shaati Guduud iyo kuwo dowlada aya ku diriray alada Baydhabo ka dib markii ay rasaas isku furueen. Ciidamada Col Shaati guduud ayaa ah kuwo rasaasta bilaabay. Labo ruux ayaa ku nafwaayey oo ahaa rayid, aanan waxba ka ogayn israssaasayntaan. Kacdoon hoose oo la filayo inuu mar qura is qabsado wadanka dhan ayaad moodda inuu wadanka ka socdo guud ahaan. Baladwayne ayaa iyadana dagaal fool-ka fool ah looga horyimid ciidamda dowladda. Dhimasho iyo dhaawac iyo waliba barakac ayuu gaystay isk horaimaadkaa. Muqdisho ayaa iyadana joogto ay tahay weerarada lagu hayo dowladda c/laahi Yusuf iyo Geedi. dhimashada iyo dhaawaca ayaa kuwo aan xad lahayn. Magaalada Kismaayo beryahan degan. Amaanka Kismaayo ayaa mid ka soo raynaya. Dowladda FKMG ayaa ku guulaysan wayday kalsonida shacabka Soomaaliyeed; iyadoo hadda la kulmaysay iska diidid xoog badan, iyadoo dowlaadu ay awood u la' dahay iska caabinta shacabka gadoodsan
  11. Thanks Rudy, now we have this amazing Surface Computing today how about tomorrow? Where will technology lead us in the next 20 yrs or 50 yrs time? unimaginable speed and full of surprises!!
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  13. This is not surprise to me and many other nomads here. Mr M Dhere threats were/is imminent. He was/is on the old man's throat all the time and many believed that this is what forced AY to send his militants to regain control over the port city Kismayo so he can relocate himself there just in case MD's tornado turns ugly & destructive. What would he do? only time will tell. The current situation is like jini jini saaran jini kala saaran sort of you know..
  14. Thanks, very interesting article! An outgoing rocket, mortar round or artillery shell is known as a 'To Whom It May Concern" . An incoming missile or place of shrapnel has a distinctive sound, a spinning, whistling noise that goes "ssuf, ssuf, ssuf". In Mogadishu it is called a "Yusuf" with the emphasis on the last syllable. Friends saying goodbye to one another will add a parting remark such as "If you see Yusuf on your way home Just ignore him" . looool @ "To Whom It May Concern" so anyone it concerns will get their lethal copy The vast majority of the remaining inhabitants of Mogadishu have nothing but contempt for the two leaders. Both have acquired derisive nicknames; "Ali Mahdi is known as "Ali Diesel" after an impassioned appeal he made to the international community for immediate humanitarian assistance. He spoke of the need for food, medicines, blankets and doctors, but "our most pressing need of all is for diesel". It was not a secret that Ali Mahdi's Range Rover ran on diesel . Cali Naafto [big Grin]
  15. in London stabbing is ever increasing new culture for the blacks.
  16. ^^ priorities, priorities innit!
  17. No doubt, Somalia has exploitable natural resources but then there is no somali people that can exploit these resources as fully as possible coz they are in brian death situation busy with other stuff and got stuck up somewhere in 18th century. May Allah unite them again!
  18. Or he could be in Baghdad, queuing up for his new belt to be handed out
  19. Complete copy cat nonsense. Gaajadda & AIDS-ka ha iska saaraan marka hore!
  20. She would later record their phone conversations, in which he allegedly admits having sex with her when she was 10 10? was he crazy? a 10 yrs old girl! man, if the above quote is true and can be proved before court then he is one S.O.B and may he rot in jail for the rest of his life. If he didn't do it then why disappearing? Wouldn't be better to fight and clear his name instead?
  21. The commoners think Somalis are some kind of some super race who takes .... Yes we are masha'Allah a unique black race. An old Jamaican woman once asked me where I come from, I was with my son in a super market in London that time and I told her that we are somali, she then said in admiration "you guys are rich in the blood" to which I was quite overwhelmed by her remarks and asked her what did she mean about that and she said: "well, you guys got this beautiful black gen we are lack of"...and I was stunned didn't know what to say than ... "is it?" So no doubt we are proad to be different, black & beautiful.
  22. Allamagan

    Sad day...!

    ^ JB, ma umalaynayo soomali miyirkiisa qaba oo amxaar uyeertay inuu jiro. Dadka u yeertay waa la yaqaanaa.
  23. That is a disaster move and if not feasable at all!
  24. Allamagan

    1 July

    Happy 1st July to all SOLers, Eventhough there is nothing to celebrate. But one day, one day insha'Allah we gonna make it, break the ice and be united once again under 1 flag, 1 republic, 1 people and 1 love. insha'Allah! 1love Allamagan!
  25. Allamagan

    Sad day...!

    ^^ Very sad indeed!