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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Strange is that one of my posts was completely removed. I believe I broke no G rules here. It is the one I was highlighting about the common denominator of Siad Barre basher, here! moderator or the admin could have edited it the bits they didnt like, but why remove it completely. Well, I can now understand why.
  2. ^So are you expecting Yey to deliver any good to the somalis? you are confused adeer!
  3. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Great he was. A gentleman and scholar too. That was jimcaale a day before! Originally posted by Jimcaale: Gun wadoow Siyaad Aabihii Gardarada Garacayagoo Hanti wadaagu waa Habkaa barwaaqa naga Hor joogsadoo This was Jicmaale a day after, when he found out the different tone adeero playing to it here. Jimcaale you are not original, actually you are very inconsistent man to say at least. Ta kale, heestan aad ku ciyaaraysid ninkii soo alifay, odaygana habeen kasta u aqrin (heesi) jiray as good-night-story, dadkana xafidsiin jiray inuu reer puntland ahaa ayuu hilmaamay
  4. Originally posted by me: I am doing a master in secessionist bashing on SOL University. Waaw, what are the requirements? better future employment?
  5. War tan yari ma Jacayl Baro ayaa wax u soo xarxariqay, jacaylka isagaba waay ka badisaaye.
  6. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Emparor: Arintaas iyadoo aan tixraacaaya arimihii ugu dambeeyey aan kaaga jawaabo. 1) Biyo galintii Gaalkacyo waxaa ku baxay $1.5 million. Puntland waxay bixisay 700,000 meesha ay hayadaha deeq bixiyaasha ka bixiyeen 600,000 inta kalena ay bixiyeen dadka deegaanka. Biyo galintii dhahar waxaa ku baxday lacag intaa kayar. Puntland waxay ku bixisay 0.0000. halka ay wax qeyb sadeen dadka deegaanka iyo deeq bixiyayaasha. 2) Puntland waxay mishaar joogta ah siisaa macalimiin gaaraaya 270 gobolada Mudug, Bari, Nuugaal. Meesha Sool iyo Sanaag ay lacagtaasi bixiyaan Qurba joogta. Aynan xitaa ogolayn waxay xaqa u lahaayeen. 3) Ciidamada Xaalufinta Degmada Dhahar iyo kuwa kalee booliska sanaag. Dadka deegaanka ayaa wax siiya. Meesha ay degmooyinka aad sheegtey ka jiraan boolis lacag ku qaata canshuurta laga qaado boosaaso. ....Intaas waan kasii wada karaa... mana rabo inaan tol kula xisaabtamo NET ka. ee ha i kalifin Amparorow ina adeer. Kuman wax baan tabanayaa oo aan kow taaban.... Reer Badhan dantooda inay ka tashtaan weeye. Tolnimo & aan kugu daneysto gabaadna kaa dhigto waa in lakala saara weeye my 2 cent
  7. We have seen many solers here incl. some somalilander's contribution to this topic and how they see the late president (rip). Their overall criticism is well understood and of course healthy ones, however, the xtream club-19 (Siad Bare basher) here and ask yourself what is their common denominator, clan and political affiliation. Then you find it for yourself. Waa jiro & cuqdad isku quruntay waxa meesha la yimadeen.
  8. Originally posted by The Duke: 1.Siyad Barre and the Duke are from the same clan. 2.Duke and Siyad's clan are still in Kismayu. 3. Siyad's failure effected the whole clans of Somalia and his and Dukes were cleansed out of their historical lands of Mogadishu. Duke, You wrong buddy! why are you lying? All above bulsh1t is utterly wrong. Do you think that FB is from Tanzania or Ugandha? caqligaada isticmaal adeer. And tell us whats the link between Siyad's and Duke's? You know all the historical business transaction between them . so, meesha waa lagula joogaa ee is ilaali. We all know the problem with one sub-clan, Duke's actually an obstacle to any peace between Siad's and even between other reer Puntland sub-clans themselves. So next time is carefully choose what to write.
  9. Good and green. would love to go there one day. thanks!
  10. Armu Melez kala wareegaa gurigan? Anyway, the man is just investing some money on his hometown, and his country. OG-nia will be liberated soon by its own people. Victory to OG-nia
  11. Allamagan


    ^^ lol nin aad u dheer oo weyn sidii Hulk camal ma waxaas camal suubin kara, meelahaas oo kale maba isku dayiba, almeno Jimcale iyo oo kale camal haa haddii aan ahaan lahaa waa kuu soconesaa taa
  12. Nej, Aalborg ligger nord danmark. Modsætning af Christiansand (håber det er stavet rigtigt) .
  13. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Interesting how how our tongues say one thing and our actions imply another. We have only to look at certain threads to see for ourselves the truth... Should we give the benefit of the doubt and say it is only a rare case of amnesia? Very interesting indeed Hornoow! yaa loo dhurwayeenayaa toloow?
  14. Originally posted by Dabshid: ^^Siyaad Barre iyo naxariis kala daa, if he doesnt go to hell, Nobody will! Marka hore Siyaad Barre RIP shaqsi yaroo jirran oo caadifadi hurineyso taariikhdiisa waxba kama badali karo. Janno & Caddabna Illaah gacantiisa ayeey ku jirtaa ee kuma jirto aadane, qof walibana dambiguu galo isagga iyo Allihii balse Maxmaed Siyaad taariikhda ayaa xusi doonta oo been ka sheegaynin no one can rewrite it. Waxaan soo xasuustay tii Sayidka RIP: "Allahayoow waxaan ahay nin gob ahoo gunni rifeysaaye...."
  15. Allamagan


    ... ikaray dhiigaa ikaray & "ubood sidii geeljiraha u bood" classical thats the bit I like with buraanbar, meesha ugu dambeysa marka la isku bururo weeye macaanku waxa kale oo dhan waxba kama jiraan. Ragga inay ku casumana ficnaan lahayd waay sii shidmi lahayd. Rag booda ayaa jira [ August 29, 2007, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: LLPP ]
  16. Folks, we are all humans and sh1t do sometimes happen. No one is perfect, having said that checking late Siad Barre's minuses against his pluses, for sure he had more shining pluses than his minuses (errors). Somalia and the whole somali people missed him badly. Surely, he was a hero and nationalist. May Allah rest him in peace.
  17. Somaag, mobile phone businesses in Somalia proved to be very lucrative for the small and growing telcom companies. There are lots of them operating in Somalia, north Somalia and south Somalia. They do offer cheap and affordable packages. I think Gordon, a brother who goes here by the name Gordon Gekko or "The Economist" will help you a lot if he is around here. I know that he knows a lot.
  18. ^Skipper, nej brother jeg er i lille danmark, op norden i Aalborg.
  19. I am not sure if some guys here are honest about what they say about other SOLers, however, If I honestly write about what I personally think of some SOLers here not to many, I may definitely breaking the golden rules so I better keep it to myself.
  20. They say he personally killed 7 dogs by drowning some or hanging some others. gabanka waa ku foorartaa.
  21. ^^loool@jinaabo and african brain function better when lights off. loool that was cracking shot rudiyoow!
  22. Hej Skipper, du skulle også vide at der er nogen andre somalier here som kommer fra op norden. Welcome to SOL, cool place we need more scandanevisk somalisk flava here. Hope you enjoy it.
  23. ^looool hadana ma waxaad soo wadaa odeygan imisuu jiraa haye? And if it is not three days old, then how old is it? >2 days and definitely <6 days. You can see the taalada Sayidka in the background.