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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Yes as nuune said only thru Uganda is the only option open for you right now if you want to be there before Eid. I was with my mum and she didnt have european passport that time as I did so we had to go thru Uganda. I have done that route twice and last time was back in 2001. Our journey started from Kampala to Busia, which is an ugandan town at the border with Kenya and then after a lill rest and refreshment in somali-owned hotel we proceeded to cross the border over to Busia town (a Kenyan town) then from there either you can take a taxi or a bus to Nairobi. I have to say its long and rough journey in both countries. Th roads are not that good condition and they driving crazy and sometimes irresponsible. Between Busia and Nairobi there are many checkpoints along the the road and that can give you problems if you dont have the right papers etc, in our case my mum had a kenyan kapandha (i hope i got it right there). Some of the Sujui brothers out there are real Vssholes and can get you in trouble. They work with the local police officers and you will get un expected visit by one of these guys right in your hotel room checking your papers. They will say to you "Do something" i.e they need your money, bribery. I dont mean to scare you but thats reality down there I am talking from my own experiences. If you taking that route always make sure you have someone who knows the culture and know-how waiting for you there otherwise af-libaax aa ku geleysaa halkaa waana lagu furunaa. That was long time ago I dunno the situation right now.
  2. And yep, truly agree that Life is like Hell without FRIENDS Originally posted by Ban-tured: Do you know the relationship between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together and sleep together. Even though they never see each other, friendship should be just like that! Life is like Hell without FRIENDS.. I like that bit! the rest .... thanks anyway for sharing it with us.
  3. You must have been the same school of Gordon Ramsay then!
  4. Abtigiis & Tolka, brother all your contributions here are deeply appreciated by many people here. I myself enjoyed them all and you are such a great man. Keep on all these short stories coming in and please dont mention names haddii kale sheekada waa la micna dilaya i.e horrible side effects
  5. Duke, waxba ha is xiijinin locol or not, the question is can the TFG go there or the least have a say there. Stop kidding yourself adeer we all know Kismayo has been and still is a TFG-free zone
  6. Kool K, Happy Birthday. Sanadkaad gashay annagana Allaha na gaarsiiyo adigana intoo kale and many more joyful years to come IA
  7. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: "Labada meelood meel uun ku ekoow. Kolba meel ha faaruqin'e!" Hilarious sxb! Adigu ma la talisay saaxiibkaa Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Nepthys Waa runtay, walaahi. Abdullahi Yusuf iyo Maxamed dheere waataan waayaa. looool you funny wallaahi.
  8. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Zack dadka sooman taas u sheeg! Waa hadal macquula.
  9. ^When will these two beams finally be fired on each other? any timing? I wonder if all these go wrong what will the outcome be? I mean according to these physicists involved.
  10. On moral grounds bribery is bad in every sense, however, there are times when people are tempted/forced to do so. For some bribery is a way of surviving as it is the case for many somalis, for others is achieving goals etc. I personally never bribed anyone, but did help reletives to bribe these kenyan police morons in Nairobi.
  11. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Allamagan, he is not somali looking. In the typical sense. He is afro-american looking; but if you look closely, you can detect the somali blood. Dhiigeenuu lee yahay yarku. A&T, you right with this picture maybe lil more afro amaricano qacda hore, laakineto you should see him mix in there with all other black players and you immediately tell that there is a farax among these guys. I saw him again this evening playing against Brazil. Wishing the lad all the success and with bigger contracts coming in the future.
  12. Paralympics Wheelchair Basketball Team GB in Beijing 2008 Name: Abdi Jama Lives: Liverpool Born: 01.11.82, Burao, SOM Occupation: Athlete Club: Wolverhampton Rhinos Coach: Murray Treseder Position: Guard Category: 1.0 point Games attended: None WCh: 5th Amsterdam NED Jul 06. ECh: silver Wetzlar GER Aug 07. PWC: bronze Manchester GBR May 06; bronze Manchester GBR 07; silver Manchester GBR May 08. One of two 1-pt players in GBR squad for Beijing, where he makes PG debut. Sustained spinal injury after falling out of a window. Sporting hero is Muhammed Ali. Enjoys bowling and football. I was watching tonight this basketball game between USA and GB when I spoted this somali-looking dude in Team GB and later found out that he is actually a somali. Team GB won hard-faught game by 54 50. He was in and out (substitution) several times but helped the Team GB beat the USA. Because of he was so good there I must say I was dissapointed with the coach he didnt let this brother play more minutes in the game.
