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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Miskiin... Allaha ufududeeeyo. I can imagine all the pain they going thru..
  2. My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Most Noble and Honourable Ayub Al-ansari the Custodian of Al Aqsa Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title Eid Mubarak to all
  3. Allaha u naxariisto labadan marxuun. Balse Ciidamada nabadgelyada ayaa baaraya ciddii ka dambeysay dilkooda.
  4. 7. Time for a local admin that is looking out for the interests of the locals. Waay fiicnaan lahayd taasi balse horta yaa dhageysanaya the locals. Ta kale ayagii reer LA qudhooda ayaa 2da meelba madaafiicda isku soo garaacaye. Waa la yaabay!
  5. Raggi waa is gurahayaa...... who is next? Allaha u naxariisto asaga iyo ninkii kale lalahaa maxkamaduu ka shaqeeyaa :rolleyes:
  6. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Yaawaaye adeer Buule? Ma kaseesid Aw buule maa dhehee? ma kaseesidoo koo oo ku jiray filimkii The Bad, The Good and The Ugly! oo kistoo muranka badan indho guduudko oo jinni aas qabaa la dhahaayey. Waa kaseysaa dheesha dhaaf abaay. Kaas aa nafta ii keenay maraan nusaay ma foga. Yareey hana dambaajinin.
  7. Originally posted by Zafir: Hi all, My name is Cabdirihman Maxamuud Warsame (Cadde), First cousin of the deceased. However reluctant and uneasy this is for me, I must inform you of this heartrending news, Zafir passed away three days ago, we have truly lost someone special. Alloow janadii ka waraabi, walaalayaal usoo wada duceeya. Ps: Can all you nice folks vouch for looking after his debts. Ku soo hagaajiya Dahabshiil waxaad awoodaan, magaceygu waa Cabdirihman Maxamuud Warsame, fadlan Sxb waxaanoo dhan iyo dahabshiil iyo debts inta ka baxdid la xariir Skipper oo usheeg inoo marxuumka iska soo cafiyo.
  8. Haddii aay jirto, malaha nin waalan buu ahaa.
  9. Haddii aay jirto, malaha nin waalan buu ahaa.
  10. Haddii aay jirto, malaha nin waalan buu ahaa.
  11. ^^ how about when the tfg are the attacker, looters, killers? Allaha u naxariisto intii kudhimatay dabka.
  12. Qabiilkan SL waa gardaran yihiin. Dagaalkan wax ku badsada baay is leeyiihne wax beel iyo shalaay ayaa ka raaci doona.
  13. Yaa Duke arkay waayahan! gone on holiday mise jiq ayeey ku noqotay.
  14. Originally posted by Abwaan: Waa yaab xitaa envoy looma soo dirayo ee amar baa lagu siinayaa inay yimaadaan sidii laba governor oo gobollo Itoobiya ka tirsan xukuma. Abwaan, Itoobiya waa waxayba rabto dabku inuu wado gaaro Somalia. Axmaqyadii dagaalka sokeeye ka badqabayna waa kuwaas u fooxsan in aan dhiig iska daadshaan. Xoolo Xoola dhaleen!
  15. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: OMG, what was I thinking... What the hell...What is SLT...Must be hurdo yarida...I meant LST... LLPP, I don't think that name is allowed...Isn't that some qabiil's name, Hehehehe sheekadii adeer Buule horey ugu socon weysay aa misna meesha maanta adna keentay, waa laguu yaabaa maandheey!
  16. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^We know that for a fact. But thats besides the point LLP . The point is should we welcome it or not? lool Paragon, koleey qof jecel inuu dhinto malahan koow dheh, balse ku qabsatay aa dhici karta. Marka cimridheer, caafimad & cibaado suuban allow na sii aa lagu duceystaa.
  17. Waaw, cracking world's most secure computer encryption, the RSA system is not easy task, raggedi & cilmigeedi u baahan tahay. May Allah succeed him in cracking this system thereby make history.
  18. Agree, compared to these warlords and this unpopular tfg stooges, yes, they, the UICs, were much better off. However, people should ask themselves why all of the sudden and unexpected demise of UICs. Hope they learn from the mistakes in the past.
  19. Geeridu waa XAQ. Thus death is chasing eveyone.
  20. ^^^ KK, anna igu dar, usheeg ina adeerkaa LSK inuu isoo cesho magacaygii suubanaa ee ALLAMAGAN ahaa. Ani Sheekha isku dhib aan nahaysta.
  21. Ar gabdhahaan wareer badanaa. Tuujiyee, let me know yourb next show with Nept, would like to know her connections with these boys in her signature.