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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Allamagan

    Syria 2007

    A year ago The Umayyad mosque The remains of Ayub Al Ansaari's Damascus fort His armies
  2. ^ fulay! disclaimer ku lahaa geesinamada aad LG sidaa ku tiri maad yeelatid
  3. War cayaarta meesha ka daaya. Dear Dahia, Happy birthday and many many many more to come ina-adeer!
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote: Interim President of Somalia Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed says Somaliland troops must leave the Somali territories they have captured. Recognition at last. That was just a typo! ka sii soco
  5. Since my house is already burning, so I care not others house burning. May they kill each other it could be a blessing in disguise who knows....
  6. Ma waxaan ahayn "War reer koonforoow haddanu nahay reer waqooyi ama "somaliland" waanu idnku daalnay ee sida isudhaama" taas waxaad u qaadateen inuu ninku jilcay malaha haye?, anna waxaan qabaa inuusan jilcin balse tahay healthy critique he is just appealing to Itallian somaliland people for peace, unity and to come to their sense.
  7. Kivuitu's damning admission wouldn't change anything on the ground. The Kibaki dude is already sworn in. Period!
  8. ^ JB-yow adeer si fiican u dhuux una aqriso micnaha & nuxurka hadalka Prof A Samatar ku salaysan yahay. Anigu ma anan dhageysan wareysigiisa BBC-da, balse based on qoraalka aad kor soo dhigtay wuu saxsan yahay balse waad dabamartay adiga iyo Jamhuuriya Online-ba micnahii hadalkiisu xambaarsanaa.
  9. Duke, koleey Taano haddii laga qaado maxaad kaga farxi ku kale oo ina adeerki ah ayaa loo dhiibiye Kismaayana sidii ayeey gacanta Yeey/morganist supporters uga baxdaye.
  10. Well, we all know that Guriceel's loyalty was never in question. Guriceel waxay ahayd aabihii iyo hooyadii maxkamadaha.
  11. I heard that they planted a bomb under his office seat with a remote control device that been used to detonate the bomb. How smart and sophisticated they are! Eritrean imported technology, huh? BTW, Allaha u naxariisto.
  12. First, welcome here sxb. Secondly I have seen some of your videos, most of them are quite good but when you came up with this video you called "Euri-trash People" referring to somalis from other parts of W. Europe who came to UK as trash markaas ayaad x*** ka wareegtay. Who gave you the right to call other somalis as a trash people? Who the hell are you? BNP's Nick Griffin? Even he would not allow himself to use the terms you used.
  13. It is good that somali MPs are to be found cross parties. Imagine if they all were (bet on) in one party, f.eks. in Kanu or ODM that would have been a catastrophe for somalis if that party is not the ruling party. BTW, I wish them (newly elected somali MPs) good luck and may they all unite under one banner -protecting their somali interest- regardless of their political affiliations.
  14. ^ lol...waa la soo batay miyaad ka waddaa?
  15. ^ Marka ay xanaaqdo "italics-italics" sheekadu waay dhaaftaa.
  16. If this Hawa Abdi is the honorable somali lady based in Italy who runs schools in Mogadishu on her own by her own money and efforts, then I vote for her (May Allah bless this lady), if she is not that Hawa am talking about then I vote no one from the list.
  17. ^^lol @ anaa ku celiya! Duke, congratulation, hurray adeer became somali person of year 2007! I wonder why not throw a dinner party?
  18. It's no suprise that she has been shot dead. I knew she was playing with death. Before her homecoming she was warned, but she defied those warnings and have paid the price. For sure, she had many enemies, from within her party and that of outside (secret services, military and last but not least from Mr. Musharaf's party). A very bad day for Pakistan endeed!. May Allah help Pakistan out of this political turmoil. The only muslim nation with the nuke.
  19. What a good way to filter out london girls from the rest of SOL girl population. wait and see here they come...
  20. KK, Good to hear he is getting better and better. Allaha usii kordhiyo.
  21. ^^ Thanks for sharing this with us sxb. I really enjoyed reading it and welcome to SOL AMK-yoow!
  22. ^^ Strange dheh! They should instead start restoring the public places like hospitals, schools, universities etc than this sh1t colonial memorial.
  23. ^^ Aamiin. Allaha u naxariisto.