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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^what stuff you saw on youtube that is very disturbing, sxb?
  2. Hehehe ........this is headsup call for those US citizen faraxs and xalimos to not let their distance farax & cousin, Senator Obama down especially this time where he needs them badly
  3. OMG...Allow ku naxariiso. wadaadadii baa sidaa yeelaya maxaad u maleynaysaa kuwa kale. A cursed land iga dheh!
  4. Good question I think you can reject any fabricated “sharia” law which has nothing to do with the Sunnah and the Quran, both and has no ground to stand. There are lots of grey areas with different interpretations and each group claiming their interpretation as the most authentic one. Unfortunately, we see many people who claim to be the true followers of the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) and yet ignoring his true teachings and sayings. They are rough and extremists to say the least.
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: I happened to be sitting in a Somaliland coffee shop last night and eavesdrop on a discussion about these bombings: Waxa la yedhi: this whole thing was perpetrated by the Ucid party in order to discredit the current Somaliland government and allow Faysal to sound like a great statesmen by shouting in his usual demagogical style (which, you have to admit, will have more listeners than usual in this current climate). Waxa la yedhi: the Riyaale administration is behind this act. They did it to prolong his presidency and allow him to cancel the upcoming elections whilst citing security concerns. Waxa la yedhi: this was planned and executed by Kulmiye operatives in order to show how weak the current administration is and sweep the former chairman of the heroic SNM back to power. Waxa la yedhi: this was a wicked Puntland plot to disrupt Somaliland and the evidence is found in the cowardly way they also engineered some harmless explosions in their own city to confuse people and direct suspicion elsewhere. Waxa la yedhi: this was an ONLF operation to teach the Somaliland government a lesson and make them think twice about handing any ONLF sympathisers to the Ethiopian authorities (the evidence cited here is the one about blowing up the Ethiopian embassy). Waxa la yedhi: this was an Ethiopian plot to allow that country to invade Somaliland in the name of maintaining regional security. The allegation about the death of three Ethiopians in the embassy was dismissed as misinformation; they were three poor Somalilanders that worked in the embassy and no Xabashis died. Waxa la yedhi: Sheekadan yehood ba ka dambeesa Waxa la yedhi: the cars were actually remote controlled and there were no suicide bombers. This was a CIA plot and a parting gift from the Bush government. Waxa la yedhi: this was a KGB operation! Apparently, with Russia slowly returning to its old Soviet ways, the KGB is trying to get a foothold in the Horn of Africa and also trying to teach a lesson to the cowardly secessionists for daring to separate from the Somalia of Siyad Barre. Waxa la yedhi: Abdullahi Yusuf arranged this operation to cause a distraction and ease the building pressure he is under. Waxa la yedhi: Al Shabaab is behind this cowardly act and are doing it to show that their influence and power reaches the whole of Somalia. Waxa la yedhi: this was planned and executed by an angry group of youth who want to blame this disaster on the Mullahs. Apparently, the Mullahs once disrupted a Valentine party they had in Borama. Waxa la yedhi: Sh. Sharif ordered these attacks to take attention away from his shameful and futile partnership with the TFG. Waxa la yedhi: there were no cars and no terrorist plots. These explosions were due to the incompetence of the Somaliland electricity companies. Waayirada es galay! Adigo maxad odhan? I think all the above statements of waxaa la yiri can be true except that of Sh. Sharif one. Thats impossible. the man is love man not a hateman
  6. Wa la yaabay! waa isu yimaadeene maxay isugu yimaadeen. Wixii IGAD dadka ugu yeeraysay oo intaas oo xilibaan Keenya ugu yeertay ma waxaan bay ahayd in lagu cay-cayaaro xilibaan kusheega mise sheeko kale oo anan anaga & ayguba warba u haynin ayaa meesha ka socota.
  7. What is all this crack in you yaa JB? ...just let it go..yeah..let it go....
  8. ^ Amin, Allaha u naxariisto intii ku dhimatay JB, nice to hear you safe and sound. Is it possible to send us pictures of the situation there...
