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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Originally posted by Khayr: God was merciful to him by permitting him to die in such a state and in such a blessed place. Masha'Allah. I am happy for this brother. And of course, he will be resurrected in such state he died under. Naseeb baa la is dheeryahay! Originally posted by Khayr: I pray that I might be worthy of such an honor, ya al muqadim, ya al wajid, al qayyum, ya al rahman, inshallah. Brother, pray not for yourself only rather pray for the whole muslims, your loved ones, any muslim including yourself. Hence use 'we' rather than 'I'. And Amin to your prayer. Allaha kuu sahlo!
  2. Originally posted by peacenow: So yes, big up on that big forehead, soft hair, and slim nose . Peacenow, We been rejected by other "blacks" simply because of these features you mentioned above. I always though you ashamed of these somali features because they were not too africans.
  3. I am wondering about their nuke systems may get out of their hands. They need to unite not to be divided. I watched a CNN documentary called "Pakinstan, the enemy from within" depicting musharaf as "the man with two faces" i.e when he is with the west he is pro western and strong playa of this war on terror and at home he lies to them and accused of giving them shelter top talibans and alqacida leaders. I dont think he is giving them shelter, could be they are living in Pakistan without his knowledge. We all know how many of them he handed out to americans. This is just a plain accusation.
  4. ^^ If he proves that he is what he said that he is in front of the mirror, would you take that clown remark back then?
  5. Illaahay dadkaan haka siidaayo gacanta gaalamadowdan. Wax public-support ama kalsooni ah oo aay dowlad kusheegtani shacabka ka haysato malahan aan ka ahayn 2 subclans iyo tigree soogalooti ah.
  6. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Are we gathering the rubbishes now yaa Juje? Shaarib presides ruthless looters whose acts are documented in the Waamo books! That he speaks his beel is sad really but dont count on him adeer, these thugs have no credebility to oppose the tfg. let us talk about the ones on TFG uniforms looting and raping innocent civilians, then you will even make more sense sxb. Spot on Abwaanow. Dad ayaanba u jeedin dhibka iyo qaxarka iyo barakaca lagu hayo dadka reer Muqdisho oo meelo kale u hanqaltaagaya. I am very grateful that you and Juje quickly spotted it.
  7. ^^^ Duke, baryahan caadi ma tihide! I know you hate truth dont you? as they say truth always hurts! By the way forget about all the rubbish above, ok! but Duke, you haven't yet introduced to us your new defense minister, wi dunno this guy and his bio and his new role within the ti-ef-gi? and the last but not least you haven't updated us latest about C/Qasim, sorry mudane C/Qasim! how about mudane, the former statesman, the last president of Somalia Dr. C/Qasim is getting on with his increased new security? We all know you put out alot of PR for uncle's TFG, and as an insider, we know your sources are nothing but reliable, however, you seem to be very preoccupied with some other minor issues like (Baidao, Gedo, SNF, Baardheere) rather than the pressing issues like Kismayo's & this failed reconciliation process on July 15th, Mogadishu security and so on. what happened Dukoow, shaqadaadi waad ka gabisay, maalmahane
  8. loool @ beesha SNF by juje. Haa, afhayeenku waa runtiis soomalida oo dhan baa ku raacsan intaan ka ahayn the Dukes.
  9. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: This is outragious, you are using the death & the history of the people of Bay & Bakool for a cheap political shot? All these because Hiirale & his backers supposedly defeated your folks for Kismayo! Shame on you!!! :mad: :mad: Spot on Faarax-Brownoow sxb. Xanaaqii Kismaayo ayaa halkaa ka tuuray inaay taariikhdii soomaliya sidii aay rabaan u qoraan. Notice: these men are desperate and shouldn't be approached or argued as they may have e-knifes & e-forks . yaan lagu stab-gareen adeer shaashada lagaaga soo dusinin adoo meeshaada fadhiya
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: A lil child saw this Arab dude singing with his khamees and she shouted ALLA WAA WADAAD HEESAYA loool @ ALLA WAA WADAAD HEESAYA. War anigaa sidaa ahaa haata ka horow!
  11. Maryooley aabaheed ha [tii la mamnuucay kuu buuxi meeshaa adeer] horraa loo yiri soomali gar la qabto malahan ee gafuur la garaaco ayeey leedahay. Soomali ayadaa is dhigtay meeshaa aay maanta taalo, ayagaana dowladoodi iska burburiyey ayagoon wax qorshe ah hayn. Waa dad wadaninimadu ku yartahay.
