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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ agree with that. The man, JB whose sol antics include lots of looooooooools and abused commas ,,, is an interesting character here in SOL and also a diehard secessionist who wholeheartedly believe he is fighting for a lost cause and his SL quite realistically inaayba waa hore duushayba balse xanibaadyo xaggaa technicality-ga ah u xayiran tahay un. Having said that I personally like and enjoy his topics especially those posted in the general section as well as in the Joke section. So ladies and gents lets crown him the SOLer of the year. shall we? Hats off to JB
  2. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: leave the Old man alone. Teleconfrence ayuu kaga qayb galayaa shirka Djibouti, from Garow. Hehehe..He probably went to Garowe on a situation reflection or maybe he wants to kick Ade out and cancel all these election bulsh1ts (all habit die hard) or maybe he wants to retire there after all apart from his ailing health the guy must feel he is been isolated, outsmarted, humiliated and above all with no friends to lean on.
  3. Ka yare Red Sea ah iska daaya xeryaha militeriga wuu iska galaa lagama celiyo e.
  4. FB, someone forwarded me the link and it is not there anymore probably removed. I can see where u comming from, but me I dont find it offensive at all rather funny. What makes Obama different than Bush?
  5. no way, it has been removed ...c'mon it was just a humorous pic.
  6. Alshabab's willingness to free the saudi super-tanker on the basis of that it is a muslim tanker :rolleyes: proved the notion that Al Shababs is financed by saudis with the supervision of uncle Sam. I watched them on Al jazeera English last night they said they will free the super-tanker by themselves (will storm the tanker) if the pirates do not set the ship and its crew free without condition within the next week or so. Who are they? Was Malaysian ship not muslim ship? How about the Iranians? Hypocrites!
  7. Originally posted by Norf 1: I wouldn't be surprised if nomads recommend Yeey for the Nobel Peace Prize maalin dhow ^
  8. Shirka jabuti mar lee ha dhamaado.. a make-or-break for Yey. Even the blame game has already started within the YEY camp.
  9. AU. Waxaa lagu xasuusta inuu ahaa aabaha olampikada somaliyeed.
  10. Originally posted by Aw-Dhubad: Ibit ka guur meesha. I got 38 within 3miles, I need to move to Southall. Dhubad, Dont you know that there are many sikh BNP members in Southall? You better move to Scotland, a BNP fri land so far
  11. Originally posted by *Blessed: ^I've no enmity towards you, geel igama maad dhicin, so I've no reason to twist your word. In fact, I'd much rather you held my view and my Somali is fine. We disagree on ideas, here. Either explain yourself or tell me to bugger off if you don't want to defend your statements, but waxas oo kale ha noola iman. Horta *Blessed, with what? from reading your responses I am 100% sure that your reading comprehension of af somali is not one of the things that you were blessed with waa ka madowdahay taa eedo bal iisheeg halka aay kaaga fargaxsatay aan ku qandalee si mar dambe asuulisema arrinka aysan u dhicininba. Ta waa ku dhacday maaha?
  12. Originally posted by nuune: - Abdullaahi Yusuf in Libya, siding with Eritrea & Egypt, Ethiopi'a main enemies. - Eretrea welcoming Yey's latest developements. Lol @ ^ that I cant wait to see the pics of Yey, ina Aweys, Afewerke and probably Indho Cade holding hands & posing pictures for photographers
  13. ^lool@ camouflaging Duke, since when you were my english teacher? me upset? hehehe 40 beri oo tacsi aa ku jirtaa ee miyarkaa ma joogo ee shuushh hadalka iska yaree kisto bal. PS. I can see you still suffering Hiraale's syndrome. Last time I was told you are on medication for his problem. no help? If you need I can help you with that... let me know or PM me sxb.
  14. ^^ Oh my ever-camouflaging Duke, sxb moral soundness is not something you dearly cherish, true isn't it? marka Rabbi ku og anna ku oggi and besides no one believes a word of these nonsensical jumble of words you often maxaa kaa galay ah usoo dump-garesid here day in day out (Wallow waayo dhowaa lagaa nastay). I know it must be a tough time for adeero this time around and the situation is so desperate at the moment for you and your likes.
  15. ^ You never cease amusing us sxb, Originally posted by General Duke: The Ethiopians need to vacate the country and be replaced with the AU forces Caku aduunyo! these words are coming from the dude who yesterday whole-heartedly defending and was in favour of Ethiopia's occupation of Somalia and this (above statement) is what he is telling us now.... ciddii kaa dhageysat u sheeg...not me!
  16. Originally posted by *Blessed: ^Even you, yaa Lily.. quote: Originally posted by Allamagan: Ayagiina ma joogsanayaan meel kasta like places from hell like south sudan, Congo, Angola, Niger, Zimbabwe etc meel aysan ayagoo shuko wayn joogin malahan. Waxay meelahan udhex-mushaaxaan sidii inay dalkoodi iyo dadkoodi la joogaan. Yagaa isu keenay markaa??? WTF!! Have you no shame, man? How easy it is for a man to type such words of condemnation from the comforts of his home! Easier than trying to think of ways of perhaps helping the sisters or demanding some justice from the culbrits.. even for a minute.. Also, are you telling me Somaalia hablaha laguma kufsado?? News flash, it happens all the time dear, if not by Ethiopians [ay dadkoodu usoo kaxaysteen], it's bloody 'freedom fighters' who rape and then stone?! Possibly the reasons why these sisters are running away. Walaal stop twisting my words. In the hope of your af-somali not leting you down I would recommend you to go back and reread what I wrote earlier.
  17. Caku ciil badanaa! They indeed are vulnerable gabdhaheena soomaliyeed. Our unique somali race is under threat. Xiirantii SPLA ahayd xattaa maku dayeen! Eheey ah!! Illaahoow umadan ka soo gaar. Ayagiina ma joogsanayaan meel kasta like places from hell like south sudan, Congo, Angola, Niger, Zimbabwe etc meel aysan ayagoo shuko wayn joogin malahan. Waxay meelahan udhex-mushaaxaan sidii inay dalkoodi iyo dadkoodi la joogaan.
  18. ^...and you will be the first to be tested. Ar maad ka joogtid this lie detector thing banaankiisa hanaga yaale
  19. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: yup...homie shaking his azz!! i say whip that azz.. nacalad baa ku taala..! ^ Rudy aay ku dheheen!!
  20. "It will be a killa and a chilla and a thrilla, when I get the gorilla in Manila." By Mohamed Ali ... yep it is on on More 4 again, Bella, enjoy the story of the "other" man.
  21. Some girls here are not honest about all this. C'mon, there are more things in there that you know and we know. shy? On serious note: I dont understand why most of them have pencils and notepads in their purse