  9. Nothin but deeping the pessimism over any outcome of any IGAD meeting chaired (spearheading) by ethiopians.
  10. YEY was reported to have been at odds with his ethioipian masters and seeking help from Ugandan president, and now PM too is sending out the same signal... what on earth is going on here? where would this take the infamouse tfg to? what about the ethiopians plan B ileen cayaar cayaar kuma harayaane?
  11. Originally posted by Cirdey: Islaantu ma miyir qabtey horta? Waa su'aal wanaagsan. Mideeda kale wadaadaduna (Sh. Xayaakalaaah kulahaa :rolleyes: ) kama uusan hadlin xaalada innanta xagga miyirkeeda. Waxaay meesha la yimaadeen sheeko raqiisa oo aanan soconaynin kulahaa ayadaa is keentay... oo haddii aay is keentay maxay la cabaadeysay? Ta kale aaway kii ka sineystay? Maxaa isna loo soo qaban wayey ama loo magacaabi waayey? Marqaati ma lahayn? War dadkaan yaa dadka masaakiinta ka qabta. Dhibaatooyin waxan ka weyn ayaa yaala oo la rabay inaay xoogga saaraan inta aay ku mashquulayaan qof "xoggaa yara waalan" wuxuu u sheegay iwm. Inaay xagga dhaqaalaha iyo amniga xoogga saaran ayeey ahayd. Beri fiirsada gabadhan reerkoodi oo iyana sheekada sidaay u arkeen ka hadli doona.
  12. Thanks Barud. I always enjoy Raaghe Omaar's exceptional way of documentring and his cool style. As usual my man always digging deep in order to unearth missing & always-ignored historical links/facts.
  13. Sayid, sabir iyo iman walaal aabena Allaha u naxariisto. I know what is like lossing your dad suddenly. I remember talking to my dad one day having this unusual conversation with him such a conversation that we never had before and then the next day he wasn't there.. three years on still echoing to me ears. And yes, every one of us will taste death sooner or later... Allow u naxariiso intii muslima oo dhimatay.
  14. Happy Birthday walaaleey and many more good years to come. Cibaado suuban & caafimad.
  15. You 100% right brother, agree!! but I did mention that tho "Idaa Jaa'a ajaluhaa la yasta'khiruuna sacatan wala yastaqdimuun" at the bottom of my post... much in a somalisk way. Haven't I? Re. that "Cheat" title-thing yep that was bad title choice I agree. Isku soo duu-duubo, naf waliba waxay u baahan tahay in Allihii abuurtay aay caabudo (created to worship Allah, nothing more nothing less), markaa naftii laga weecshaa dariiqas (worshiping Allah swt) sida gabdhaasi oo kale ayeey from extreme to extreme hadba naftu meel kala dhacada illaa ay kaw ka tiraa ama naxariista Allah u timnaado mooyee.
  16. ..unbelievable and both sisters somehow made full recovery after all these suicide attempts. Wallee been ma ahan qofkii tiisu gasha dhinta!
  17. ^ Bal universal & RAAD TV kaa naadi waad arki ayadoo meel ka soo insarixineysa e! Hope in an mar hore la qallin
  18. Looool @ dhinacaada ka qaraabo. Baaruud, Raggan fanaaniinta ahi nolosha dhabta ah iyo wax markaa jira oo waqici ah ayeey ka hadli jireen. These stories were real and reflect the true changes in the society markaas.
  19. Oo waxanba u haystay in Eritrea dhulkii jabuuti ay ka qabsatay isaga baxday goor hore. Wallee Ereatrea waayadan waa aay rafaneysaa...
  20. looooool @ the automated messages. This must be an insults to the TFG and the Dukes here!
  21. ^ Maxamoud Axmed Cali ma kan Muqdisha ku yaala baa? Kaasi baan dhigan jiray intan tsunamidu Mogadishu ka bilaaban.
  22. Abdi Malow, I must have seen him, but cant recall that name. Can we put a face to this name? Youtube? AUN.
  23. loooool. He must weigh a ton! kursigu wax uu qaadi waayey ba la saaray
  24. ^ Oh, what a bad news! May Allah easy it on him.