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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. I dont think that we have in our language a somali word for democracy, however in the context of somali history I know it was common practice in the nomadic life, even in Islam whereby people used to sit down together (under the tree in our case) and to discuss their worldly affairs and settle their differences within the context of Islam. Unfortunately, there are people like DhulQarnayn who happened to be allergic to hearing the name "democracy" whithout thinking it further.
  2. The chance for the Habashi soldier to survive at Al Shabab's hand is 1% very very slim, so he must be already dead by now. The Sahaba never killed any enemy combatant that surrendered himself to them and they always treated them well. Will they do the same, I doubt!
  3. ^ People and power adeer, yaa yiri culumadu hawo uma qabaan xukun iyo siyaasad? Based on that information given in Aw Dango's post, they, the wadaads seem not to have learned from past mistakes done by ICU. Waa la arki ayagoo meel kast isku wada koobay abu amina this abu sulfa that abu faruuq there. somali sempre somali wadaad or not wadaad they are just bunch of power-hungry short-sighted creatures. Sayidka (RIP) horey usheegay duulkan!
  4. ^ who said there are no reer badiye or badows in Europe? plenty of them there especially in rural areas.
  5. Originally posted by Username: Loool, sh1t man I spilt drink on my shirt. Koleey qof dumaroo lagasoo jajabshay weeye baan filayaa! Siphoningd. how about lets say jamaicans/negerians/arabs/whites, are they much better off than these somali faraxs? What is the story? [ August 30, 2008, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: Rahima ]
  6. Loool @ amin. Agree, Barre is so much in love with the city.
  7. In my opinion natural beauty, our women rank among the most beautiful women folk on earth saaso tahay marmar waxaad is dhahaysaa cusbo cusbo ayaa ka maqan micnaha waa iska niyad jabsan yihiin!
  8. Jabiso is proving to be the new term adopted by the pro TFGs within the islamic movement circles whose main aim is to infiltrate Al Shababs and the IUC with their hiden agenda. They are not armed groups, just individuals within these different islamic groups united under the banner "Jabiso" meaning back-stabbers and supporting habashi plunder.
  9. ^ I know bottom of you heart, this is a bad news for you, isn't it? gota admit, sxb! coz tfg will be overrun by any group.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Adeer again you are getting yourself in knowts, yours is the same family as IndaCde and Xasan Dahir, but from a different sub group.. So in your wild wild dreams you are told every single SOLer's clan and their sub clan by the dark forces, haye?
  11. Typical Dukeys! faan faankii cidda lagu aqoon jiray durba wuu bilaabmatay. Suddenly you hear names, created characters and this new jabiso just out of the blue. Kismaayo annaga qabsanayna qaar ayaa soo qoray
  12. Toloow ma walaashiis bay ahayd wa asaga sidaa uga gubtaye? maxayse gabadhani kaga duwan tahay gabdhaha & hooyooyinka Soomaliyeed ee maalinkasta amxarka AIDs laha ahi gacma-gacmeeyo ama uu toogto.
  13. Amazingly Diidi heestiisa caadi maahan!! Thanks JB.
  14. Warsame, calool jileecsiga iska dhaaf, ninyo. The fact that "Israel being the FIRST country to recognize" Somalia -however true to that- is irrelevant here. You mixing two things here politics and Islam, Deenul-Haq! Meel isugu bayr bal! Re. your question SHOULD MUSLIMS HATE JEWS? sister Umm_Uthman had answered your question correctly. Refer back to Al Quran for more clear and concise answers.
  15. ^ loool Why you guys got scared look on your faces whenever Hiraale is been mentioned or written about! man, you mad about him.
  16. Baarlamaan maashee kuwan!! Waa shimbiro baalal lahayn oo iska heesheesaya. Amin Amir got it right
  17. looooooool @ tonight is final game. AYUBA: Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night. DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok. AYUBA : Can I take it tomorrow, tonight is final game.
  18. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: xasuus iyo xasuus waxaan kalo soo xasuustay, calentii kasoo dhici jirtay geedka kuyaal dayaxa marki qof dhinto. Alla, maxaan caleenta radiyeey!!! qofna caleentas ma helay? Ninyaho sheekadaa waan maqlay berri maxaa ka jira ma kitaabada laga helay mise waa sheeko soomali sida raggii awrka cirka doontay inay soo qabsadaan oo kale miya?
  19. I wouldn't mind and would be HAPPY for any sister (Xalimo) marrying other races as long as she is happy with what she is doing and the guy is definetly MUSLIM. Any sister marrying a kaffir or gaal then I really do feel sorry for her. Illaah ha soo hanuuniyo labadoodaba.
  20. Dabshid, who was parading all day yesterday? And dont be silly and naive here adeer when you know the truth. Re. my post, it was merely referecing to the two Yey-amharic lads we all know here who were celebrating emptiness and a victory of not theirs what canI say...
  21. ^ Why you daydreaming old boy? Since when Al Shababs became a toxic TFG entity? Last time I checked they were two unmixables. ..and if they are in control in Kismayo why on earth their victory is your victory knowing that you are diehard TFG Amhaar ***-licker mise wa ...
  22. Loool @ this dude, Empror. He never cease amusing SOLers, isn't he? the truth is that this dude never gets tired of playing the buffoon in SOL politic section. Go back to history books somalina waa is taqaana so Duke's and Empror's lot could and I say would never defeat Hiraale's in any sort of war so why not let them rejoice (mashxaradaan) over -not theirs - but the short term victory of united Al Shababs in Jubooyinka. What they trying to ignore here is the fact that Hiraales people are still in control and unfortunately fighting on both sides of the fence and the fact that they still with or without Hiraale will have greater SAY over Kismayo's future. Lets hope this city gets peace at last IA and maxaay kuugu taala for sure lot alla wejiyo-xun will never have the lions share Hiraale's will have and enjoy in Kismayo till the dooms day. So dear lads temperoraly swim with the current at the moment and shed so much tears later