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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: ..But the office has no relation with the recognition. Oh yeah we all know that this office is merely for CIAs covert operations in somalia.
  2. When reading this "waa la is marxabeeyey" I thought it like xabadeeyey aa!!! mise...waa afsomali la madhmadhojiyey 2008. waxay marxabeeyey! Point: I dont think something positive would ever come out as long as the TFG's position towards amxaaro presence or exit timetable is nonnegotiable
  3. Originally posted by Emperor: ... the diaspora only send petrol to fuel the conflict however have no say at all... In other words (let me rephrase it for you adeer): the diaspora like me, Duke or JB only send petrol to fuel the conflict however have no say at all. Boowe a lot more frankness is need in here
  4. Amazing browser. My favorite indeed! Consp. you should have posted in general section so more ppl take their pledge. Somalia 30. I am sure we can beat the likes of Sudan and Congo..
  5. ^ I dont know this web-defender product you mentioned but what I do know is that most of these so-called antivirus/anitspyware products that freely available on the net are the main culprits behind all these, instead of helping they actually planting/seeding problems into your system. I would say go and get Windows Live OneCare from Microsoft. Get the 90-day trial free and see it for yourself. Really good. Now let me explain to you why I recommending you to this, lets say you have a Ferrari and you have problems with your car, the Ferrari alright so imagine you got some mechanical problems with your Ferrari, would you take it to Mazda or Honda dealer to help you out or to Ferrari dealer, the creator of your car. I think the latter is the ultimate answer to your car problems. Similar to that Microsoft's Live OneCare is the answer to your all Windows problems.
  6. Typical xabashi stooges! from south to north they same.
  7. Unfortunately today's world are run by morons like him.
  8. ^ Good advice indeed, will he be listened to?
  9. Juje, if it was not Shabaabka, who were they, if I may ask?
  10. Unfortunate indeed. Completely agree with libax. They should have taken him to Waamo area and keep him there for sometime (for reflection time) and at first hand experience of kaneecada iyo dhiqlaha Gosha cabaar ha soo cun-cunaane. This guy is the mother of all evil and they let him go free in few minutes.
  11. C'mon, give us break ...this thread belongs to the joke's section yaa Duke. I dont think why Shariifka or anyone else would join to a dying amxaaro slave entity if he hasn't lost his grasp on reality.
  12. Lets do a lil bit Europe/N. America price comparison. We know 1 gallon = 4.54609 liters so if in N America it costs around $4/gallon in Europe it is somewhere over $9/gallon and you guys still making noises.. iska amusa bal! I think we are heading back to geel ama dameer as means of transportations.
  13. American accent is cool..but it is there everywhere..telly etc however, as a bloke what I find more attractive is the Scottish accents especially women. weird!
  14. What a cool recommendation! Hope Mrs. Somalia's tech children will try to employ these principles of SEO in their everyday script & tags so that our voices heard.
  15. ^^ Good, hope two third of that money to be wisely spent on the infrastructure & more jobs created than to be spent on themselves (the heavy duty boys out there)
  16. ^ what 51 million? I cant see it in anywhere of above post unless someone secretly PM'ed you that figure or what!
  17. All Ina Aweys wants is to have all their eggs in one basket and thats bad whereas Sh. Sharif bored with the current strategy and their inability of any progress whatsoever in the political arena and therefore the good Sheikh wants a bit of fresh air and a lil bit change of Asmara system settings and this from another perspectives in their pursuit of some sort of workable solution in that field and of course acceptable to us all, ehm...I mean the vast majority of somalis of course.
  18. All Ina Aweys wants is to have all their eggs in one basket and thats bad whereas Sh. Sharif bored with the current strategy and their inability of any progress whatsoever in the political arena and therefore the good Sheikh wants a bit of fresh air and a lil bit change of Asmara system settings and this from another perspectives in their pursuit of some sort of workable solution in that field and of course acceptable to us all, ehm...I mean the vast majority of somalis of course.
  19. All Ina Aweys wants is to have all their eggs in one basket and thats bad whereas Sh. Sharif bored with the current strategy and their inability of any progress whatsoever in the political arena and therefore the good Sheikh wants a bit of fresh air and a lil bit change of Asmara system settings and this from another perspectives in their pursuit of some sort of workable solution in that field and of course acceptable to us all, ehm...I mean the vast majority of somalis of course.
  20. loool @ Dhubad. Yey sawirkiisa waxa uu u ekyahay typical islaan reer mudug ah oo suuqa caano ku gadaysa halka Nuur Cadena wuxuu u egyahay islaan reer xamara oo dahable ah
  21. Maxaa budgetku inta uu le egyahay loo sheegi waayey? interesting to see how big the budget to run SL for a year really is.
  22. Originally posted by Dhubad: ^^Waryaa Allamagan Barre Hiiraale haduu ku jiri lahaa adba waad difaaci lahaydee nagadaa ninyahoow. Dhubadow, you wrong there awoowe. am a man of principle and hell no am not a color-blinded dudes like Empror, Duke and their likes for blindly defending/worshiping Yey just because he is from their sub-sub clan or clan. I can challenge anyone here to find where I defended BH wrongfully.
  23. ^Waryaa, this is morally indefensible so grow up and learn ninyahow. Unlike you, even Duki knows when to exercise his right to defend the tfg and when not to.
  24. Poorly photoshoped of the man. And of course he is general of his own what is wrong with that when we have generals like Tajir, Darwiish, Afguduud why not Gen. Indho Guduud
  25. Where are the TFG cheerleaders? mise waa no comments ilaa dhowr beri