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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Fran Ribery's muslim name is Bilal. I remember him play for the turkish site, Glatasary, not sure now. He had horrible car accident that left him scar on his face. Hopefully, he will be on the shopping list of Chelsea next season I reckon!
  2. Duke, maxaa? it is obvious to anyone. You know that the TFG is in its declining days. Yey cant go back to Mogadishu, Forget about Kismayo, out of his hands, The xabashi doesnt care about YEY, habashis are there for their own interests and that of Uncle Sam.
  3. What America can do about this? nothing, coz China is a powerful nation to be reckoned with and America knows that. Period!
  4. What America can do about this? nothing, coz China is a powerful nation to be reckoned with and America knows that. Period!
  5. Arsenal v Chelsea 1 : 3 Liverpool v Man Utd 2 : 3 I already know it
  6. May Allah reward him in both worlds. A true role model! I once watched him on Islam Chanel talking about his involvement and support for less privileged people and orphans and buildin homes for homeless in many places in the muslim world. Good man!
  7. Maskiin, Zakaria has been framed by pro TFG. Shame on them!
  8. Homeland Insecurity: Terrorist Fundraising in the Heartland Are America’s enemies operating freely from inside the country? Patrick Poole reports on one Somali terrorist leader’s hassle-free trip to Minneapolis. Nearly 15 years after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and 6 years after 9/11, the federal agencies responsible for our domestic security against terrorism appear to be entirely unaware, unequipped and unconcerned about the continued operations of Islamic terrorists inside the US. Exhibit A in support of this thesis is the recent fundraising visit to the US by major Somali terrorist leader Zakaria Mahmoud Haji-Abdi. Abdi is deputy chairman of the Eritrean-based Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS). The ARS is organizationally integrated with the al-Qaeda-backed Islamic Courts Union (ICU), which is waging the deadly terrorist insurgency in Somalia against the UN and US recognized Transnational Federal Government (TFG). The insurgency is responsible for the violence that has caused the deaths of nearly 6,000 Somalis this year in Mogadishu alone and forced at least another half million refugees to flee from there. Abdi was the keynote speaker at a fundraising event and conference hosted by the United Somali Diaspora and held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Minneapolis on November 24. An article published the following day by SomaliTalk (in Somali) features numerous pictures of the event, documenting Abdi’s attendance. (Minneapolis is home to the largest Somali population in the country.) A follow-up conference was held the following weekend at the Days Inn in Falls Church, VA, (right outside Washington, D.C.) by United Somali Diaspora and several other US-based Somali groups. Some in the US Somali community, however, are actively speaking out against the ARS terror campaign and their fundraising efforts in the West. Abdirahman Warsame, Executive Director of the Terror Free Somalia Foundation, expressed his opposition to the conference agenda and Abdi’s terrorist fundraising mission. “This event was definitely intended to organize and mobilize the extreme elements of the Somali community here to support the armed struggle against the internationally recognized Somali government and oppose US foreign policy,” Warsame said. “Abdi was openly calling for jihad and directing supporters to use the underground hawala networks to circumvent US controls to prevent terrorism financing overseas. These funds will be used to support the insurgency that is killing civilians, civil servants and anyone who works for or with the government, in order to further weaken the country and open the doors for foreign terrorists to take control of the country. Why would this man be allowed in the US?” According to one law enforcement source familiar with Abdi’s recent visit, the Department of Homeland Security was contacted more than a week before the Minneapolis conference. The