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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. OMG! this must be the best reading of the year 2008. Silly me, I didn't read it at all when I first dropped in the two lines teasing KK. shaah xawaash leh oo uu madaxweynuhu sitay lagu cabbey Haa..oo boqorada ayaa shaah Riyaale uu horey uso karsaday la cabtay :rolleyes: waanu garanay. Boqoradda oo arrimaha dhaanishka sii wadda ayaa madaxweynaha ku tidhi; ”Horta madaxweyne Somaliland iyadu dhaanishka ma ciyaartaa?” Madaxweynaha oo arrintaasi ku adkaaday ayaa wuxuu eegay safiirka waqooyiga caasimadda islamarkaana ah wakiilka JSL uga qaybgala ciyaaraha dhexmara kooxaha Arsenal iyo Tottenham. Safiirkii oo arkay in madaxweynihii su’aashu meel cidhiidhi ah gelisay ayaa isaga oo ka faa’iidaysanaya fursadda u dagantay marqudha sare u booday oo intuu ismarooriyay ku dhuftay; “Dhuuboy ila dheel, lugta dhiibi dhiibi, dhaqaaji garbaha, dhexda aan ku qabtoo, isku kaa dhejiyee, aan jacaylka jacaylka dhisnee” dhaanishka :confused: I thought he is refering to Denmark. Wallee marqaanku wax walba wuu ku tusaa. Boqoraday xaal qaado! markaan waxan aqriyey waxaan soo xasuustay suuqi waalida iibsha iyo Xaynoosh Sanqoole. Ta kale o ma aanan ogayn in SL aay bariga, galbeedka, waqooyiga iyo konfurta London ku leedahay safiiro. Waxaa taa kasii darin Safiirka Arsenal & Tottenham. loooooool! This really cracked me up wallahi!! Thanks JB, keep it up... more of this sxb. We kinda bored here.
  2. I once heard a married sister went to her local mosque where she bravely asked a flock of unmarried sisters if there is anyone of them willing to share her husband (the sweetness) with her. I think she must have this waxaad naftaada la jeceshahay la jecloow walaalkaa in her mind. Good girl she was! Anyway I dont understand why it always so hard for the most of women folk to understand how sweet it is to share man in a very halal way. Not that complicated!.
  3. ^ Not only them, the whole somalis are on throats on each other. The downfall of somali race is well in full swing. Allaha ka soo gaaro.
  4. Originally posted by Dr.Galbeyte: Slash. My name is Galbeyte and I’ve studied some programming and currently in the networking field. Hopefully a Cisco certified engineer in the near future. CCNA or CCNP? Good, since you had programming what is your take on these statements about GMS: #include using namespace std; int main() { int age, map; cout<<"Please input GMS age: "; cin>> age; cin.ignore(); if ( age < 5 ) { cout<<"A young state! !n"; }. else if ( age > 15 ) { cout<<"How come no one knows it?n"; } else { cout<<"Years on and still nothing achievedn"; } cout<< "Can you show us the GMS map?"; cin>> map; } // Damn, error! it is not running. Cant read the map, dunno why? Can you show us the GMS map, if you dont mind?
  5. ^^ lol @ personal experience. Maandhey, you're still alive ileen. Long time no see here!
  6. ^ yeah, I know it. the big 'K' swallowed lil 'h' new year's eve. We demand the lil 'h' back!
  7. It seems ODM lost the momentum long ago by waiting out of the blue some sort of divine intervention. They really blew their chances to force Kibaki to step down.
  8. Dr.Galbeyte, first welcome here, secondly before we ever start asking you questions, why dont you tell lil bit about yourself and your relationship with this said Galmudug i.e who are you?
  9. Fasax badanaa sowta uu waa dhow fasax ku jiray. War JB wuu ku dhuftay markaan ayaan umalaynayaa hadaanan laga soo gaarin wax kale ayaa meeshan ka dhici doona! war tolkii awaye.
  10. Very sad story indeed. By the way, I hate when people use this "Rumeyso ama ha rumeysanin" thing as their ultimate kinda source. Leaving the reader always in a state of confusion and filled with dismay without presenting any substantial evidence to support their claim, like reliable pictures or source. Just rumeyso ama ha rumeysanin doesn't work at my end.
  11. way Willie, Hawa is the TRUE LEGEND indeed!
