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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ that means ramadan is around the corner!
  2. ^ adeer, Bush methodology is quite fashion these days.
  3. lool @ ME. I think Riyaale is doing nothing other than begging & reporting back to his master.
  4. ^^ The habasho is involved in and running all somali affairs from Ras Asayr to Ras Camboni, the whole republic is under habasha influence and occupation, so I dont understand why you seem in favour of or turn blind eye to those sub-human habasha colonels giving orders to your SL president and to PL president instead you talk amxaarka koonfurta jooga. like amxaaro is only in the south. Re. These so-called Al Shababs are confused souls and seem not to have learned from the lessons of the history. With an attitude like that they wont gain anything rather they helping the enemy BIG time.
  5. Allaha Ugargaaro raggaan. I once read an interesting somali magazine by the name "Rumeyso waa Runnee" coming up fascinating true stories about these mujahideens. I wanted to subscribe it but no success and these stories must be those published those days. If anyone knows this mag and where I can find let me know.
  6. That shows STRONG & SUPPORTING parent(s) behind her. Well done, congrats!
  7. ^^I am not sure, but Duke will probably help you out!
  8. Rabanaa! Red Sea, this an insult to your intelligent adeer ma waxaas aa meesha la timid inaad difaacdid that sh1t? RESPOND HONESTLY AND PROFESSIONALLY!!!!!!! Yours, Zhukov Georgy , This Zhukov Georgy sounds familiar to me, someone famous here in SOL politic section.
  9. ^^ adiga ciriiri jeclidaa niyaho ama wax ku darso meesha ama ka dhiidhiibso ragga raadkooda ka har. Waa talo koleey wan ogoho wad isa soo liqdaari e.
  10. Originally posted by Crystal_Clear: I've seen a guy cry over me one time. It was bit scary, i ran, ran real fast.eelahow ee caafii. ^^ are you sure it wasn't fake? Anyway real men do NOT cry, no tears & no waawaareey. Only time acceptable is when man reminded death and hellfire and what is waiting ahead.
  11. JB, tell us how SOLer can help this dude by giving him their votes. If mine is transferable then he can count on me then,
  12. Originally posted by Northerner: beeeeeeee beeeeeee Man, I was shocked to watch the video where these little cutie baby goats holed up. It's suffocating in there wallaahi. BTW, North, thanks for the nice pics. Enjoyed 'em all
  13. I first welcome makhir. Waayo waxay ku sameysmeen reflection & bee'ada aay ku noolyihiin markii aay arkeen. Cid waliba oo hareerahooda ah waxaay suubsadeen maamul sida Puntland oo 98% reer Duke ah, sida Somaliland oo 99% reer Jacaylbaro ah, waanu aragnay reer Galmudug oo 100% reer Aideed Jr. ah so why not one for reer Badhan dee adeer! and we wait reer L.A markooda, reer guriceel markooda, reer Caabudwaaq markooda, reer baladweyn markooda illaa xaduuda kenya waa inaanu isu badalnaa cimaarado yaryar oo xabashida hoos taga oo wax ka suga dalkoodana lagu maamulo.
  14. Originally posted by rudy: i do that sometimes... its easy. Yeah, we know that.
  15. So fair enough, but what you guys have done about what is happening in Mogadishu? nothing, right?
  16. Originally posted by me: I heard Maxamed Dheere got Aids,maxaa ka dhab ah arintaas Duke? Adeer, leave Duke's man alone!
  17. Forget about the name, support this movement with everything in your power. The name doesn't make any difference here. This is the card ethiopians used telling other nomads (clans) that this is not their war.
  18. ..a carefully planned assassination Of course! everyone know that Allaha u naxariisto ayagana.
  19. Duke, Adeer Yeey just been outplayed by Hiiraale. Nothing more nothing less. AY needs to knee down and to ask for mercy and forgiveness.