agency determined that, since Abdi did not have a Social Security Number (he is neither a US citizen or resident) and it was not known where he would enter the US from, nothing could or would be done to stop his visit. Repeated phone calls and emails from this reporter to the DHS public affairs office asking for explanation on why Abdi was allowed in the country did not receive a reply. The failure of Homeland Security to act in any way to keep Abdi out of the country prompted heated criticism of the agency by Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. “It is absolutely scandalous that federal authorities cannot or will not stop jihadists from entering the US. Homeland Security should be called Homeland Insecurity,” Emerson said. He also noted that fundraising for terror is directly related to acts of terror: To paraphrase the president, there is no difference between those that carry out acts of terrorism and those that protect them or enable them. Jihadist financiers are just as culpable for blowing up buses of children as those that strap bombs upon themselves. A jihadist is a jihadhist, and they are killers who have no place being allowed to operate in the US. Equally as troubling is the fact that Abdi and the other guests at the conference were warmly greeted by a member of US Senator Norm Coleman’s (R-MN) staff, Constituent Policy Liaison Mahmud Nuur Wadheere. Wadheere’s welcome was noted in the SomaliTalk conference recap article. Another ARS official, Abdirahman Haji Aden Ibbi, also joined Abdi as a speaker at the Minneapolis conference. The ARS was formed back in September during a conference held in Asmara, Eritrea to create an international coalition between the ICU, which was forced out of power in Somalia late last year by Ethiopian troops supporting the TFG, the Eritrean government, Islamist leaders from around the Middle East and the Somali diaspora community in the West. The US is currently considering listing Eritrea as a state sponsor of terrorism for its continued support of the insurgency in Somalia and for providing a haven for the ARS leadership. Abdi was selected as the deputy chairman and official spokesman of the ARS, and the ICU’s no. 2, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, was appointed chairman. Last year, when the ICU took control of the country and imposed its Taliban-style of shari’a law, Abdi openly applauded their arrival. “Yesterday the West was talking about lawlessness in Somalia. Today everything is better because the Islamic courts have taken over,” Abdi said. “Let us give these people a chance.” The leader of the ICU, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, also appeared at the Asmara conference, emerging from hiding following the ICU’s flight from Ethiopian forces. Aweys is wanted by the US and has been listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. US Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) on Meet the Press last year described Aweys as “an al-Qaeda operative or somebody that is connected to al-Qaeda.” During the Asmara conference, Abdi was quoted as saying that the Ethiopian troops supporting the UN-backed TFG should “surrender now” or face “extinction.” He told the Associated Press : “We have enough and well-armed forces in every village of Somalia and they are ready to restore their sovereignty. We are in Eritrea to establish a control and command system so as we avoid confusion after the liberation.” Abdi did not explain, however, the contradiction of “liberating” Somalia from foreign domination while receiving Eritrean military assistance and welcoming foreign Arab fighters (including known al-Qaeda operatives) as part of the Somali insurgency. This episode demonstrates that our national security in some areas is no better than what it was prior to 9/11. If Homeland Security can’t or won’t act to prevent terrorist leaders like Zakaria Mahmoud Haji-Abdi from entering the US, especially when informed by other law enforcement agencies beforehand, there may be very little standing between us and the next 9/11. source
  9. Extremism is bad and nothing to do with Islam. They do more harm than good.
