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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. TFG ARE SELLING THE INVITATION CARD $100 Monkey Business dheh!
  2. Geedi intuu hadda haysto aa ku filan muxuu imaanka isaga qaadayaa. Ta kale boqol boqolka aay ka qaadeen odayaasha ayaaba ku filan in meesha lagu socodsiiyo. Ka soo qaad 8000 aa timid markaa haddii 8000 boqol boqol bixiso, markaa 8000 qof midkiiba baxsho $100 = $80000 intaas kaliya ayaa lagu wadi karaa shirkan. Raashina digirtooda iyo jaadkooda iyo caanahooda baraxa ah waa isku dhamaatay weliba Cali Naafato waxaa uga soo haraya lacag badan. Geedi waa gartiis asaga iyo Yey waxba ugama soo baxayaan meesha tooda waxaay ku xirran tahay xisaabta ka imaaneysa EU-da & USA.
  3. They should have addedd some more landscape gardening to it to even look more waaaaaw!!. Masha'Allah and well done!
  4. Qaar ka mid ah Hay'adaha Warbaahinta Soomaaliya oo Lacag lagu siiyay buun buunida Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Qaran I certainly know one in SOL who got money for that purpose above.
  5. Originally posted by Dabshid: lool, Adeer anagu digirta riyaha baanu siinaa, Haduu warkani Jiro, meesha waa la gu dhintay. Ninka digirta cunaa wuu seddex qadi karaa, armaa dhaqaale ahaan iyo ayadoo geedani meel kasta laga heli karo loo siiyey odayaasha. Mideeda kale waaba fiber rich dietry. Think economic adeer!
  6. Waryaa Dhubad naga kala aayar Qaadisiya & beenteeda. Beenta goortay xalaal noqotay ayaan garan la ahay dad wadaado isku sheegayo waaye haddana waxaan oo kale qoraya. Subxaanallaah!
  7. lool @ 'Hickory dickory dock'
  8. Of course Duke doesnt care about Geedi or anyone else except his "hero" uncle. So folks you gotta watch out!.
  9. Monkey business going on there all the time. Completely illegal.
  10. ^ D-Jabooti doesn't count because it falls under what would be called the Tigray/TFG spere of influence. It would be like holding the conference in Addis. Maybe not to that extent, but close. One example which would work: Khartoum. Why didn't anybody mention Khartoum ? I dont understand exactly what you mean by the above quote when you saying that Jabuuti is almost like Addis if not close without substantial proof to support with your claim. You also need to look back Jabuuti's stand on somalia crises and how to approach it. One thing I noticed that you trying to avoid or ignore here is recognizing Eritrea's interests in somalia conflict. Agree they are not our foe, however we have the same enemy but all this done at our expense. So if they those in Asmara want this Asmara conference ever to materialize which I doubt then they would need first to identify Eritrea's role & interests in Somalia are there any interest conflict between them, are they free in terms of decision making without interferences or demands attached like the TFG and so on and when all these agreed & identified then to carry on from there so eventually all efforts bear fruit. I honestly believe Eritrea is not honest about this and wants its battlefield with Ethiopia diverted from its territory right into Somalia and keep it there till it achieves its own political goals.
  11. Allamagan

    Bully Boss

    Awlugeeye why not Fataxa isugu mari weysen in la eryo? Anyway I do understand the dilemma here, however it all depends on how you play the game with her and especially at very low profile and also to prioritize things. And when the day she really needs you guys' help & support comes in then why not give her the finger that she deserved. I had once a similar situation, you know most of IT people have their own offices some where remote or far corner offices near the server rooms (in most unpleasant places). I remember we were 6 people in IT dept including this bully and always farting boss. He did this numerous times and quite openly. you would often hear this "dhiiiq" somewhere near you and I personally could handle him being a bully, but hell no to the farting. It was exremly unbearable for us all and a very disgusting situation to be in. Everyone of us was happy with his/her job, good sallary but no one dares to mention this to him. I paid the price when I finally confronted him. So it is about making choices no matter the outcome. I complained to his boss and his boss wanted to hear more from my colleagues as well where they regrettably let me down by not supporting me or doing their bit to stop this. sidii ayaan ku shubay annigu ayaguna malaha bahashii ku cabayeen!
