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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ Waanu garanay. Waanu isla fahamnay markaa meelaha uu wadaadku ku fududaaday o ah tan shariifka iyo inuu yiraa 200 oo askari ayaanu maalin walba soo saarnaa. Maxay tahay baahida keenaysa inuu aduunka oo dhan ogeysiiyaa. Danse ma ugu jirto inu mareykan uu misna dadka halkaas cadibnaa oo uu mareykanku dhowr jeer dad iyo duunyaba laayey in haddana diyaaradihii la dul keeno. Anigu waxaan u arkaa inuu halkaa ku fududaday wadaadku. Dhinaca kale, bal aan aragno Indho Cade iyo waxa uu sameeyo. KAdib markii XT ka baxay group-koodi xoolahaygi isoo celi ayuu Indhacade ku yiri XT, Xassan Turkina wa ka asna yiri.. xoolahee? annigu sadaqadayda aan baxshay sheegan mahayo balse ana xaggiisa (waa indho cade e) waxaa iiga maqan waxyaalo badan. Taasi waxay ku tusineysaa in Xiriirkii XT iyo Raggisi kale ad modid in uu marayo meel aad u xasaasiya.
  2. Juje, if its not your prediction, then why not provide us with the source, i.e the reliablity of this is in question!
  3. XT kheeyr allaha siiyo, hadaladiisa meelo badan wuu ku saxsan yahay balse xeesha iyo taktikada dhankaas iskuma ay fiicna. Tusaale ahaan marka uu leeyahay mucaskarka Raaskambooni wuxuu maalinkii soo saara 200 oo mujahid!, maxaa ku kalifay inuu sirtiisa dibada usoo bandhigo haddiise americaanku berri taggaan halka ama bombeeyaan sow assagu uma horseedin oo kuma casumin??? waa la yaabay!
  4. loool these days you hear all kinda wierd stories happing in China.
  5. Eid Mubarak to you all and to your families. 1luv
  6. Abwaan, thanks for the link. I wonder why Y Garaad cut that part of interview with the Captain, particularly the last bit where the captain was saying that one of his crew died because of "illness".
  7. Waw!! Considering the huge presence of warships along the coastal line, the guys challenged them all and took the game to another world record level this time. Now that all eyez on them I wonder how they will play out the game, will they empty the whole ship for anything value or will they drive a hard bargain. Or is it just another alla approche française!
  8. Forget about this media buhuu bahaa, the guys are innocent until proven guilty. For me reading the story it doesnt add up together. We'll see!
  9. ^ Ducaysane maxaa homeless-a ninyo sowta la leeyahay waxay markaas ku jiren xaajo culus oo aysan joojin karin taasi oo dhalisay in aay maqli waayeen dhawaaqa ama horn-ka tareenka soo socday. Malaha waxay rabeen in tareenku sugo tan iyo inta aay xaajadooda ka dhameesanayen.
  10. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Nimanka aad sheegeysid yaawe? Warya wax mugdi kujira majirto ee see wax u rabtay? nimanka aan sheegayo waa kuwa seedigood xaafadda la joogay naf ka raadshay oo afduubtay. Hai capito Signor YoYo!
  11. War nimankan xataa xiddidtinimada ma yaqaanin miyaa Sey nin ajnabi muslim ah gabarna ka qaba xaafadana la deggan u afduubtaan. Dadkani xishoodkii waa ka tageen.
  12. Nice pictures. Thanks Chubacka.
  13. ..on the moon! People on crack or similar do the unthinkable like this two ******.
  14. A look at some of the statistical miracles in the Quran. Of which are only a very small fraction of what this holy book contains to the whole mankind. Statistical Study conducted by Dr. Tariq Al-Suwaidan. A Well known scholar from the Muslim Brotherhood, Ikhwan Al-muslimoon. Islamic Gateway brings you a glimpse of this study. Click here to read this astonishing discoveries. Subxaanallah! Amazing walaahi
  15. ^ lool you right. A misplaced title I say!
  16. With this great charisma Sh Sharif is the deal, the man that can get us out of this mess if and only if we work with him and his team.
  17. I bet this fat boy had some driving hours on his belt given by his grandma before this grand slum tour de ville
  18. ^ Congratulations on the latest member of the family, sxb.
  19. unknown1, sxb you gradually becoming the stalker of SOL. Hvor gammel er ni bal horta?
  20. Allamagan

    Juma Woes

    ^ understandable. Imagine you have one hour lunch break and you go to the local mosque and find yourself in this never-ending khutbah, One hour later still on. I can understand these guys but yes its xaram interrupting Khutbah and yell out at the imam, instead they should have gone to a corner and pray duhur and go silently. I have once done that, not feeling OK about that but I was forced to. Illaahay hanoo dambi dhaafo.
  21. MD is just more than a tool. It comes with lifetime guarantee good and always there available to any top dealers in order to put a curb on Kacdoonka Shacabka. I am pretty sure it will be used sooner than later.
  22. ^ no you wrong there adeer, the TFG has only one seat and rumor has it that the tfg not happy with that and would be lodging an appeal against this decision to the new boss, Red Sea's uncle. Hope Duke will update us the latest. Duke...