  13. So far, wise move for them to appoint someone from far far away places, i.e Red Sea's "uncle". For sure Kismaayo needs some major tweakings & changes to the mindset of the public and to avoid the wadaads not to make the same silly mistakes done by UIC or that of TFG. Lets wait and see bal!
  14. Chrome is cool but but but, with Google a complet privacy does not exist. I am wondering where is Google taking us to!
  15. Hindidan cawaanta ah maalinba sheeko cusub oo wierd ah ayeey inoo keenan. Wax kala mahinee Illaaha ka sii daynayey 2dan maskiin ee daanyerta ee silsilada ugu xirna.
  16. Hope Khan learned a lesson there. The colombian was like scorpion that not moving just waiting for his prey to come closer and then with one poisonous sting strike -BANG - the game is over! easy prey he was!
  17. ^ amin, Allaha nagu anfaco darsiga diiniga ah adigana kaa ajarsiiyo. Balse Abu Xaliimow (aka Empror) ar hadal macaanidaa ninyahow maxaa marka kale (qablu rabadanka and probably bacdul ciidda) dhibka iyo xasidnimada iyo dhiiga muslimka in dhulka lagu qubo u jeceshahay? Waxaad taageersanayd amxaarka gaalka ah ee walaalahaaga muslimka ah ee sooman ku laynaya xaafadahooda, guryahooda, iskuulkooda & dalkoodi. Waxaanu rajeynaynaa inaanu aragno different Emperor bacdul Ciidda. Halkana SOL ahna kaga qayb qaadatid ta'marunan nassa kheyra watanhawna faxishah. Gen. Duke-na dacwada gaarsiisid si hadhow aysan xujo kuugu noqonin adiga Ramadan Mubarak Originally posted by Nephthys: quote:Originally posted by Emperor: waa Bil barakaysan akhii hadaadan is hayn karin xataa maalmo ayaa inoo harayee aan iska sugno, Allamagan, maxaad iigu yeertayna, ma inaan bishaanna halkeeni kasii miis-miisno sidaa kudanbowno... Ramadaan Mubaarak to you all. Brother, Bil-caabud-nimada waa lagu naar tagaa, saa ula soco. Markasta Camal Saalix la imoow, Ramadan or not. Mandhaay culimadda iska daa oo u tartiibi hadaad wax usheegeysidna.
  18. Waxaan Alle uga baryeeynaa in halkaasi ka soo baxaani maamul xaq ah oo cadaalada kana nadiifa qabyaladeysi iwm oo ahaa kii (ayaan darradii) burburisay Midowgii Maxaakiimta. Haddii aay taasi (qabiilka) iska dhowraan waxaa hubaal ah in ka guul gaari doonaan ka miradhalinta sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa mushkilaadka dhulkaas. Balse haddii shaydaan u waxyoodo oo aay qabiileysi bilaabaan shaki kuma jirto in aay kala furfurmi doonaan lana jabin doono. Aanu aragno bal sida aay wax yeelaan. All eyez on them!
  19. ^War raggan aad la hadlaysid jiq ayeey kutahay ee iska dhaah ninyo, whatever the situation, they are out of the equation now. Where is Empreror? mar hore ayaad arki lahayd him with his usual antics.
  20. Loool, Horn I never believed any og these guys who control/controlled the city. They were all clanist one way or other. The only guys who are qabiilless in this equation now is Al-Shabaabs and this northerner admin leader must be Alshabab rep. The rest are bullsh1t qabilst sporting long beard and with Sacuudi cimaamado (tan gaduudan). Horn Ramadan Mubarak, brother.
  21. Truly agree all. The truth is only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace and of cource happiness. Alla bi Dikrillahi Tadma innul Quluub, hope I got it right there! [ September 20, 2008, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Nur ]
  22. Jazakallah walaal Nuur. Allaha ramadankena inaga aqbalo Illahna ha na haleel siiyo habeenka Leilatul Qadarka. Ramadan Mubarak to all am
  23. Originally posted by Nephthys: ^ Xataa adaa? Come onnnn!!! soo taa la jirtay Shabaabka, ma ku kacday hadana? Calaashaan, why? Lool Bishaaro, I know what you implying here... iga qalee dee waa ramadane. Re. Al Shabab, eventhough I never been a fan of Alshababs I supported and still support them in their fight against habashis, warlords incl. TFG stooges I also know they are not qabiil-centric. My problems with them is rather their extreme views and violence against civilians, ala you-either-with-us-or-against-us we all tired of this, aren't we?