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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. I am not sure whether he is alive today or dead, but this man inaba caadi mahan.
  2. The Legendary Boon Xirsi!! Cidla Ka Qooq: Boon Xirsi & Cabdi Haybe Boodya Gaab: Boon Xirsi & Sxb kale Ninka Somaliga: Boon Xirsi. This is 4 t2t girl. Ergo Jacayl : Boon Xirsi
  3. Ibtisam, well done and congrats!
  4. ^ See waaye adiga? A&T muxuu kale oo uu qaban lahaa? they would make good pairs ee ninyahow siidaa baan ku niri sii daa.
  5. looool @ she changed her online profile to "single" four days after he had moved out.... raggii waa ka soo darooyaan ayaamahan ma is tiri... Walee raggan maanta iyo kuwii horan isku mid ahayn!
  6. Horta gabdhaha "islaamka" dhankooda maxaa mar kasta nalooga soo galaa. Weli waa ii dhiman yahay nin "muslim" aha ama sheeganayo oo headlines-ka sameeya. Naagtaan waxaa ka waalan kuwa ku daba tukanaya. kuwa aay tujisay ma dariiqyada laga soo aruurshay koleey muslim saxa kuma dabatukanaye
  7. Allamagan

    21 Oktoober

    Sheekh Empror, you got it all wrong dear boy. I wont answer your ciiyaal questions because no mater how hard I try to explain to you how things relate each other unfortunately it wont go beyond that thick skull of yours. Come to South London and I'll make it easy for you so digestable so nice and all your questions answered...
  8. Allamagan

    21 Oktoober

    ^ on a serious note: where is the Kitab picture and hadith you were sporting during ramadan gone? is it over? koley waad soo tafa xayd-xaaydaneysaaye go figure
  9. Waryaa Sayidka, why on earth to disallow my candidate, T2T? I am disappointed and am out.
  10. Allamagan

    21 Oktoober

    ^maraxan ka dhaadhacsii bal Aw Nuunow.
  11. Alloow kuu naxariiso xaaji Maxamed Siyaad. Hornow thanks brother. 21. Octobebr waxaa lagu xasuustaa qaranimadii somaliyeed iyo Madaxweynihii u dambeeyey ee dowladii soomaliya la dhihi jiray intaanan daacuunku dilaacin. Horn, gabanka Che ahi looma baxo wuu lufluf jecel yahayee lafta u daa (haku qabsanin) ha iska feen-feentee haddu wax ka helayo.
  12. Allamagan

    21 Oktoober

    ^ c'mon say it Siphon, of course somalisk men is to blame Originally posted by Norf 1: Never heard of it until recently,,,,, North, you gotta be kidding sxb. You were not born after anno 1987 and neitehr you came from outer space,
  13. Originally posted by peasant: I would not mind sharing bath but not in that week were the volcano is very active and the lava is flowing... looooooooooool
  14. Allamagan

    21 Oktoober

    Happy venti uno ottobre!
  15. Allamagan

    21 Oktoober

    In Living Memory - Stronger Armed Forces, Great Leader, Beautiful Country and Beautiful People. Enjoy!!
  16. I bet all of you guys except MC Xamar have been sometime in Pakistan before your final destination to the West.
  17. ^ tuulo Galbeedka ku taala oo an ka imi taasi okale wa laga duceysan jiray. Caajisleey waaye
  18. Bishaaro, it is the old age + new circumstances. Move on ...for sure you better off with current situation. Statistically speaking you must have safed lots of money by then.
  19. This message is for Sayid*S, if you are not Sayid dont read. Structly confidential: Waryaa Sayid heedhe, from my observation waxaan umalaynayaa in loo badan yahay Type#1 Kula Kacdo but am not sure. waa la ogaan doona! Shuush btw me and you.
  20. Originally posted by Nephthys: Emp, waa ku gaadaayay, laakin waa iga baxsatay tookadaan. Insha Allah, markalaan ku qaban. . Caku adiga maku dhahaa "wadaadka" kitaabada weyn dad badan aa luuq ugu dhakanaa oo sugayey maalintuu lakala baxo kitaabadiisi kale ee qablu ramadanka aqriyi jiray aan rabay in aan maxkamada horkeeno... hada wa kaas asagoo madaxa la soo baxbaxaya aa dib u sii celisay. Yac!
  21. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Voting Nephthys for President (non-Slander you can tell I'm not bias with this ) Running Mate: Oodweyne ( We need a strong leadership) Neph & Odweyne aa? war way kala xajiimodan labadani ma wada shaqyen karaan talk about YEY & Abu mansur ama liin & caano. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Siphoning and me?! A lips-watering prospect but please put me under CARA! With no clause on impreachment for whatever harassment! There is no "impeachment" in somali vocabulary, so please, go ahead. With Siphon waa lagu dhufaanayaa hadaadan is ilaalin. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Allamagan - why of all people do you have nominate that one - ma waxaad rabta in xiniinyaha laga saaro? Sayidka, abaayo Siphon in ay rag u ciil qabtaan arkay A&T-na waayahan kacsan yahay dee markaa wax dejiyu u bahna, marka Siphon Oday Biiqey ha ka dhigatan lahaa ha karaar joojiye. Ogoow odey Biiqana wuu u egyahay
  22. Tru2truth (formely known as Siphoning D) for president Reason: I believe she will be good asset for SOL. She had always been a very vocal critic of the somalisk men. She is the change we need. We need another Caraweelo to put these lowless somalisk men into their deserved places in the society (probably rehab) and to help them help themselves. She will have the chance to prove that she is not a hater but a carer and a concerned sister. A&T for vice president Reason: Hate him or love him, this man has what it takes (all ingredients) to be a good SOL leader. Despite of him being here with us only 8 months he got over 2100 posts to his name. He is active community worker. He is also a controversial figure and for many here they see him as potential not SOL president but future somali president. I wanted him as president and True2Truth as his vice president, but I see many people here had misunderstood this gentleman and therefore as vice president they will give him a chance to prove what he is capable of and time to show his leadership skills.
  23. ^ Fulay, intaad waxaanan jirin iyo (more psychological) ihi-aha nagu cabeysid maad geesinimadeeda inta yeelatid ku adkeysatid hadalkaadi hore.