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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Blackle is google custom search. They say Google Blackle is to save energy and darker screen uses less energy. Blackle indhaha uma fiicna....
  2. In the IT world, what is life without these counterfeit stuff!!
  3. Yo, Tujiye man, why not bring it back! I would love to see some individuals here in your show and see what they gotta say about life outside SOL. Especially the likes of Duke, Rudy, Kool Kat, Bishaaro, Libaax Sankataabte, Nomadic P, Zola, Me, Val
  4. There are better ways to tell or convince a muslim female to wear the hijab than that conditional way he chosen. wax wanaaji uulahaa wuu sii kharibay. Illaahoow baxarkan bal ka saar miskiinkan mindhaa mar kale naagdambe xijaab kala hadli dooninee!
  5. D Letterman, sounds great! Good luck with that brother.
  6. Allamagan


    Ahmadinejad is endeed a HERO and a legend.
  7. ^^ I didn't said your avatar is you. However, what I did say if you remember was, anyone sees your avatar thinks it RI. Hence the redish of the you avatar. aniga aan iska hadle understood?
  8. ^ loool, talow maxay cabatay oo darran! Anway this was an incident waiting to happen. You can clearly see she was not feeling alright even long before she answered the call and she was trying to hold it back but couldn't. She did apologize to the caller though explaining him what had happened.
  9. ^ KK when did I said your avatar is ME. excuse me, ME with CAPS on is the name for respectable member in SOL.
  10. ^^ Mindhaa Puntlandpost ayaan ahayn clan website yaa Duke!! Due to the circustances surrounding and tensions between the two BIG tfg dogs, I dont think Geedi would pay a visit to PL these days.
  11. Labadii xaaraan ku heshiisay xalaal kuma heshiiso. Ma lacagtii sucuudiga ayaa raggii kala geysay! Juujow, kaarka cayaarta wuxuu la yaalaa amxaarka, haddii amxaarku Yeey soo tufaan, dee waraabaha aya loo tuuri odayga AY. Haddiise Geedi amxaarku nacana, kiiska waa iska sahaloo Yeey un baa la orani orodoo PM kale oo H clan ka soo jeeda ku dhawaaq. Hence Another shimbirayahoow heesa...hees wanaagsan heesa. Wararka suuqa laga maqlayo is not in adeer Yey's favor. Ninkii Geedi ahaana waxaa la sheegayaa abaabul culus inuu ku jiro xattaa hub la soo dagay oo uu qaybihii kale ee H clan ee uu kol hore magaalada ka eryay uu la shiray leeyahay nacalaa idinku ooli waaye maanta iga saara and I'll make it up for you, guys later dhinaca kale odeygii Cabdullaahi Yusuf ahaana gartiisi wuxuu u dhiibtay Amxaarka oo ku yiri commorades waan idin talo saartay ee ragaan hala iga qabto yaanan la igu soo daynin annagoo dhanna hubka naga wada qaada. Amxaarkii, illaa hadda arinkan waa ka aamusan yihiin, waxay iska dhigayaan neutral bug ah, kolleey dhankii aay kafedda ka fuuli lahaayen ayeey weli go'aansan, ciddii aay dhankooda kefada ka fuulaan ayaana guleysaneysa. Balse waxaa igu maqaala ah in aay xagga YEY u dhuun daloolaan, waayo Geedi waay barteen waxayna ku barteen nin aad u mug weyn oo wax deeqa aduunkan aysan jirinba, haddii aanan hadda la joojina sheekadiisu hadhoow ay weynaan doonto. Intaasi waa iga inti Waxaa La Sheegay somali news market-ka la iga soo gaday maanta. Koleey war jiraaba cakaaru imaan.
  12. ^^^ maxa ulayaabee qofkii avatar-kaada arka wuxuu kuu malenaa inaad red indian tahaye.
  13. rudy, haddii aad amaanto ninkan ma waxad ka cabsatay in mareykanku sharciga kaala noqdo? Waa Ahmad-nut-head thing & waa intelligent meel ma wada galaan!
  14. The most arrogant people on earth. I swear to God if you ask these guys where Iraq is on the map, you will be surprised to hear that some may say isn't it in Africa!
  15. It is complete mystery to me why she done what she done while in the moving... Anyway this is america and she will rot in state prison for the rest of her life. For the babby, may Allah put the baby in a muslim family.
  16. Originally posted by Sulekha: Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool @ "...look fail me, give me the F and get fk out ma to ma mother and she'll the matter of fact write a note and lick da envelope...." hilarious! that made my day today..thanks Sulekha,
  17. Apart from being sometimes arrogant and cry-baby, Mourinho is indeed a legend and made history. He will be missed too. I can understand Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal fans welcoming his depurture as illaahow na dhaafi kan camal.
  18. Alloow kuu naxariiso ina Cabdille Xassan. Muxuu rag ahaa! halyeey, gabyaa, leader, religious, nationalist.
  19. I wonder how long can the people of NW region of Somalia stay hijacked and be brainwashed by some mafia id1ots injecting the most vulnerable people with high doses of lies and hatred. And how many more opportunities will be missed in this way? and how long will they, the secessionistic mafia, stay in that game? Only time will tell, however, change is on the horizon and the true sons of these region will insha'Allah rebel against these mafia's sickening plan to devide the nation and pave the way for the new Somalia. Insha'Allah....Insha'Allah!!
  20. ^ have you ever heard of "all-in-one" something. Geedi's and Yey's offices are actually this type of all-in-one offices. Markaa halayaabin haddii xafiiska Geedi uu noqdo maxkamada sare, marna wa CID-da marna qoloyinka canshuuraha marna xafiiska madaxweynaha marna xafiiska police-ka. possibilities r endless.....
  21. is crime and more serious than you think to joke about amhaaro in tfg offices these days. So someone got the guy on tape thats why the got the boot. I wonder when he soon gonna join the Asmara bloc
  22. butler! no way i feel like him Paraganow!
  23. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Oo yaa soo furay? Sheekha Jacaylka