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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Kooxda Casmara waxa aay u muuqdaan dad kala maan ah haddana isla jira. Eriteriyana dan uma hayso ayagana meesha waqtigii ayaa uga dhumay. Ta kale hadda oo Eritrea ixusl duuban tahay in aay Jabuuti qabsato garan mahayo waxa u yaala kooxdaasi in aay meeshaas ku sii sugnaadan.
  2. ^ Very good news indeed! IA, teaming up and working together will make such a BIG difference and really bad news for Meles and Co.
  3. For sure this will help you beat the bordom today. Daawo
  4. Oh, little Olivia Kendall! every one liked her those days.
  5. Obama looks like a man that CAN re-repair the current not-so-good image of US and lil tiny bit of that of their past, the slavery.
  6. Could the Islamist leadership show the governments of Ethiopia and the West that they were not, in fact, a part of an international agenda with questionable means and motives? What aload of rubbish! Yaa usheega wiilkaas in being a practisig muslin is widely considered you "as part of an international agenda with quetionable means and motives" by etos and Sam, the Bully. BTW there was not much editorial content in there...
  7. Los desperados, Eritrea should be stopped by any means necessary if they do not stop land lootings and invasion of any somali soil, Djabuti.
  8. Nice Read all. Peace and stability (low and order) is the key here, without these in place sooner or later you will be wasting your time and money. Yet against all odds we have witnessed many businesses flourished in these circumstances by them taking risks. So am not willing to take risks like these guys, so I agree with Conspiracy and given the situation of lawlessness Somalia finding itself in I dont think I would invest some money in there. So not this time!
  9. Of course who else I voted for Ken. Hope he wins.
  10. So far Warsan TV is good in terms of quality pictures however they lack of content. They seem rushed into launching a TV without first having good stock of programs. RAAD people look serious so far and time will tell.
  11. Ehmm.. Jimcaale we already missing you badly, sxb
  12. Munaafaqnimo waa meheradooda Hornoow ee dan uga bax. I hate stalkers!
  13. Allamagan


    Originally posted by Nephthys: For a father to do this to his own child is impossible. I trully believe these father-child incest are cases where the men did not father the children. No way, no chance, no how a father could be attracted to his own flesh and blood, there's a static electricity spark like that of the electron [positive and -tive ones] that pulls them apart..... Spot on yaa Nephty! garacyo fowqul garacyo maxaa kale oo laga sugaa oo aanan ahayn in aay ayagu sidii xoolihii is-kudaan.
  14. Koora T, take out those reading glasses for the moment and forget about the O name for the time being, show your your solidarity for the people of this region if you really care about them
  15. The fact was every single song was an anti incl. Guulwadow Siyad and re. Saado we all know that she was just a simple and easy tool used by the dark forces.
  16. A very enjoyable but bullying show.
  17. Rag xoolaha cowska ka badsada ayaa halka jooga. The guy am talking about here wuu is garanayaa ee let it go adeer let it go, cuqdada kugu qurunsan maalinba xogga ha sii daynee wada daa hadda aad nafistidee. Koleey mar kale oo aan waqti aan beerdareeyo hayo ayaan si fiican hoo bariiska kuu dhihi meel kasta kaa siiniye. Brother Hunguri, waan ku salaamay. Horn thanks for the update brother.
  18. There are reports saying a self proclaimed spokesman of the highjacking team claimed they were guarding voluntarily the coast of Somalia from violations and abuse. Truly agree with the spokesman here. These guys are doing great job for us all by "guarding our sea waters voluntarily" from abuse.
  19. Say, topic diversion, huh? can we ppl move on and forget about Kista & sheekadeeda (waan fuuli jiray waan fuushanahay ayaa ka fiicane) and back to the topic at hand.