  10. Faallo:Nuur-Cadde Oo Ku Taagan Raadkii Geeddi:By Cabdiweli Sh Maxamed Bishu waa diseembar (December). Dabayl dhaxan wadata ayaa dhacaysa. Dhar culus ayaa la xiranyaha. Waxaan fadhinnaa makhaayad aan ka qaxwaynno. Iswaraysi qaybtiisi koowad oo markaa keedu waa raggii duqa.dhammtay, ayaa waxaa soo galay nin asxaabta ka mid ah oo waraaq gacanta ku sita. Inta nagu soo dhextuuray ayuu qaxwe kulul doontay. Ragga meesha fadhiya nin ka mid ah ayaa inta la booday ku dhaygagay, wuxuu ku dheereeyaa akhrinta karikateerada “Amiin Caamir”. Qosol aan kala go’ lahayn inta ku dhuftay buu kii u dhawaa u gudbiyay, dabadeed midba mid u sii dhiibay. Kolkii laga bogtay buu yiri: “yaa micnaha karikateerka ku jira garan kara?!. Ruuxba carruu isku qaaday!. Mar labaad, inta sawirkii laacay buu yiri; “midkiinna ma garan!”! ** Geedka ninka hoos fadhiya waa Geeddi, isaga waad wada taqaanaan, hareerihiisa fiirsha, waa dalkii oo lama dagaan isu rogay, geedka uu dhabarka saaray oo wayn oo cagaaran waa, dawladda Itoobiya, boorsada (shandadda) uu dhulka u diiday waxaa ka buuxa deeqihii uu caalamka ka soo guray intii “Addis Ababa” looga baaday mooyee baaqigii uu leexsaday, waraaqaha dhulka daadsan waa heshiisyadii uu Zanaawi ka saxiixday nuqullo ka mid ah, wajigiisa farxad baa ka muuqata, ha yeeshee wuxuu u fadhiyaa sidii ruux hawl badan soo qabtay oo daalay, labada lugood wuxuu sare ugu hayaa midka raadkiisa soo haya in uu garto halka raadkiisu ku dhammaday in aan la dhaafin. Saaxiibayaal, sidaa ma u garateen?!. Kan raadka soo haya waa Nuur-cadde (caddaantiisu wax ay ku toorantahay ma garan!), waxaa laga rabaa raadka kii ka horreeyay inuu qaado oo dhanna ugu leexan, dhididka ka duulayaa waa hawshii oo aan wali bilaaban karkabo la soo daristay!, waa nin laga rabo “Buurta Bannooda” oo dagmada Buurhakaba dhankay jidka ka saarantahay in uu ka raro oo dhanka kale ka soo jeediyo, mana awoodo!, isba waa naflay qoxooti Yurub ku raagay, tacab-goosina u soo dhoofay. Hadda, karikateerku ma idiin caddaaday?”. Akhyaartii aan wada fadhinnay fasirkaa waa ku qanceen, aadna madaxa ugu luleen, aniguse; si waa u qancay, sina waa u saluugay!. Goobtii inta ka jafjaftay baan kaligay lugeeyay,isla sheekaysina waddada ku sii maray anoo saladda duhur oo taagan tiigsanaya. Horta, ma falanyihiin mise, waa isyeelyeelayaan!; “bilawgii sagaashankii markaan Nairobi ku soo qaxay, waxaan arkay dhisme wayn oo loo yaqaan;“Nyayo House”, kolkaan dadkii iga soo horreeyay waraystay, waxay iigu fasireen; “Nyayo (inyaayo)” waa raad, ulajeedaduna waa; “waxaan qaadaynaa raadkii Joomo kenyaata, madaxwaynihii gobanimada halgan ku keenay”. Sidoo kale, waxaan iswaydiiya; “soo ruuxii madax laga dhigo kolkuu xilka la wareegayo ma oran jirin; “waxaan raacayaa raadka hebelkii iga horreeyay”. Haddaba, halkee cayn wareeggu ka yimid!?!”. Maya, saaxiib isxasili!, markan xaalku sidaa waa ka duwanyahay oo, saaxiibadaa waxay garteen;“Geeddi axad raadkiisa la raaco in uusan ahayn”. Haa, isaga Kan raadkiisa raacay, bal ka warran?!. kolkay halkaa dooddi noo marayso aniga iyo naftayda, ayaan soo xusuustay (Nuktah-Barsaleeto)-sheeko siyaasad salka ku haysa oo lugu qoslo, waxna lugu cabbiro, waa karikateer hadal ah- dalka Masar caan ka noqotay oo ah:“Jamaal Cabdinaasir (AUN) ayaa jeclaystay in uu magacaabo madaxwayne ku-xigeen fahmo gaaban, amar uu bixiyayna aan soo celin. Wuxuu soo helay “Anwar Alsaadaat” (AUN), Saadaat, tabtii buu raacay, wuxuuna soo helay, “Xusni Mubaarak”. Mubaarak isna tabtii inuu raaco ayuu doonay, dalka Masar ayuu toos iyo gudub u xulay, labaatan sano iyo wax dheer ruux tilmaantaa leh oo madaxwayne ku-xigeen ka dhigto, Masar ka maa helin!. Si kale, waxaa qalaw igu yiri sheeko soo shaac baxday waqtigii Nuur-cadde la magacaabay wax yar ka dib. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf, waa oday reer Mudug ah oo aan warka la gabban, kana mer-meerin wixii maskaxdiisa ku soo dhaca. Koox hareerihiisa aan ka fogaan (hormo jaan) isagoo ayuu ku xanqarsaday, wuxuu yiri: “waryaaya!, wax badan baad igu dhalliisheen wiil da’ yar oo macangag ah oo madax adag inaan Wasiirka Koowaad u magacaabay, maanta waxaan soo helay mid aan da’ iga yarayn, darajo ciidanna simannahay oo, haddaad itiraahdeen beerka ayuu la’ayahay isna maskaxda ayuu la’yahay!”