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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Based on the true reality on the ground both in Puntland and Somalia in general and that he is from a lil bit outer side of the box, a makhiri, at this stage and time, realistically speaking I dont believe he can make it.
  2. Based on HT's public comments, if someone says to me that HT is on CIA's payroll, then I wouldn't resist believing in that, because this gentleman talks irresponsibly and his outrageous remarks cause more harm than good.
  3. I am a bit disappointed that reporter Aidan Hartley forgot another Britain based man, the then Idamaale editor, the notorious Hussein from Manchester. He should have included him in his list trailing UK based criminals. Nevertheless Thanks God that Channel 4 finally dug out for the world to see the true reality we, somalis already knew about Ethiopians and its stooges, the so-called TFG who together are responsible of all these indiscriminately killings/shellings of thousand innocent somalis in Mogadishu and through out Somalia. In fact this program had uncovered/proved strong evidence that Col. Gabre is the Man, who flatly runs the circus and the fact that TFG stooges wash/lick his feet 24/7. OMG, a BIG time embarrassment for the tfg stooges and their supporters alike, especially those in here. I would love to see people like Empror and his reaction to this!!
  4. Yea, you right Shirwa. I myself had benefited much from this technology when I was doing cisco CCNA/CCNP networking courses as I needed badly servers and hosts to run and do tests that time and could hardly afford to buy these expensive machines. with this you can do alot more all in just one machine. Cool, innit!
  5. Zalya, There was a possibility that you could have unformatted the HDD and got it back. Windows and viruses are more or less synonymous. Think mac!
  6. Ayayayayaaay! Thanks Nephthys & Ducaysane alaabta aad meesha soo bandhigteen ayaa wixii kale ee ka horeeyey ka dhigay cantarbaqash iyo malayacni. Shugri o xaajigeedi sirteeda ushegeysa lana dardaarmeysa ayaa tiri: Originally posted by Nephthys: Casarkii haddaan weel la culay, caano kugu siiyo, Cishihii haddaan sarar cusbaale, kugu cashaysiiyo, Oo waa caafimaad rage haddaan, cagaha kuu duu go, Asaadan caloosha igu hayn, Caliyow yeelkaaye. ..saa markii uu saygii intaa u maqlay ayuu isna iska xog waramay iyo siduu jacaylku ugu baahay. Wuxuu yiri: Originally posted by Ducaysane: Aabahay rumaad iyo kolkii, hooyo laga reebo Shugriyey wax ruux iyo naf leh, baad iigu roontahaye Anna sida aan kuu rabo dhab baan, kaaga raaridiye Rasmi inuu kalgacalkaygu yahay, oo aanan riyoonaynin Rabbigii i uuntay baa igu ogee, rubuc intaad qaado Raaliyadii aan saanyadaay, ramo odhaahdayda Oo soo rujuuc oo niyada, hayga kala reebin Anoo ruug-caddaaya oo aan lahayn, rug iyo raas toona Anoon raasamaal haysan iyo, kob aan ku raaxaysto Raggu maalintay shiri anoo, la iska kay reebo Hadalkayga oon run iyo been, axad rabaa joogin Rabbi mahadii Eebaa, nikaax iigu kaa ridaye Kolkan reerka buuxiyo adoo, raaxo ii sababay Rabbi kuma cadaabee abaal, raaga adigoo leh Sidee baanan aad kuugu rabin, saw nin rag ah ma ahi Natfaa kuu riyaaqday oo ducaan, kuu ratibayaaye Rabbigayna wuu iga aqbali, saan rajaysnahaye Adduunyada ku raag oo wax badan, ribix ku noolowe Risiqa Eebe kuu waasacyoo, raas qabow noqo e Raggaa iyo raggii ay dhaleen, oo isdaba roori Intay gaadhiyaal kuuraraan, raarta buuxsada e Wicked!
  7. That was back in 2006. I hope she still his and he is hers like a Bollywood movie and happily ever after.
  8. Waa la jebin doona ayaga iyo naaquudayaashooda dibad iyo gudaba -Bi'idinillaahi Kareem.
  9. They better go back to east africa. Eas africa is better and more closer to their homeland. Defending themselves will definitely have consequences, meaning breaking the law, you end up in prison from hell. I have recently watched a documentary film regarding south africa's overcrowded/overburdened prison systems in which cannibalism and rape is everyday life there. btw I want to know about the asian community? How big are they? and are they affected by this at all? I can already imagine the good protection the whites already enjoying there by now.
  10. ^ adeer Isseh halkan SOL ahi waa uu kaaga waaya aragsan yahay thats why you dont see him fall prey to the mangolians and all these cyber hooligans
  11. SL plays on different league than this. In a league with Nagorno-Karabakh, PKK, Abkhasia, Dafur, ONLF etc.
  12. Whatever Sh. Shariif is, he possesses one vital ingredient that any other in the somali political arena doesn't possess and that is the man is good selesman and can sell anything to the somali people regardless of their clan. He is thousands times better and too good to those left back in Asmara. Illaah ha waafijoyo towfiiqda.
  13. !diots! few years back they were slaves in their own country and penniless refugees in the neighboring countries and now they doing this to their own fellow africans who are going thru the same hardships and pain they went tru. Xoolo idin dhalay ...
  14. RIP. no doubt he was a fighter and a great man with no friends to lean on!
  15. The common sense had prevailed at last and the camouflaged evil forces from within Al-shababs were subdued and undermined by the majority (true believers of Islam) within the resistances who knew that there never been conections between TFG/Ethiopians and the Kismayo Rulers, Duke's favorite team If Al-shabaabs are serious about to hunt down amharos and their collaborators, well they know where to find them but not in Kismayo or Gedo, I say.
  16. Like Rooney, Drogba is still child.. got plenty of time ahead so he will learn and score more goals. If he was there Anelka would have not been picked up for penalty kick.
  17. OMG! Man U, the lucky bvstards voodoo'ed it away, and there you go the only time we ever get close too damn close to lift this bloody cup. Chelsea really deserved to win and played well Vs Man U.
  18. ^ Thats what is on their pocket size 5 page TFG instruction manual about somali clans and those to arrest and looted or to be killed on spot.
  19. Masha'Allah. Great news. Congratulation to her
  20. Me too love Somali land.
  21. The true is that the ethiopians have now learned not to trust 100% to these puntland and somaliland admins and dabo-dhilifs (incl. former Mogadishu warlords) who openly used to trade and still trading innocent somali citizens in exchange of what? nothing...maybe a dinner with Colenel Gebre one day. A friend of mine once told me that a somali hotelier in Jigjiga who happened to be one of these unlucky innocent guys handed (sold) to ethiopians by somaliland admin later got his freedom back when ethiopians found out he is well known local business man who went to Hargeysa for a business trip. Ceebooba!
  22. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: amaan darrada muqdisho ka waran ?? ,,,, ^^ Is like it is a taboo on any talk mogadishu security failure & tfg's $ss-licking.
  23. There will never be a peace as long as Yey is there with the help of amharo tanks. He is absolutely useless and total retard. Somalia and the somalis will never forgive him.
  24. The lowest of all time! Ma sidaan ayaa somali u dambeysay! one has to go back to the history and read what great Mujahid, Sayid M Hassan (rip) said about somalis and that of their true nature when they go that low low....