  12. Markuu hadlayo wuxuu u hadlayaa sidii nin cunaha lagu dhegan yahay, hadalkiisu clear ma ahan sidii awal lagu yaqiinay umahadlayo hence an indication of seriousness of his wellbeing.
  13. Originally posted by Kashafa: Not being able to travel there...That's a good reason. Well, actually not. Know why ? Because no other country will host the ICU. Not Saudi, Not Qatar, Not Dubai, Not Egypt. So where do you want them to go ? Still haven't heard a viable alternative(Djbouti, doesn't count). Adeer tell me ONE good reason as to why Djbouti doesn't count?
  14. Originally posted by me: Boodheri meesha uu ku dhasay iyo cida uu yahay cid u diidaysaa ma jirto, meeshan waxaan leeyahay in artska soomaaliyeed a qabyaaladeeyo maaha. Soomaali oo dhan ayaa isla leh, in Boodheri loo isticmaalo as a propoganda tool maaha. Thats not hard to get is it? BOB waan ku fahmay, hasayeeshee waad khaldantahay. The legacy of Boodheri a great Somali poet should not be tainted by these secessonist mafia. Waad ka saxsan tahay dadkaan sxb. Waxaa soo socota heestaa waxaa iska leh somaliland iwm. Adeeryaal fanaaninta iyo sugaanta soomaliyeed qolo gooni uleexsan karta malahan. Hodan & Cilmi Boodhari, Calimaax & Cawrala, Maymun & Muruudi kulli waa somali icons and for somalis.
  15. Originally posted by Gordon Gekko: the kid really looks like his father! yes, weliba indhaha iyo sanka
  16. ^ sxb, I am not convinced that. why just Asmara? isn't it a sign of dependency? You see the whole picture getting there the amhara dependents Vs Asmara dependents. We lost in between these two kafir ragimes and fighting their wars. Why? why not in Jabuti? It would have been better place of course.
  17. Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: Wrong place, wrong time and they will say the same thing they have been saying for the past few months(wadaanki waa la haysta). PERIOD! or ina keen aanu isjiid-jiidne weeye.
  18. Gabankan shirwaca could be the next Oday Cabdulle if he refrains from fvk this fvk that and all that shyt hooyo caayga iwm.
  19. :confused: Very strange indeed! She is 30 yrs older than him, got all children and grandchildren. I first thought it was kinda hoax and done some Google search and found out to be true then. Well here are the happy couple together. She looks like his mum tho Comments from some Times Online readers: Dear Jane, If you ever meet his father, you will be covered from head to toe, and probably not allowed to speak. Good luck with your plans for world peace. I'm sure he is really interested in your opinion. Patrick Henry, Bristol, UK Surely this is pushing the "hearts and mind" campaign to the extreme. Whatever will the Pentagon think of next? Robbie Rohan, Great Chart, Kent, UK There is no Fool Like an Old Fool seems appropriate here. He is thirty years younger, and has another wife and son. She has Multiple Sclrosis - does she really think he will be there when she gets worse? She seems to be deluding herself this marriage will work, and seems to have some sort of "God Complex" that the marriage will help bring world piece. Very sad to think women can be so self-delusional. Lia Mitchel, South Africa, Did the sclerosis get into her brain? She thinks she can be a peace maker? It will be a failure just like her 5 previous marriages. She might be encouraging her husband to marry an American soon to make peace with the US while she’s at it. She is so ****** that her father-in-law must be laughing in his beard BX, Leeds, Who is she kidding? Herself first and foremost. He only wants to get a a British passport. Marina, PARIS, FRANCE Did the sclerosis get into her brain? She thinks she can be a peace maker? It will be a failure just like her 5 previous marriages. She might be encouraging her husband to marry an American soon to make peace with the US while she’s at it. She is so ****** that her father-in-law must be laughing in his beard. BX, Leeds, ::source::
  20. ME, if you not being sarcastic here I remember this and I quote you: It seems like the place is being overrun by Somali haters. First they hijack the seven wonders thread, now this one.....kick'em while they down huh? Umad dhan ayaad si xun uga hadashay peacenow. ....and now you saying to keep it up!!.
  21. ^^ not because we held our nose in the air at them but due to petty jealousy they consumed during the history.