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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. It's quite a shock to see a 70-year-old Joe Frazier, still living above his Philadelphia gym, bitterly explaining how he feels Ali's health problems are payment for his past behaviour, cruelly saying: "I'm talking, I'm walking and still having fun." Thats cruel!! is he right?
  2. OMG, I've just finished watching a documentry film about the greatest fights of all time Muhamed Ali Vs Joe Friesier on More 4. What a shocking and heartrending story to watch about the rivalry between the two great boxers. "Once you know Frazier's story, though, you may never look at Ali "The Greatest" in the same light again. After all, this is the man who racially taunted Frazier at the pre-match press conference by calling him a "gorilla" " Ali was BAD always racially abusing his opponent by calling him Gorilla, ignorant, with no brain, a whiteman in black skin... all sorts of humilations. Watching this you feel nothing but sorry for this poor guy, you feel like the whole world was agaisnt him even the media.... he has been robbed never given the respect that he deserved or been honered for his great contribution to this sport. After all this man was a great boxer. Ali officially apologized in 2001 in an interview with NYT. However, b4 watching this doc it wasn't that hard for me to tell where my sympathies lied but tonight that had changed and I have great respect for Joe Frazier. In 1975, legendary boxers Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier fought their third and final contest in the Philippines. The bout is now considered the greatest ever boxing match in history, with an ending so dramatic it continues to provoke controversy. Featuring archive footage and exclusive interviews with Frazier, his son Marvin and Muhammed Ali, True Stories documents a bitter and intense rivalry, fuelled by race and religion. Muhammad Ali's life has been well documented, but this is the story of the other man in Manila. A man unable to let go of the most bitter and intense sporting rivalry the world has ever seen. It's quite a shock to see a 70-year-old Joe Frazier, still living above his Philadelphia gym, bitterly explaining how he feels Ali's health problems are payment for his past behaviour, cruelly saying: "I'm talking, I'm walking and still having fun." But it's even more of a shock to see that sporting hero Ali wasn't an innocent party in the conflict between the two men. Eight years previously, Ali and Frazier had been friends. Frazier publicly and personally supported Ali when he had been stripped of his boxing licence for refusing to fight in the Vietnam War, going so far as to lend his competitor money. But once Ali was back in the ring, their friendship turned into a vicious feud, entwined with the racial politics of America in the 1970s. Ali became involved in the black militant organisation Nation Of Islam and portrayed Frazier as a traitor to the black community. Ali saw Frazier as inferior in every way, and used his relationship with the press to taunt his opponent: "It will be a killa and a chilla and a thrilla, when I get the gorilla in Manila." By the time the men met in the ring for their third bout, the feud had reached boiling point and their extraordinary personal battle led to a fight that was a near-death experience for both of them. With this documentary, True Stories provides an interesting insight into one of boxing's most iconic fights from a previously unexplored perspective.
  3. Lets not be too much hopefull that Obama would solve all of our muslim problems. If he wants to improve america's image in the muslim countries what is the better time to do it than now that he is US president. Lets wait and see his first 180 days in office. One of the two, Obama will either do what is thought to be right for america and for the american people and to capture the moral high ground (comparing him to his predecessor) or he will start sucking up to the powers that be as his predecessor Bush done. Having said all that I am still optimistic about this man doing some much needed changes to US foreign policy towards muslims in general and horn of africa in particular without him being labelled as muslim thats the last thing he ever wants to be called .
  4. Originally posted by Mujaahid Red Sea: The reporter did a poor job. He wasn't all that excited for her. lool Agree, typical amateurish somali reporters! Their work always lack of situational awareness like this guy. Watch Universal TV and you will see these poor reportage in somali.
  5. There is good reason to remain optimistic about Barack Obama's approach towards the Somalia puzzle. Let us not lose hope here.
  6. Originally posted by Cirdey: This fool in la dhufaano ayuu istaahilaa! Qoorta muxu isaga jari waayey while he was at it. Damn ciyaal jalaato. PS: This isn't love, it's exhibitionism bordering on Axmaqnimo. Wuxu ardaalsanaa. looooooool @ exhibitionism bordering on Axmaqnimo. Yarka filmada hinidga ayuu malaha dawashadooda isku badshay! Wuxuu ku fiicanaa in Al-shabaabka loo sheego si aay washamsi "jaceylka" looga saaro sidii saarka.
  7. ..yep so typical and nowadays many somali xalimos started to develop the same symptom as that of this black girl. Call it
  8. ^^ loool you right about the title, a messy title malaha Sayi S qaxwe ayuusan markaa cabino waxba si kayara ahaa. For thime being just try if you can translate that word into maxaa tiri language
  9. Hee rer SOL, la felanye? Nune, widaayow adoo raala eh wal alaale walii ada ha qorta fadaasa af maayka ley haka qor kastey?
  10. Arabic: Muqadas English: Sacred Somali: Muqadas (good), sharfan (better)
  11. "We Shall Overcome" song used to be a protest song or an anthem of US civil right movement and it all started here. So now Obama being the 1st black president eveer in US. he gave african americans a new injection of self-belief and hope and to live the real american dream...
