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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ he reads from the screen and thats why he has this funky glasses on. So since he is not bothered to do something about this bad sound quality, he can easily provide us with the script, so at least his point taken. On a serious note. Horta af somaliga ma uu aqrin karayaa ileen waa asagi yiri annigu marka 1aad iyo marka 2aadba waxaan ahayn nin maali (dal afrikana) ahe!
  2. I wanted them to butcher each other and whole Kenya plunge into civil war and become Africa's Yugoslavia. Ethiopia the same, so we somalis muslims emerge from all these mess and build up an Islamic empire in horn africa. IA.
  3. Lool @ Duke. Why start this thread this time, is it because you see no hope in your ailing uncle as a terminal patient! BTW here is my say: President: of course who else Dukey PM: Tolstrey or Oodweyne What a perfect match. They will unite the nation.
  4. ^^ r u crazy? war Duke dagaal xabad afka la isku gelinayo howlihiisa ma ahan balse dagaalka xagga netka netwar waa geesi oo wuu dagalama
  5. Haa ninkan weeye ninka kaliya ee badbaadin kara wadanka. Ha la doorto. Duke-na wasiirka warfaafinta ha ka dhigto si loogu kicin
  6. Nice pics. Keep posting but try to make smaller in size.
  7. ^ loool @ surprised to see this wheelchair-bound patient next seat I hope someone in that plane had video-recorded both men in contact and exchanges or a fist-fight. Guess what, Jerry Springer show came into my mind.
  8. They both are Zenawi biaaatches, he, Zenawi can force them do to the unthinkable (even in tango dance if u like) . For them, what can they do than to listen to il maestro, no one wants to be dumped or replaced especially at this time and stage and afterall Zenawi loves somali biatches like them!
  9. ^ Ma baqashiis baa? lol. By accepting this nomination means he said "yes, to work with Ethiopians", thus officially made himself a valuable target No1 for Shababs Allow sahal amuuraha!
  10. ^ you know your uncle YEY is the main person (culprit) to blame all this. Go reread the history. What lagacy will yey left markuu bakhtiyo?
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: prove you can not run anything, just hot air. Adeer, its history that these folks you referring to has run an entire nation in 21 long years (a record, that no one will ever break). So wax isula har and tell us now, if your hero, Abdullahi Amxaaar ever ruled a region let alone a nation. We all know how he came to power in PL, his road to this dummy presidency all these achieved with the blessing of Zenawi, his master.
  12. ^^Xilliga dagaalku jiro, inaysan waxba isula harrin (isu turin) oo aay xoolo u bataan ama yihiin waa la isku raacay. Hadda ka hor ayeey Eastley (Islii) machetes la yimaadeen in aay somalida ku laayaan kuna dhacaan, AK47 miiran dukaan walba laga soo baxay oo dabada loo galshay.
  13. This is long haul marathon and a sprinter like Barack, would not worry slightest the heavy weight marathon runners in the game. So as they say cayaari waa gelin dambe he may see himself slowly slipping to the bottom. Lets see how he progress after all this is full of uncertainties and surprises.
  14. Have anyone of you watched SKY News yesterday on how angry mobs killed a innocent kenyan guy with machetes and all kinds of things that they can grab to get him killed while on camera rolling. I couldn't watch it. Xoolo xoolo dhalay weeye kuwaan.
  15. ^Ghanima, you too get one. I hate to make promises however let me go back to my homies and ask them when it is earliest out.
  16. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: CAMIRAAD.COM...Alla bas bas, tan faanis ma dhihi kari...How much did 'they' pay you? Who paid you - the Director, the Producer, who? For those of you in Toronto, you missed the train...They screened it here early September...I saw it, and let me tell you, let's just say my $10 was worth it - every last penny of it (though I missed the first 45min of the movie), still very much worth it... Good for them, specially this being their first movie...I hope it just gets better from here...Good luck... Loool @ Kool K, huuno in la is qarxiyo ma ahayn dee you wanna know who paid me. no way i tell you that! D Letterman, Dont worry, I think I can get you one (not a pirate tho) with director autograph
  17. Rag waa kii waligiis is khilaafe taasna waa caadiye ee wax kale oo cusub inoo sheega nimankiina reer mudug/barri
  18. ^^ Shatiisana Allaha na mootiyo maad raacisid Dhubadoow. Any way New M.O.T sow ta London lagu saray maalin dhoweyd, waxay misna Lonodon ayuu ku soo noqonaya?
  19. I wonder why we dont hear much about this guy in the media, particularly in UK. So far no one knows him that much.
  20. ^^ Ka warran tanna! Dhaqtarka: Maxaan kaa caawiyaa? Turjubaanki: Maxaa laga caawiyaa ayuu ku leeyahay dhaqtarku. Bukaan socod eedo Xaliimo: Eedo, waxaad ku tiraahdaa halkaas [tilmaameysa meel jirkeeda ah] halkaas ma ujeeda, halkaas iyo aagagaas dalawda hoosteeda ah ayaa sidaa hadde sidaa ii dikaameysa waxaad u maleysaa in middi sidaa un loogu juq-juqeynayo. Waxa kale u sii raacisa dhaqtarka in habeen kasta markii aan seexdo korkayga oo dhami lagu durdurinhayo lana garaacayaa qaw qaw-daa un halkaa daqayda ahiba ha ugu sii darnaato e. Usheeg eedo intaas dhaqtarka.... Turjibaanki: :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: ... waan soo noqonayaa ee wax yar iga raali ahaada [in somali and in danish] Dhaqtarki..War ninyahow qoftaan sidaan ha iiga tegin ee bal sug intan kaniinayaal fiitamiin ah bay u baahan tahaye aan u qoree ha tagin.
  21. Ibraahin Yuusuf Axmed “Hawd” waa raggeedi. Aad ayaan u jeclahay in aan aqristo sheekooyinkisa (imaginary stories) ee aadka uxaraarad badan.
  22. Originally posted by AYOUB: Immigration Officer: Full name please Interpreter : Magacaa? Sujui Man: Abdi Farah Immigration Officer: Where did he travel from? Interpreter: Xagee baad ka.. Sujui Man: Ma-ga-ra-na-yo af soomaali Interpreter: From Somalia Immigration Officer: How did he get here? Interpreter: Suurad Faataxa akhri Sujui Man: Alxamdu lillaahi rabii.....wala daalin aamin. Interpreter: He praised God for making it here. He says he travelled from... Immigration officer: What about his family? Interpreter: Suurad kale akhi.. Sujui Man: Qul accuudu bi rabbi nnaas... Interpreter: He says he lost contact with them when they got displaced ... Inuu Quraanku mucjiso yahay cid diidaysaa jirin. loooool. I think many are familiar with these kind of stories, back in the days.
  23. Allamagan

    Syria 2007

    Inside the Omayyad Mosque Shia shrine in the town..
  24. Allamagan

    Syria 2007

    a local custom City overview Mazakin, the little mogadishu of Dimishiq