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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ Cabdullahi wadanka waa laga hayey waligiisna wuxuu ku riyoon jiray ayuu maanta meel cidla ah ka helay oo ahayd inuu dalka & jamhuuriyada oo dhan gacanta u gesho amxaaro wuuna suubiyey balse uma suurtagaleyso. Ta kale su'aashii aan ku weydiiyey kama aadan soo jawaabin. Mar haddii aad sidaa u hadlaysid adeer soomali adigoo kale weeye markaa wax laga sugaba iska yar.
  2. Originally posted by Heer-Sare: ^Aw-Bakeyle Clan waa "dameertii geela didisey ee wali sii bururfleyn" sheekadoodu. Dambigey soomaali kagaleen hadii lugu iloobey waxay ahayd inay afkooda haystaan. Waa tanaa, kuwaanoo kale inta soomali ku jiraan ayaa la leeyahay lets move on. Waryaa dambiga aay soomali ka galeen oo aan ahayn inaay kaa hayeen dugaaga iyo Cabdullaahi Yuusufoo kale bal adeer inoo sheeg bal?
  3. ^somali waa soomalidii hore waxa maanta joogana waa wada jawaasiis iyo calooshiis -u-shaqeyste.
  4. Typical Aideed Jr. always spewing rubish out of his mouth, I wonder when he became president of Somalia. I heard many times of him repeating this "when I was the Somali president" Waa la yabaye gabanka maxa si ka ah.
  5. Ngonge, so in this video who is to asuume Kashafa was, was he the freaky little boy downed and dragged or the fulay geesiga noqday "sreet fighter" dude? Anyway the dude got almost what he asked for
  6. Ngonge, so in this video who is to asuume Kashafa was, was he the freaky little boy downed and dragged or the fulay geesiga noqday "sreet fighter" dude? Anyway the dude got almost what he asked for
  7. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Married girl must have a known house. Lord have mercy on us! waxa ba'ay kuwii aad interpreter u noqotid sxb!
  8. A warning strong signal to turkey's secularist generals and fags. Congrats to Akapi
  9. ^ Forget about that, I need your help here. Click here scroll all the way down and explain to me what are these last 5 entries at the bottom mean? are these true somali proverb or what? Jimcaale you go first!
  10. ^Jimcaale, Puujaa's one is better than yours. Anyway if you dare to share it here with us?
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: JB became another Duke. Waa la yaabay! Why sxb ? ,,,,, i'm not the writer of the article but do you want me not to post such articles ??? JB, even Duke is not the writer of the all stuff he posts here, anway, ma bruder, ha ubixin nooh! I do really enjoy most of your posts, however when it comes to secessionist propoganda you do sometimes have tendency to exaggerate things a bit and flood us with undigestable reads if you know what I mean
  12. ^^ Jimcaale adiga afsomali aa kuu gooyeyba "Cat with a lion teeth at home" looooool @ ^ translation-oow xaal qaado!
  13. Originally posted by Caravaggio: Peacenow maa kugu neefsade.
  14. akhirosabaan dheh wataa caydhii daaro cirka kaga ekeeyen.
  15. No matter what they say about each other this will fail as it is theatrical make-up and not blessed by all somalis. Maxaa la heshiiyaa marka dadkii weli la laaynayo, dagaal qabiil la sii hurinayo, wadankii oo dhan dhinac walba ka holcayo... cajiib!
  16. Che, when the same enemy uses your own stipido brother to kill you and your family and to exterminate you what would you do? you have no choice but to fight them both. Good example is the mogadishu warlords against the UIC. The warlords were armed to teeth and supported by our own enemy and their allies and then were sent to kill their own people in the name of qabiil. Amharos used the famous devide-and-rule mentality, today adi tomorrow anni and we will be in this roundabout till we all one day wake up and realize the true picture and the danger. I have a feeling that most somalis now realised this danger and raised their concerns, hence victory is on the horizon.
  17. Very sad indeed! This process of starving western Somalia people to death and also choping up somalia into 5 to 6 different weak mini states called Puntland, Somaliland, Jubbaland, Galmudug was part of a plan Ethiopia always dreaming of to execute ever since H Selase and they now got the chance by getting their stooges Geedi & Yeey in power. Forget about the Western Somalia, look at what is going on there in Somalia, in south! What happened to Somaliland? why they no longer bark out load there? when was the last time we heard about them talking about colonial territory and talking about wage war against puntland? is the crisis there solved now? no!, then who silenced them all? in south Can Geedi or Yeey make decision on their own without Gebre's approval first? no? walee gun baa lawada noqday.
  18. ^^^ sxb, a united people will deliver this long-and-eagerly awaited victory, devided not. I do also agree that we are a nation run by idiøts and when these idiøts want to ill-treat another people using foreign troops and mercenaries, what would you expect? then one should be firm and fight against such these groups. We all know solers who day in day out preaching/chanting hate and advocating for war & ethnic cleansing in that region and particluarly that city. Many of them play here GOd knows what...
  19. Allaha u naxariisto dadkaasi xaqdarrada lagu dilay, ciddiise ka dambeysay aduun waxba ma sheegayo balse aakhiro ayuu war haystaa oo aanan looga haraynin kuna qarsoomaynin. Canjeeex kama masuul ahayn waa la masabitay. Meel kasta wuu ka sheegay inusan ka dambaynin, anniga waxaan kula kulmay Suuriya, si toosa ayaan u weydiiyey sidaa uu kor ku sheegay ayuu iisheegay (I skimped thru the article) waana la ogaa inuusan Canjeex ka dambaynin. Wuxu kaloo isheegay inuu challenge-gareey diyaarna u yahay cid kasta oo kale inuu maxkamad la aado maxkamad kastana aay noqotaba.
  20. Black Hawk Down Circus in Hamar, everything is according to the amhaari manuscript. The first time actors acting nicely, delusive speeches and hopes were read, the stooges r happy. A free entertainment to all. Duke is on as usual reporting us back, what a wonderfull.
  21. Duke, how about the stooge you called uncle? The biggest traitor of somali history. Yuu xukumi? for sure he will die with no dignity wallaahi.
  22. I wonder what kinda people expecting if anything will ever come out of this so-called reconciliation thing? There will be no final peace deal (solution) reached there as long as these stooges have amhaaro and also the amhaaros still fiddling somali affairs.
  23. Victory is on the horizon insha'Allah. Ethiopians will be defeated and burnt alive, the stooges and collaborators will be hanged in the streets. Pasta! JB became another Duke. Waa la yaabay!
  24. This is the common lawlessness in todays Somalia. Even these ilmo -land the so-called Puntland & Somaliland is common these kind of things. Some people in these circles seem to be above the law (untouchable) and signal that the law is for the poor and minorities only and so on.