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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. is Gen. Nkunda = Paul Kagame? Horta Tutisigu u ekaa Somali, waa lo'leey, sandheer, dhuudhuuban, caato ah. Madaama soomalidu ahayd dad reer guuraa ah oo xoolahooda biyo la raadsade meeshay doontaba ha noqotee, sow ma dhici karto in aay yihiin soomali roob la'aani ku dhacday (qarniyo hore) oo biyo iyo daaqsin doon ku gaaray carro fog illaa haradda Victoria iyo nawaaxigeeda? Kolley ma la dhihi karo waxay kasoo jeedaan itoobiyaan waayo itoobiyaanku lo' ma dhaqdaan kuwa dhaqdana waa kuwa 'sanweynta' ah not sandheerta sida somalida oo kale.
  2. loool @ Dhubad! this thread belongs to joke section, ya Jb.
  3. Originally posted by AYOUB: MMA Hypocrisy is in the eyes of the beer-holder. SOL archives have the record of what you have said about the Islamic Courts fighters. Cut the BS mate. MMA's remarks was heavy with irony as ever. We always hear of him talking loudly about habashi stooges and ethiopian presence in Mogadishu etc, but hey have anyone here in SOL ever seen him protesting the presence of ethiopians in his hometown, in Bay & in Bakool? not at all. It looks like it doesn't interest him in the slightest.
  4. ^^ of course it opposes. Any good development in any TFG hostile territory is not good and according to their books, it has to be stopped by any means necessary (jeopardizing, sabotage, political assassination, fueling local disputes, mingling with local affairs..etc...etc).
  5. All people want is peace and amhaaro-free government/country but not a shabby publicity stunt yaa Duke.
  6. Thanks Ayuub, a ghost town indeed! May Allah help us out of this.
  7. ^Exactly, The butler is just daydreaming!
  8. Wish the same -if not worse- happen to ethiopian soldiers in mogadishu
  9. I wonder when this Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali -the reporter of this report and hundreds of other baseless reports- ever stop being a blatant puntland propagandist.
  10. Imagine how cool could it be Riyaale's autobiography book "Past and Present" his in-somali one titled "Maadeeys" Tollow muxuu ninkaan war hayaa.
  11. ONLF has to distance itself from Al shabab. They really killing and working against ONLF cause. Al Shabab is an instrumental entity created and funded by the CIA. Everyone knows that. We know that Alshabaabs are the ones destroyed the ICU or Maxaakimta.
  12. Hehehe Ghost visit. joking! FARIID, the keyboard is yours, feel free to drop some words in!
  13. Emperar"conflict within the locals" kulahaa, sxb I know that. However, do you agree with me that LA is not in Puntland's hands anymore? Stop pretending like this fella below Eid Mubarak!
  14. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Welcome to the Politik section, hoping for a war, bloodshed of the Somalis in that part of SOOL, your stance is noted... we should see you more often that not. Adeer stop being dyslexic here what is wrong with my statement. You guys pushed and pushed him to go to war (gambling) and he lost it and couldn't reclaim the fallen LA, so now I dont understand what is wrong with the idea of him to try other channels like negotiating with the secessionists to strike a deal illeen wixii aad xoog kuqaadan weydo xeel baa lagu qaataye. Either you completely overthrow him or if not let him to manoeuvre for a while
  15. War ninka haddu wax iska dhicin waayey, doortayna inuu SL la heshiiyo maxaa laga rabaa maa lagu taageero.
  16. ^ terror business! afkii amxaarka waa lawada bartay, hadda. Cabdullahi Amxaarna no more tricks, waa ay ka dhamaadeen hadeerna tiisa ayuuba la liic-liicayaa.
  17. ^^ of course he done all this in order to appease his critics in the west. Nothing to be expected from Saudi justice system. We will never forget our 6 somali brothers who were lashed 100 times each, then served 6 yrs in prison for a crime they never committed, then instead of releasing them their throats were cut out. May Allah rest them all in peace. The whole world is aware of the injustices of the saudi system.
  18. War ninkan Morgan a.k.a The Great Abdi Bile ama Dheereeye faraha mad ka qaadaan. Allow yaa yiraa B Hiiraale ayaa Kwait kula jooga, wuxuu baxsad ku gali lahaa ilaa Iraq waana meeshii warkiisa lagu weyn lahaa.
  19. As for the Liverpool, they fall nine points behind their top three masters. tacbaaniin!
  20. I am disappointed that Chelsea did not win. It was an error by Petr Cech that gave ex-Chelsea, William Gallas the 1st half goal. However, Arsenal really deserved to win this game today they worked hard as a team, they were too quick on counter attacks and caused confusions in Chelsea's full-back. Where is Drogba when you needed him best!
  21. It is likely that she already fled the country and already in Somalia.