  12. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: quote:Originally posted by Allamagan: ^ Truly agree, I must admit this is the only time I ever agreed with Kashafa. You are agreeing with him coz you are anti-Somalilander Somalia already suffered under colonial rules by chopping/dismembering our land, Somalia into five different entities, some were given away to others as a gift so in all honest it is extraordinarily unbearable for me to witness another dismemberment unfolding right in our eyes at this time and age where we know even once devided nations once again unite for the better. Thats why I am against this wicked idea/madness as it is not in the interest of our somali people in genral and that of our northern brothers in particular. Caqligu Ha Shaqeeyo!
  13. ^ Truly agree, I must admit this is the only time I ever agreed with Kashafa.
  14. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: If anyone out there thought that Obama's triumph to the white would mean new dawns for Somali, must be too naive. He was elected by American people for America, and his top priorities will be a change in USA not in Somalia or in Africa or in Muslim world Why not a change in overseas? You right, as a somali, we dont have to be that naive in believing Obama as the real deal, the guy who would solve our problems or bringing significant change to this part of world, however, we understand that if he wants to he CAN make change in Somalia and to any nation that needs a helping hand. We will see bal siduu wayeelo!
  15. Watch these two videos below and you will be shocked about the scale of this scum. These voting machines were in operation mostly in the swing states like Ohio and we all remembmer that John Kerry lost to Bush. Watch how malicious software injected computers (voting machines) can steal votes and can cover up its track. Princeton University exposes Diebold (voting machine manufacture) flaws. a MUST see video! ... and watch people involved or were contracted by the US government for this job. After all these voting machine scum and vote caging revelations, Obama must have been one lucky guy, as the criminals this time around couldn't steal any votes. Tata ta ta!
  16. Migrants lost at sea for 15 days resort to cannibalism by eating dead passengers to survive A group of refugees who were cast adrift at sea for more than two weeks survived by eating dead passengers, it has emerged. The 33 Dominican migrants were trying to reach Puerto Rico by boat but were cast adrift after their captain became lost. Only four survived the ordeal and admitted they are only alive after eating fellow migrants. The crew were told by their captain not to bring any food or water aboard when they set off from Sanchez on the one-day journey to the U.S territory on October 17. Dominican Gregorio Marizan and three other men survived 15 days at sea by eating their dead shipmates But the captain abandoned ship after two days, admitting they were lost while the boat ran out of fuel, casting the group adrift. The only woman in the group and one of five people to be rescued, died in hospital after they were found near the Turks and Caicos Islands. Speaking from his hospital bed, survivor Gregorio Maria Marizan said the group tried to sustain themselves on rain and seawater . Saulio Marizan recovers in hospital but his brother Emmanuel died during the ordeal Famished and dehydrated, they watched migrant after migrant die, each time waiting 15 to 20 minutes before throwing the body overboard. The survivor said the decision to eat the dead shipmates was not an easy one to take and did so in order to live. 'Imagine, 15 days without food, without water. I'm a sailor, a fisherman - they were all yelling at me to do something,' he said. 'I always try to be prepared, so I had brought my knife along. We hadn't brought food because it was supposed to be a quick trip. 'We had nothing to eat. We had to eat him, to save our own lives. We cut from his leg and chest. We cut little pieces and swallowed them like pills. 'It's like beef, almost the same. At the skin there is like half an inch of yellow fat, then the fibres.' The divorced father-of-three said he and his brothers Saulio, 27, and Emmanuel, 30, were forced to attempt the treacherous crossing in search of a better life. The elder brother Emmanuel didn't survive the journey. Hundreds of Dominicans take to the sea each year in small boats, many of them homemade, trying to reach Puerto Rico through the dangerous Mona Passage. Thanking God for being alive, Marizan said he wanted one of the family to stay alive to tell the story. Dominican Minister of Tourism Francisco Javier Garcia said the migrants ate from the corpse of the last person to die. Franklin Paoulino and the group were forced to eat their dead shipmates in order to survive Mr Garcia said the bodies of the other dead were thrown into the sea and the five were rescued by U.S. Coast Guard helicopter on Saturday and taken to a hospital on the island of Providenciales. 'The surviving four are dehydrated and have swollen legs but are expected to recover,' he said after visiting the survivor. In 2004, 36 survivors in a group of 87 migrants drank breast milk, sea water and ate human flesh in desperate acts to survive. source Alla maa najaynaa! si kastaba saaxiibkaa ma ku qadayn lahayd? I think these guys are the real culprits they finished and ate up all other passengers including the poor captain. There must have been fightings etc. And now that they used to "yummy" human flesh they must be danger to the public safety now so the authority must be worrying about them and monitor them 24/7.
  17. looool @ HS. The end of the day Homer followed his heart than his head and voted for Mcain not only one time but 6 times.... ... How about this propaganda?
  18. ^ are you implying that we have inexperienced Palin-like chicks here who running 4 Pres/Vice P or what?
  19. Masha'Allah, Very interesting developments.
  20. For six long minutes and with all these trash/silly questions being put to her, poor Palin was still unable to find out that she was being played prank on her. Anyway, if Bush became US president for America, why not Palin, she would definitly perfom better than this prick.
  21. Well, nothing more secret here, i changed my mind in the last minute and voted unconditionally for Bishaaro (she knows how to use her dacas when dealing unruly nomads like dhulQarnayn etc. Vice Pres. well I voted for A&T (the right to offend and not to offend is sometimes amazingly amazing) and like for Obama, everything looks pretty good for these two nomads so far good luck!
  22. JB, changing the name of the country from Somaliland to some other names.... forget about others, you you have any suggestions? maybe you may have intresting names in mind drop 'em in here bal...