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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. This reminds me this "drive thru weddings" in America. Anything possible in this world these days. De Novo, you sound like you already gave up and surrendered. What is this "to choose bw having a boyfried for your daughter or being married to him temporarily" all about? thats not a good approach to the problem. Sure, there are other ways to solve it. I believe the problem mainly rest with the parents for having overlooked their daughter's hormonal imbalance situation or "qooq" as they say in somali, in the early stages of her teen life. It seems to me as something preventable like they say, it is always easier to prevent disease than to cure it! however, no one can do anything when it is tooooo late.
  2. Masha'Allah, a nice tilawah. Thanks CC
  3. ^^ loool Waanu idin jecelnahay waxaad tihiiin walaalahayaga, inaad banaanka naga aadaan ma rabno. United we stand devided we fall sidaa ula soco adeer. Waa laga bixi doonaa xaaladdan ee wax isulahara nimanyo. Waana la xisaabtami. Waan ogahay waxaa idnku jira rag badan oo waxaan dareemayo dareensan balse inta JB & Mujaahidoo kale ah wa aay badan yihiin. Waana u samraynaa
  4. ^ you secessionists guys amaze me wallahi when you keep trying to convince us as there were two countries one called Somalia and the other one Somaliland. Xattaa annagiiba? waxyaalaha qaarkood waa laga xishhooda nimanyahow. Waagii aad weel duwataan oo aduunku idin aqoonsado markaas xaq waa u leedihiin inaad dal iyo dowlad iska dhigtaan oo isugu wacdaan, balse inta ka horeysa naga aayara bal calwasaadka. "Why is Somaliland stable & Somalia anarchic?" this is sick if not cruel.
  5. Rag kale inuu hadlaa ficanayd, yaa Qanyare wax ka dhageysanaya waa sheekadii cumar beenaale oo kale sow ma ahan sheekadu.
  6. France’s foreign minister played down the remarks he made in an interview saying the world had to prepare for possible war against Iran. In Moscow Kuchner said again that any military action is out of the question, at least as far as France is concerned, admitting that a war against Iran would be the most horrible development. I think all he wanted was to show the world that France wants to move closer to Bush administration position. On the other hand this war of words between France and Iran is not a good news for the French energy company Total. Huge liquefied natural gas project with the Iranian authorities is indeed in jeopardy, hence Kuchner's changing his stance on Iran. They can put pressure on Iran, however, no one affords to go war with Iran at this time. Iran is not like the Iraq we previously seen and any such an attempt could have a disastrous impact in the whole region and world. A matter of common sense!
  7. looooool @ "I mean her legs". Agree. Intaaso ilmo ahi sow kama soo bixin oo intaas jeerna lama kala qaadin, maxaa preast loola yaabayaa waa runtiise!
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: LLPP, Soo daa waxaad su'aalo hayso. Kaw, dee malaha hadda ardaynimo wad ka baxdayo sow adigii jacaylka baranayey gormad noqotay od u dalcday sheekha Jacaylka oo gaadhay darajadaas? wad iska sheganaysaa ninyo. Ta kale koleey su'aashii aan kuweydiin lahaa waan la yara xishoodo tan Nephthys ah aya malaha buuq ka keeni karta is idhi marka wan iskala noqdayoo ma garatay aheeyo anna si kaleto ku weydiin doona inoo wad.
  9. I hate those dudes with their baggy pants down and should be fined on the spot with $$$, however I dont think I have problems with chicks going with their pants down.
  10. May all these unlawfully detained muslims released quickly.
  11. ^^ lool. Koleey nimankaan waxay leeyihiin naago u subka, dhiqlaha ka gura, u shanleeya (u fira) oo hadba dhinac u xirxira shaaribahaas. So waxaa la dhihi kara naago ku raaxerysta aa jira.
  12. Originally posted by Nephthys: Abbaayo KK, waxan ka baqaa inu soonka iga buro if I wish you a happy birthday, so I'll be back tonight Insha ALLAH bacdul Afur oon kuu heesaa. looool @ bacdal afur. Bacdal afur soonkii wa dhamaday miyaa so you feel free to...whatever! KK, happy belated birthday adeer. Soo weynow aan ku leeyahay and many more to come!
  13. ^^ Amin Edmonton is a new front. This whole Alberta land needs to be area-secured for ever-moving nomads. Therefore a defensive militia is paramount. They Faaraxs need to mobilize themselves and deal with these threatening cali beesteen or whoever behind all these.
  14. My belated Ramada Mubarak to all of SOLs. May Allah accept our ramadan and our good deeds. Peace and love llpp
  15. ^Mukulaasha Qaboow, thats why people like me, the real bargain hunters keep coming back to see if there is any interesting product is on the market so that many mujahids here can throw down some real offers!
  16. Thanks David L. Nice clip.
  17. Originally posted by Nephthys: LPP(yeah I know you ), Ex Torontonian inaa tahay waa is sheegtay. I heard Richmond Hill is like little Gedo . Warkaas maxaa ka jiro? Ma sister lives in Richmond Hill, ON. I know no reer Gedo lives there. I only know most of people live there are professionals. I can assure you that I only been one time in Toronto, Canada and I liked it. Dad waalan aa joogay maarkii iigu dambeysay.
  18. ^^ shimee xoolahana la keenay, dad aanba ku ogaaye? Originally posted by Nephthys: LPP(yeah I know you ), Ex Torontonian inaa tahay waa is sheegtay. I heard Richmond Hill is like little Gedo . Warkaas maxaa ka jiro? loooool, Ina Dalmar aa la i dhahaa, ask me Berlin (Germany) and I'll tell you all about Berlin, Bonn, Dresden, Ask me about Paris and I will give you all the directions you need and places to visit. Forget about Malmø, Stockholm and most of UK cities. States, Canda? kuwaas truck aan ku wadi jiray any interstate you want to know?
  19. ^^KK wax shidan ma arag. Last time I was there was two years ago, maybe gadaal aay ka shidmatay. Re. the downtown, yeah it was beautiful waan arkay. Horta Suuqa CeelGaab down town-ka sow kuma oolin? isoo xasuusi bal!
  20. Originally posted by Cige: quote: Markaas war aan la hubin noo keenaayo meeshaan. Reuters, for your own information, is not Quraanka that has a final answer and always correct Marka aad adiga ka soo xigatid run bay sheegayaan marka qof kale ka soo xigtana isn't Quraanka :confused: and still one of the modreators
  21. ^ Coffee ku lahaa, ciidamo aa la qorayaa kuwaasoo dhowaan dalka north-ka march kaga soo bilaabi doona illaa aay muqdisho ka tegi doonaan.
  22. ^^KK farahayga DK aa laga hayaa basa . Dixion, east mall, Weston, Falstaff, albion, meelahas oo dhan ma nuurayaan. loool @ båranbårø!!. Balse city of Mississauga, Richmond Hill meelahas waa meelo qurqurxoon runtii waan ka helay dad culusna waa ii deggen yihiin.
  23. Ayayayaya!! cashar waalan aa halkan ka socday oo igu dhaafay!. Qofkii su'aal qaba yaa la weydinaa kolleey macallinkii ma jooge balse horjoogaha fasalka Jacayl Baro su'aalo malagaa weydiin karaa ku saabsan casharkan? PS. "Bushimaha laisku lisayo" af-somaliga la adeesaday halkan ayaaba i dishayba!! thumps up!