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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ safka hore & safka dambeba waa ay buuxaan ayaa la yiri ee LIVE TVga sow riwaayada logama soo dayn doono? Hehehehe.... waa layabay! Yey shalay markii uu ku dhawaaqay inuu eryey Nuur Cade waxa uu u hadlayey sidii nin haysta kalsoonida barlamaanka badankiisa including the speaker, oo wa sagii dhowr jeer ku celcelinayey barlamaanka ayey u taala.. barlamaanka wan ku kalsoonahay haddee maxaa ka dambeeyey sow speaker-kii ma ahan waxa sida u hadlaya hadda sheekadu waa xun tahay Yey-na xanjo iyo suuf isku dhejdhejiyaaba nin sidaa ku haraya ma ahan.
  2. Thanks Juje and Thierry. The guy got some good qualities, so lets wait & see how he utilise all these qualities in him at this critical juncture. All depends on the move and directions he takes, pretty tough and rough. Lets pray for the better insha'Allah.
  3. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby: ^^And, If remember correctly last time you said that Shabab is CIA created organisation. You still believe that? Originally posted by RedSea: Allamagan Alshabab is in U.S terrorist watch list. Stop making up stuff. No, I am not making up stories here just sharing my thoughts with you firstly, "CIAs" didn't create Alshababs and secondly most of Alshababs are confused souls and obviously tools available to anyone including CIAs -why not, thru this arab channels. And my judgement about this group is solely based on my observation on them and that of their senseless actions. That was what I said and what I believe about this group. Look at their actions and what they are doing. Killing innocent people, nowadays avoiding ethiopians so it is pretty obvious to any one that alshabab are causing more harm than good at the momement.
  4. ^ Juje, it is understandable and as well as justifiable your take on Sharifka's peace wagon, however, I would like you if you dont mind to shed some lights on the link between Sharifka & Maxamed Dheere in post Carte Confrence that you earlier mentioned in one of your posts. This is the second time I hear sharif's connection with warlord M Dheere in the past. I would like to know what role Shariifka played being aid to M Dheere in those years and what was his role? Am just curious, sxb!
  5. No justification wahtsoever Hassan Turki and his militia to attack and kill the ONLF fighters. BTW, Al Shababs directly and indirectly (thru some arab business men) report to the CIA Operational Office in Kenya and in the Arab Golf. Raggan remootka ayaa loo hayaa meeshii la rabana waa loo diraa.
  6. ma apology brother. that bit si fiican uma aqrin sharifkiikale ayaan umaleeyey. Goorma ayaa riwaayadan oo DVD ah soo baxaysaa?
  7. make-it-or-break-it moment for sharifka. All eyes on him and what moves he takes. Truelly critical things are at the moment.
  8. loooool @ nuuune. interesting stuff to read all of them. When will SH Sharif join this club?
  9. ^ lool @ pilot waalan. ok mar lee ha loo dhiibo next level II ha geeye or ver WayDuushay 2.0 (dooms day)
  10. I wonder what differences or impacts have Uganda army had on the ordinary mogadishu citizens than occasional shellings and killings. Uganda showed here their political naivity and proved that they were/are ethiopian's poodle. So let them go home now and sooner than later.
  11. ^oo hadduu FCW meesha qabsado geeddu way aay soo degi, danna uguma ay jirto taageerayaasha "waay duushay" in bahashani dib dhulka ugu soo noqoto.
  12. @ "dayo ayaan muusoodaa balse hadana qamuunyoodaa" markaan qosol iraa haddana waan oyaa ayaan u qaatay sax Isseh?
  13. -18 Aalborg, north Denmark, year 1991.
  14. well... never done ratings b4. Done 10 ratings in one go. Qaar waan u qubeeyey (-) qaarna waan u shanleeyey (+), qaarna waan kaftamay (-/+)
  15. ^ loooooooool nuuuune. Ha ku dayaana dhaaf bal in aay wax uga dhiiqaan bal!
  16. looool @ Nuur Cadde ayaa sheegay in uu danaynayo in ciidamada Ethiopia ay sii joogaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya inta laga keenayo ciidamo Caalami ah oo nabadda ilaaliya si ay u badalaan ciidamada Ethiopia. Sheekadaasi waa tii uu Yey lahaa oo laga maqli waayey yaa hadda ka dhageesanaya N Cadde. Shalay markii Yey & amxaaradu isku team aay ahayeen waxaa ay Nuur cade & Sharif u ol-ololeenayeen in amxaaro guurto, hadda oo amxaaro & Yeyna kala baxeen (kala dhinteen) waxaay kuleeyihiin amxaaro ha inoo joogto ilaa iyo inta "wax" iskak badalayaan ama askar africana naloo keenayo. :rolleyes:
  17. looool @ Nuur Cadde ayaa sheegay in uu danaynayo in ciidamada Ethiopia ay sii joogaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya inta laga keenayo ciidamo Caalami ah oo nabadda ilaaliya si ay u badalaan ciidamada Ethiopia. Sheekadaasi waa tii uu Yey lahaa oo laga maqli waayey yaa hadda ka dhageesanaya N Cadde. Shalay markii Yey & amxaaradu isku team aay ahayeen waxaa ay Nuur cade & Sharif u ol-ololeenayeen in amxaaro guurto, hadda oo amxaaro & Yeyna kala baxeen (kala dhinteen) waxaay kuleeyihiin amxaaro ha inoo joogto ilaa iyo inta "wax" iskak badalayaan ama askar africana naloo keenayo. :rolleyes:
  18. ^ Ibtisan, I thinking of a king that hails from SL. Hence the iKing.
  19. ^ Ibtisan, you forgot the I-king or iKing tho! Dont you think iBlock also should come up with one king so that all the tree kings will sit down together in order to save our country. A new country with a new flag, probably blue one with 3 crownss in the middle!!
  20. ^ adiga yakhee STOP bubble-bursting and leave our king alone. will ya? thank u.
  21. Anyone thinking the ethos will just pack their bags and go, is making a naive assumption.
  22. waxaan maqli jiray ninkii kheyrkii loo xiirayoo adna maxaa sugeysaa. Sidii Yeey, wa iska caddahay in Maxamed Dheere uusan meesha ku sii waari doonin. Waxaa hadda steerinka haya Axmed Cabdisalaan amxaaradana waayadan dambe isku soo dhowaanayaan
  23. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote:Originally posted by Alfa: Somali ahaan waxay u dhigantaa; Haye macaanteydiyeey, qasabka ka macaan badaneey, dhayda lo'aad midabkeeda u ekaay, luubaan la shiday ka carfoon badaneey, nirigtii in Maahis kor wanagleey, abatiitka xagiisa wax walba dam ka siisay, goortii la arkaba ilko fargeetoleey xabiibi nafteyda nafteedaay, Allalaah, waan ku salaamay Barni Buuraneey. lol @ Barni Buuraney!!!