  12. Duke, loool@ boota beena. I call that foaming at the mouth blood pressure-ka ma kugu kicinayo. Caawa intaas aan kaaga tagayaa Good night!
  13. ^^ One man one vote, then you are minority there. agree? Btw forget about this tfg thing. It is dead and I tell you brother you better warn your kin soldiers in Mogadishu to vacate the city before its too late... otherwise they will taste the wrath of the locals they been terrorising last 8 months or so. Take my advise or I dont want you talk about xasuuq hadhooweto.
  14. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^The governemnt of the land does not accept your clans claims over he city. The same way it never accepted the claims of the Clan Courts. So, Afguduud boys are the accepted ones? i.e the rightful owners, huh? is that what you trying to say here miicaad miiganoow?
  15. ^ so these days when you tried in vain and lost all hope you started another campaign of baardheere this Elwak that..... waxaad ku raad gadato ayaad waysay haye halkaas ayeey kula maraysaa. Lets stay on track and talk about Kismayo, shall we? :cool:
  16. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^ Adeer forget Kismayu think about how you will keep the occupation of CeelWaq and Bardheere? I know who will be leaving on a donkey soon. [/QB] buke, you trying to distract the attention from Kismayo, huh?. Would that mean you guys now forgot all about Kismayo. war away kabalyeerigii!
  17. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^Adeer the point here is simple the majority of Somali people, clans and their leaders are pro TFG , stability, peace and the restoration of the state. Beentaa weeye. If that was true YEY wouldn't have been self imposed solitary confinement in Madaxtooyo's undergrouds.
  18. Innaa lillahi waiina ileyhi raajicuun. Allaha u naxariisto xaq daro ayaa lagu dilay masaakiintaas la khalday.
  19. ^^ Duke, I know inad muran jeceshahay adeer. cid walba waa ogtahay Geedi dhafoorkiisa waay u jeedaan iyo siduu u dawarsanayo lacag beena iyo soomali ayaanu heshiisiinaynaa looga soo qaadayo boqorka. Kismaayo iiga warran? update me taas aa aniga iyo adiga inoo dan ahe
  20. ^ looool Yaa dawarsadey! bal eega Geedi siduu isu gaa-gaabiyo miskiin miskiin isaga dhigayo. War wuxu dawarsigu badanaa. Melez ayaa yiri u tag oo inoo soo dawarso!
  21. ^ So you must be the b-day girl, huh? Happy Birthday!
  22. I once read in a magazine an interesting article about this hedge funds thing and how some young Londoners make BIG money out of this by charging at least more than 20% of gross returns as a performance & management fee but again the regarded managers demanding higher fees than others. All these as non taxable income Below is very interesting story about one of these guys. Take the Hedge-Fund Money and Run He built an $80 million investment business, scammed friends, family, and a 9/11 widow out of a fortune, then walked out of his life. By Robert Kolker "....He was a college dropout with one year of experience on Wall Street who built an $80 million hedge fund out of nothing in just four years. Few conducted their schemes quite as audaciously: Angelo must be the only con man to have taken money from his sister, his in-laws, and the widow of a firefighter who died on 9/11. And once his fund proved to be nothing more than a glorified Ponzi scheme, Angelo joined an even more rarefied club: the select few who, shortly before sentencing, pull a vanishing act. Wherever he is now—and the manhunt continues—the federal marshals assigned to his case believe he has enough money stowed away to stay there for some time. What no one knows is what turned a bright kid from Queens into one of Wall Street’s most notorious grifters. And why, when he got busted, he risked even more and ran." read more....
  23. Why do their men dance like women, like shaking their **** constantly? Their Sharax music is cool but these men killed it when they dance to it. blukah!
  24. Oh, yeah, why not! alwayz proad to have places like Bermuda, Cirtoogte, Habar Walid, Galgalato, Shinemo Galkacyo (a unique cinema), Bali Kibir & last but not least Naaso Hablood.
  25. Haddaan la hadlo raggan Abwaan isu xaanajinaya ninkan dhulkaneto cid ka badisa ama ka xigta ma lahan ee is tartiibsha. Abwaan, Duke wuxuu yaqaana oo kaliya magaalooyinka adeerkiis ka talin jiray ee uu xoogga & qoriga caaradiisa ku haystay.