. Qosol markay la dheceen ayuu raaciyay: “Allaa ogoo, niman war haya ma tihin!, laba habrood oo reer Baarre ah (Condoleeza iyo Jenday) baan ka lug bixi la’ahay!, adinkuna halkaad gabrantihiin!. Nuur-cadde haddaan u soo laabto runtii, nin Barlamaanka dhuuntu waynaatay oo Baydhoba fadhiya maraya saan-saanki ma laha. Wareegga koowaad, ha tirsan!, mar labaad haddii dib loo soo magacaabo ma suuragal baa in la jiirsiiyo Barlamaanka. Dooddaa weeye midda furan, sababuhuna waa kuwa soo socda: 1- Baarlamaanka intaan la horgayn ayaa raggii uu soo magacaabay kala yaaceen. 2- Qaybtii xumayd (4.5) saluug fara badan baa ka yimid, 3- Kooxda uu magacaabay badan 4- Xubnaha dawladda cusub waa kuwii Geeddi oo lugu sargooyay dhowr magac oo cusub, oo waa “jug-jug meeshaada joog”. 5- Ragga uu Barlamaanka dibaddiisa ka soo xushay oo saddex ah, waxaa laga dilaa; Dr. Maxamed Yuusuf wayrax –Wasiirkii Maaliyadda dowladdii kacaanka- oo “hormo-jaanta” Amxaaro soo hor kacday la taliye u ah iyo Dr. Maxamad Cali Xaamud oo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ka ahaa dawladdii “Mxamed Siyaad Barre” (AUN). Waana ninkii sheekada soo socota ay ku baxday:“Dr. Xaamud oo safar dibadda ah markaa ka soo laabtay ayaa “Maxamed Siyaad” xafiiskii madaxtooyada ugu tagay. Warbixin dheer isaga oo ku dhex jira, ayaa madaxwaynihii isyiri bal ogow arrimaha dalka ka socda inta uu ka ogyahay, wuxuu waydiiyay;“****** iyaga ka warran?”, Wuxuu yiri: wallaahi jaalle, madaxwayne waxay noo soo gudbiyeen qoraal ay ku tilmaamayaan muhiim in ay tahay labada dal in xiriir heer safaaradeed ah yeeshaan, arrintaa waa darsaynaa, waxay ku dambaysana waa kula socodsiin, jaalle madaxwayne”. Qosollo inta ku dhuftay buu yiri;“ka soco!”. Nasiib darro, xilkii oo aan loo dharan, baa dawladda Itoobiya oo magacaabidda wasiirrada ansixisa ka biyo diidday, Dr. Xaamud xafiiska Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya in uu qabto. Nuur-cadde oo ah nin (paesano=Baayesaano) –Dhiblaawe ama miskiin reer magaal ah; sidaan hadalakiisa ka dhadansaday- haddii intaas iyo in qarsoon hor taal, sharuud xilka uu ku qabtana ka dhigi waayay;“magaalada Xamar oo aan ku dhashay, inta Geeddi burburiyay iyo inta la iga rabo in aan burburiyo, haddeer ha la kala calaameyo!”. Wallee, kolkii Nuur-madoobe loo baxiyo ayuu: “kabteey ma aragtay ku wardin”. Malaha waxaa loo qaatay inta qaboobaha (winter-ka) lugu jiro, in uu Dubai ama Nairobi ku sii gabbado, kolkii kulaylaha (Summer) la galano London,UK ku soo laabto oo makhaayadihii uu ku taxnaa qaxwaha ka cabbo, kana sheekeeyo!. Runtii, waxaa isu kay qaban la’:“arrimo samafal ayuu ka soo shaqeeyay iyo BM-ka xabashidu Xamar la dacayso ayaan hoggaamin!”. Odaga, oo cumrigii towba keenka ku jira waa u baqayaa, aadna uga walwalaa!!!. Wadeeco Allah, Alloow soo uruuri.. Cabdiwali Sh. Maxamed 07/12/2007 Source ** Sawirku maqaalkan ma lasocon, balse madaama uu yahay sawirku qoraaga maqaalku ka hadlayo ayaan annigu usoo raacshay si qofka aqrisanaya u fahmo sawirka laga hadlayo.
  11. Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale: NFD incl. and damn what a powerfull country it could become if Qabiil was rooted out. Ya Allah may this materialize one day Insha-allah Amin Allahayow!
  12. Allaha u naxariisto. For sure their lives were taken unjustly. Top dogs of this tfg will pay the price. Like they done to Sadam, people will bring them to the gallows of death one by one.
  13. Are you the speaker, Dhubad? BTW, I hope he was listening the voices of the people in his hospital bed. I know it wont make any difference to him at all anyway
  14. As long as Ethiopia is in the picture, people will put their differences aside and fight against arch-enemy, the amhaaro and their current keepers. May we unite under one banner, Islam and one name, Somalia. IA!!
  15. Originally posted by Skipper: s clash where have you been sxb? you still in Denmark? Nej jeg bor ikke længre i Danmark, sxb. Jeg har flytet til Storbritannia og det sidste seks måneder var jeg boende i London. Loool @ s clash! det lyder jo dejligt (cool)! S/
  16. yes, I have been called in and I didnt know what to do. Then next morning I called saying I have an exam that same date and strangely enough they did except my excuse without asking me any proof.
