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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. A&T, I think having all these man-made (human) & natural obstacles on this caravan's way in your mind, you should have been lil bit patient and waited for to see if this Caravan ever reaches where (the places) it was inteded to go or settle in.
  2. ^ count on me, hareerahaada iga day sxb!
  3. loooooooool. Mahadsanid. Waa sidaan u qaatay balse waan yara shakiyoyo waxaan is iri bal halaguu iftiinsho. A&T raggeedi sxb tahay cid wax kugu qabsan karta majirto.
  4. ^ A&T, waa maxay V-area bal? Siphoning, by generalizing us all, I bet your brothers and uncles are included in your CURSED list of somalisk men. Fair enough Ta kale haddii laga tagay oo la dabaalo caashaqa lagu yiri anagoo dhan hanagu qara bixin bilaa calayg, nakala raab bal
  5. ^Waa ay fiican yihiin haddii aay iska fogeeyen, balse su'aashu waxay tahay AbuMansur ma xukumaa Shababka oo dhan? Al-shabaabna miyeeysan ahayn kuwa kooxdii (unugii) kastabaa uu iskood u shaqeeyan oo aanan isku xirnayn oo wax chain of command jirin markii howl-gal ay subinayaan?
  6. ^ waa runtaa, labada dhinac waa laga helaa. Balse nimanku waa ka duwan yihiin si kasta oo uu beerta u galo ama meel kasta soo fiirsho aakhir midoo uu helaa buulkisana maka soo baxayo mar dambe balse Caasho ayadoo milage-ka aduunka saaran yahay oo almost write-off ah ee soo noqonee yaa ka bixi kara xata looma qaraaba kiili karo. Che, wax nala tus ma maqli jirtay waa la is haystaa bal kii siisowgu ka tago ha la arko.
  7. Ilax, Every nation on this earh the US, France, Britain, South Africa, Angola, Poland, Italy, Argentina you name it they all gone thru this kinda mess before and they all bounced back regardeless of its cost & time. In our case, I believe we are in the last phase of picking ourselves up from the ashes and thereby to kick-start the long awaited recovery process. This phase or this decisive process can be long or short process, all depends on our maturity for peace, the role of external stakeholders and whether we seriously learned our history lessons. Things can change overnight therefore we have to remain optimistic (rajada Alle lagama quusto) and work together in search of a lasting peace in our beloved country, Somalia. Illaahow nadaba qabo xaaladu waa inagu xuntahaye!
  8. Zack-ow, Lama yaabahayo gabadhan, balse waxaan arkay gabdhaho badan oo soomali ah oo sidaa oo kale u hadli jiray ayan garanayaa oo sidaay u lahayeen ka carara nimanka somalida (backwards) ayeey waxay u galeen rag xun-xun. Gabdhahaas damage-kii ka soo gaaray raggaasi weli waa ay ka soo kabsan la' yihiin, markasay mar xeero iyo fandhaal kala dhaceen arkeysaa ayagoo gabgab leh oo nimankii aay cayn jireen ee soomaliga ahaa arkeysaa luuq kasta u istaagsan yaa wax ku falaya.. too late ..qof rabo malahan cidlo nolol xun spending a lonesome life isaga dhex jiraan.
  9. Walaal, Allaha caafiyo walaasheen.
  10. Originally posted by siphoningdilemma: ^ No its not a defaulted reply but rather a Somali mens excuse to flee from his mistakes . Qofyahay nimanka soomalida waad iska dhex aragtay ma is tiri. away yaabka-yaabkiisa!
  11. Allaha u naxariisto. Ubadi in Al Shabab yihiin kuwa dilay, taasina waxay cadeynaysaa in Al-shabaab aysan ahayn kuwa xal doona balse qayb ka ah musaaibta iyo mushkilada maanta haysata somaliya.
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: Cadiyo, he clicked print screen (prnt scrn) on his keyboard and then opened the notepad (or any word documents and pressed 'paste'). He saved that document and then uploaded it to one of the many image sites on the net. Voila. Spot on. I used Microsoft Paint compined with photoshop (resized) then upload it to the net.
  13. ^ Looool @ Sayid, Bantu inuu yahaya aan u haystay.
  14. Originally posted by The Zack: ^He aint bantu, he is Kenyan ninyahow. There is a difference. whatever he is, he is NOTHING. bantuga marka iri hadaldaii aan qoray oo aan rabay inaan dhaho waan la noqday kan ayaa is iri bal ku daa, waxan la rabay ayaa ka xumaa wad fahamtay.
  15. ^ Your antivirus/malware software may not be able to remove it but can identify the thread, in this case to take note of it and google for solutions. Dirxiyada waa ka xunyihiin viruska ayaga ugu darran oo aanla saari karin qaarkood. Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: Allamagan, how did SOL let you post that? I see that but folder options. I think it is OK to post images on SOL. these were images that I created and posted on the net and then displayed them on SOL.
