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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Originally posted by Zafir: ^You mean Mohamed? Matter of conscience, I say!
  2. Originally posted by Caamir: LLPP, I agree with some of what he said but don't be tricked by my usage of the candid word. candid: free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge; straightforward: And don't be selective in his speech. If you want to critique this translated version of his speech, please do point by point. If you are being selective, then it will be interprated by many that you are serving your hidden motive or the interest of one side of this conflict. My hidden motive? OMG, adeer jiljileeca iska daa ninyo, I only wanted to point out one of the many inconsistencies in your president's speech.
  3. "Juus gareen" kulahaa..Damn..this guy confused us all. LG inaad asturto ahayd Oday Shirwac, ehmm sorry I mean Nuune!
  4. ..The religious men have all the mosques, they have the education and social affairs, they own the health, they own the commerce, they own the telecommunication, they own Hawalas the money wiring services…nothing is in our hands… so how to deal with the religious establishment, we should discuss, are the religious establishment the government of the country? Or are we the government? Have you ever thought how we could takeover all of these wealth out of the hands of these religious men? The audience shouts back YES! Have you added that to the plan? Yes, shouts back the crowd Ok then, I am a man and I will give you a hand … these men are our enemies, do you hear me? Let us fight the men! These men are what they are because of all they got all the wealth of the country, either education, religion, or a mosque, or Hawala or the economy or telecommunication or commerce what you have, are in their hands, let us force that out their hands, and that is if you want Somalia to become Somalia. Camir, is that what you call a "candid tone and concern" of the president? He is your president, not mine!
  5. Originally posted by Seekknowledge: ...Even the Prophet (saw) negotiated with his enemies by signing 10 year cease fire and swallowing his pride by not perfoming the Hajj even though he was only few steps away from the Kaba. He also erased the title Messenger of Allah from the document because his enemies objected to it. I like your analogy and it does make sense, however, this is different from that of the Prophet (saw) case because the prophet s.a.w was true teacher (macallin), true leader, a carer and a true hero, in short he was especial and all in one and guided by Allah. So no action taken by him without the acceptance and under the right guidance of Allah s.w.t. So considering today's Somalia situation, you can not that easily draw a parallel between that of the prophet's case of that time and that of Christian Ethiopia's plunder and invasion of Muslim Somalia. Wax la isku matali karo ma ahan, ta kale maxaa la sugaa ma goortii xeero iyo fandhaal kala dhacaan oo aay noqoto too late?
  6. Why not 500+ when the wedding being hyped as the madhouse wedding of the year with helicopter hovering over dhug dhug dhug dhug dhug, niiko 800 (only goorgarad iyo rajibeeto) and then hindi camal singing to each other. I knew it was all hype when I first read this post.
  7. ^^ haa saas dhahaya waa la fahmi karaa markaa Xubeerow, resistance-gu meel kasta wuu ka jiraa kana bilaabmayaa, balse magacan ICU-da meesha lagu magacaabay ayaan is iri how come illleen meeshii aay kukala qaybsameen baanu aragnaye ma anana arag meel aay kusoo wada noqdeen.
  8. Magacii ICU wuu qarxay, maxaakiimtiina sowta aay kala jajabeen oo ayagii qudhoodi magacyo kala gedisan la baxeen. Marka ma fahmin kuwa halkaa isku aruursanaya waa kuwee?
  9. Kixkixkix....let it go, just let it go guys! fresh air and feel good!
  10. ^^ Hunguri, dadku baas abuur ayeey uwada bateen, maxaaba laga sugaa! You see there is now a mood of deepening pessimism over anything everything to do with how we can get back on our feet, they may have good reason for that though balse waxaa fiican in xagga kale laga fiiryo, xagga kheyrka. Ninkaan cusubi ma xukmi karno waqtigan annagoon arkin siyaasadiisa iyo natiijooyinka xukuumadiisa. I believe, it is unfair to criticize this guy at this stage. Lets wait and see, I say!
  11. nice video, beautiful ladies, cool hees balse musiga heesta saaran tacbaan iga dheh!
  12. This so-called Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia is really getting a complete joke. They proved to be really no match for the this amharish pundits called, tfg, thus far. They would dismiss anything for no apparent reason! They simply lack of bargaining power.
  13. Originally posted by Sharmarkee: ^^a similar rubbish that guy called Duke bombard this site day in day out since last few good years i can rember of. I never saw you protest about him ya LLPP, and that is the tone most of these people in here are proud of. let peace must prevail. Sxb, you must have been away for sometime then. Go back and dig deeper this time my posts and see it for yourself. Why off topic or Duke, adeer? You must be one of the few guys here get excited with these video links posted in here.
  14. Allamagan


    Allaha u naxariisto!
  15. ^ Manaxe, indhahadu waxa kaliya oo aay arkaan malaha dhinaca adeer Yeey kaliya, sax? Very disturbing pictures indeed!!!
  16. Shame shame.... to call "Guulo" to kill a fellow somalis, to wage war on other villagers, ma, how disgusting. Lets kill one another till the doomsday.
  17. Waxaan maqli jiray rag kaniisado soo mareen oo maalintii la rabo in la siiyo wax xoggaa sanuuda ah ama pocketmoney ah aay 'prayer' yar qac ka siin jireen ka hor inta anan sanuuda yar la siin. looool!
  18. Yaanan la degdegin dadoow. Lets give the guy a chance and now that he got all his cards up in his hands lets see how he plays his cards out and see if he can deliver something we all can accept.
  19. Shame on Hiiraan Online to advertise and spread this qowmul luudh!!
  20. Shame on Hiiraan Online to advertise and spread this qowmul luudh!!
  21. Allamagan

    The Show..

    ^^ yeah, me too looking forward the next guest. Anyone who doesn't like it, then dont read it.