  17. Reading these fascinating stories about somalidii hore ee Britain this lady, Ugaso Mire came into my mind: Does anyone know her? This picture was on display in Museum of London with a little note that reads like "Ugaso Mire from Somalia. She came to London in 1930..." it was an image slideshow with other London people and their stories so unfortunately it got changed b4 I ever finished reading eedo' story. I couldn't wait longer as our bus has already arrived and I had to go. As soon I came home, I googled her name, but couldn't find anyting useful than this and this ! Anyone know her? Read her story? why not share!
  18. It was back in new year's eve in 1999 driving BMW 323i from Århus city to a 1 hrs drive town called Viborg, Denmark. It was 11.10 PM in very bad winter night when me and a friend of mine decided to go to a party down there in Viborg (small town in Midwest Denmark) and wanted to get there in time, b4 (kalaguurka) 00:00 hrs. The road was full of snow and my car was equipped with -what I thought the best in terms of winter car safaty- good fat winter tyres with chains. All I remember was driving on 130-135km/pr (around 80 mile/hr) ill-covered snowy road when I lost control, the car skidded off the road started rolling and rolling (overturned) we ended up 100 m away from the main road in thick snowy field. Thanks to paramedics and py-passers who stopped and gave all they could to cut us free. Thanks God we were unhurt, apart from shocks & bruises here and there and the rest of night we spent in the hospital b4 they let us finally go home in the next morning. The car ended up in a car graveyard. This 130 km/h was my top speed in a winter snowy road, however, my all time top speed was 200 km/hr from Humburg, Germany to Flensburg, Germany, a 170 km stretch in 40 min. with Alfa 156, a rental car. There was nothing left to push in gas pedal, yet I cant get it to reach 220km/hr, the max. Alhamdulilah, Thanks God. me grown up man today and I learned my lessons as you know life is a learning process. My top speed today is max 120 km/hr to 140 km/hr. During winter times around 60 - 100km/hr depends on weather circumstances. Ciyaalnimo Illaah aa naga korshay.
  19. Lool @ KK's latest faraxtology 101! your list is incomplete my dear!. Where is MR. Marfishle, Mr. Hinaasle/Maseeraa-Ihaayo, Mr. Ciyaaloow. etc... To avoid them all is not a solution. So, what is your recommendation? Come up with a solution, at least remove this "avoid him" tag from Mr Mysterious, you know, life itself is full of surprises and mystery! Also Mr. Needy is every woman's dream, why avoid him. thats not fair! Women tend to enjoy (niyadana ku dhistaan) inaay hundreds of calls ka helaan man like Mr Needy's caliber, kuna faanaan. S/
  20. Originally posted by Northerner: Looks like top of the table is beginning to take shape.... Exactly! the most exciting and crucial times of Premier League teams is after xmas. For those glory hunters (big 5) aiming higher and for those hunted, the 5 regular bottom teams with that haunted look, everyone know who they are... I guess! Forget about Liverpool or Arsenal, the title will go to either Chelsea or to Man U.
  21. Floyd Mayweather's future: "I've done what I had to do in the sport. I've accomplished what I came to accomplish, now is time for me to be a promoter" "I won't let the sport of boxing retire me I'll retire from the boxing. I always wanted to go to the UK to fight and since I couldn't do that you brought the best of the UK - Ricky the Hitman - to me." About Ricky Hatton "Ricky Hatton is probably one of toughest competitors I've faced. I hit him with some big ones but he kept coming and I can see why they call him the 'Hitman'."" - Floyd Mayweather Congrats the cha-cha-cha boy! Well done! you proved us all wrong!
  22. Folks, she feels being more somali than ethiopian. Well done Saba and good luck!
  23. Masayrka Yurub & the reality of China's presence in Africa will incredibly increase Africa's bargaining power. Would they take advantage of that situation, only time will tell!
  24. Afartaa geddii aan bartiyo gololo’daydii dheh Gerbidaan ka soo hoorin jiray godol naqaygii dheh Madfac gow yidhaahdiyo rasaas gininigtoodii dheh Guulaamo roob da’ahayiyo gababaxdiisii dheh Onkod guguguclayn iyo hillaac galalacdoodii dheh Gufaaciyo gudgude soo curtiyo garamahoodii dheh Guluuliciyo mayay laysku daray galangalkoodii dheh Gal xareeda daad soo gabraday gal iyo duufaan dheh Bad gariirtay mowjada gurxamay gacammadii Ayl dheh Shir la gooday waayeel gab yiri garagangartiisii dheh Xariir lagu gimaamadahayiyo gola firaasheed dheh.... Alloow kuu naxariiso......