  16. Xafuufah! Naden aa qurux badan gabdhahan. ta kale Nuune caato badanaa ninku iyuusan waxba cunin
  17. This is what Dhubad was saying. Cabdiyo Cabdi, if you still cant see it and you done the registery thing asking you to log in as admin while you already logged in as admin, then you have virus or worms (dirxi kumputered) giving you hard time. Solve the problem by running your antivirus/malware software and start cleaning your pc then re-try. JBmy problem is different. Everytime I want to read posts I run to my next mate's pc few steps away from me and read the whole story and come back to my seat and start typing with no monitor. I am genius, Dhubad, sxb ninkaa ma asagaa wax dhimay, he was instructed to shut all open windows and he done it, the problem was the guy on the other side who thinks everyone who call them is computer literate. Re. my problem you were not helpful sxb, and my problem is now solved. Bad caple was the problem.
  18. Nune, sxb? I cant see any "hide button" to press! I cant even see a thing just an empty space, the whole screen gone and I need it now. As we speak now I am just typing in without a screen hope something understandable will come out of it. Could this be that I have a worm inside
  19. ^ Dhubad, maybe you should help me too, I cant see my monitor ( a samsung 19' flatscreen), how can I unhide my monitor do you think? your help highly appreciated sxb
  20. Good stuff, Adam Z. this dude is just a retard and deserves not to be given much attention at all, however, anyone wants to set record striaght for this bantu man he can be reached by this email:
  21. Embarrassing moment for Canada. Watch it here! A Canadian Conservative Party speech-writer has resigned after Prime Minister Stephen Harper was accused of plagiarism in a speech he made in 2003. Owen Lippert admitted he had been "overzealous in copying segments" of a speech in support of the invasion of Iraq by then Australian PM John Howard. Mr Lippert said neither his superiors nor Mr Harper, who was opposition leader at the time, had been aware. The accusation comes half-way through a general election campaign. Mr Harper, who has led a minority government since January 2006, called the snap election for 14 October last month, hoping to obtain a parliamentary majority, for which he needs to win 28 more seats. Opinion polls suggest the conservatives are within striking distance of doing so, having maintained a near 10-point lead over the Liberals. Context 'even worse' The speech by Mr Harper was originally made on 20 March 2003 as the House of Commons in Ottawa held an emergency debate at the beginning of the US-led war in Iraq. In the debate, Mr Harper urged Canada and the Liberal government to join the so-called "coalition of the willing". Five years later at a campaign stop on Tuesday, a Liberal MP for Toronto, Bob Rae, accused the prime minister of plagiarism. Mr Harper's 2003 speech had been made almost word-for-word two days before in Canberra by his former Australian counterpart, John Howard, he said. To prove the allegation, portions of the speeches were played side by side. "In the interests of world peace and regional security... The community of nations required Iraq to surrender," Mr Howard said in his speech. "In the interests of peace and regional security... The community of nations required Iraq to surrender," Mr Harper said two days later. Mr Rae said the discovery was made by accident almost two months ago by Liberal strategists who were looking for similarities between Mr Harper's government and that of US President George W Bush. The Liberals said they did not release the information until Tuesday because they had been waiting to receive a videotape of Mr Howard's speech from Australia. Liberal leader Stephane Dion said Mr Harper ought to be "expelled" by his party, and that the context in which the plagiarism had occurred made it "even worse". "It's about Stephen Harper saying that Canada should go with the war in Iraq," he said. "He's unable to choose his own words," he added. "Canadians want their country [to] speak with its own voice on the world stage." 'Pressed for time' Conservative campaign spokesman Kory Teneycke initially refused to discuss the allegations of plagiarism. "I'm not going to get into a debate about a five-year-old speech that was delivered three parliaments ago, two elections ago," he told the CBC. But eventually Mr Lippert, who describes himself as an expert in intellectual property, apologised and announced his resignation. "Pressed for time, I was overzealous in copying segments of another world leader's speech," he said in a statement. "Neither my superiors in the office of the leader of the opposition nor the leader of the opposition was aware that I had done so." The BBC's Lee Carter in Toronto says the revelation comes during an election campaign that has focused heavily on leadership, with Mr Harper depicting himself as honest and dependable, contrasting himself to Mr Dion, who has been criticised for poor leadership and communication skills. The two men are to face each other shortly in two vital televised debates - one in French on Wednesday and another in English on Thursday.
  22. That is cool, because we will witness sharp decline of these kinda of homicide
  23. Was she really asking for divorce? divorce her for Gods sake! and send her to her mum. hehehe no am really joking. Very moving story yaa A&T, thanks sxb for the story. I say real story real people!! Was she really asking for too much or she been abused mentally and emotionally.. not clear yet.
  24. Kooxdii markabkan haysatay ayaa la sheegayaa inay u kala baxeen [qabil qabiil] Look at this 1diots making themselves fools!!! Dont they know how to work together and think about their own survival or maybe they dont even see that their days are numbered.
  25. ^ What is your take on this, Juje. I dont think this meeting would have anything good to do with the blight on somali people today. They (IGAD, UN etc) will only talk current sea piracy crisis. Dantooda ayeey ka hadli doontaan waad ogaan doontiin. Ilaxoow, I agree but due to our deep mistrust between us, somalis, I still believe we do need lil bit help from any honest outside world for a good kick-start.