  12. Thats the best "red carpet treatment" he can get, huh? statesman visit-deey xaal qaado!
  13. Barack Obamakabush can sing hindi
  14. Allamagan

    Happy 1429

    Sanad wanaagsan. Qaranimadeeni & dadnimadeena Allaha inoo soo cesho. Illaahna halaga baqo meel kasta ito xilli kasta oo aad joogtaan.
  15. While AlQaida denied killing Bhutto, it seems now that CIA was somehow involved in Bhutto's tragic death thats what this two articles (below) are suggesting. Report: Bhutto was no more US friend Benazir Bhutto had distanced herself from a US-brokered deal between her and the Pakistani President before her death, reports say. The Washington Post reported that former Pakistani PM Bhutto had sent a written complaint to a senior State Department official saying that her camp no longer viewed the backstage US move as a good-will effort towards democracy. Instead, it was seen as an attempt to protect embattled President Pervez Musharraf as US President George W. Bush's man in Islamabad. Since her return to Pakistan on Oct 18, Bhutto sent several urgent pleas to the State Department, seeking US assistance for better protection. The US reaction was that she was worried over nothing, expressing assurance that Musharraf would not let anything happen to her. Distraught by the lack of US interests in her protection, Bhutto began to distance herself from the US-backed power-sharing arrangement, the Post said. "Bush was in a quandary. Bhutto was much tougher than Musharraf on extremists, but Bush had invested heavily in the Army General," the Post observed. Bhutto was further disillusioned when President Musharraf imposed a state of emergency on Nov 3, but US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice telephoned and urged her to go along with that process in return for concessions from Musharraf. "Bhutto agreed, but she got nothing in return," the Post noted. The report added that the unsuccessful Oct. 18 attempt on Bhutto's life followed Islamabad's rejection of her requested security protection when she returned from eight years in exile. source:: Bhutto's killing 'fascist act of CIA' The PPP says the US and Pakistani spy agencies are the number one suspects behind the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. "Her assassination is calculated. Her killing is a fascist act. US Central Intelligence agency (CIA) and Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) should shoulder responsibility for her assassination," Amanullah Khan, a Britain-based leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) said on Wednesday night, the Times of India reported. He added Bhutto was longing to go back to Pakistan in her effort to restore democracy there but was 'deceived and stabbed in the back by the CIA and ISI'. Meanwhile, Khalid Mahmood, a Labor MP, has said Bhutto knew the threat to her life but the 'West cajoled and forced her to return to Pakistan.' The son of the slain Pakistani opposition leader told reporters on Tuesday that Washington's policy of appeasing dictators is one of the main factors behind the expansion of extremism in the world. source::
  16. Let the shit hit the fan, so that it stinks up the whole continent and especially in East Africa. My fan is already full of sh1t. left and right!
  17. Simply one country one nation! Wish them all the best.
  18. ^ Dhubad, I really dunno what other scholars think of them, but what I know about shababs is that they are a bunch of bloodthirsty ignorants. Most of them are brainwashed and confused young somalis. Rumor has it, that takfiris joined them or probably constitute about a BIG percentage the makeup of shabab militia.
  19. A sikh indian -the spin bowler- have allegedly called Andrew Symonds – the only black player on the Australian team – a monkey. The player is banned for some matches. A conspiracy or fact?
  20. Just wait Ceyrow's call on jihad on everyone except like-minded fellas. Canceling out Mansoor's one
  21. ^ There are thousands other somalis in that same situation. ALl of them victims of this Shabab, TFG and its amxaaro. Quick recovery for them all, IA. War dadkii dhammaa!
  22. Originally posted by Nephthys: Obama dameerkaas ma maqli karo warkiisa. That bit on CNN about his grandmother struck me this morning. I didn't know that she lives in such meagre circumstances. Islaan ilko jajaban oo sabuul fanjileeso outside of a tiny hut aa la isoo hor keenay! Lee ilaaha ila laaah . Obama is a fairly wealthy man, he could feed his grandmother's village for a long time on a just a portion of his salary. If he's going to use his grandma as an example of the diversity of his life experiences and his sympathy with the poor, a complete lifestyle make-over is in order, ala Somali bling-bling style. A U.S Senator running for president oo ayeeydiis saas u taasho waa u dad-nimo xumo . Here is the video . I think she is just doing fine, not that bad.