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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ Unlike Ethiopia uncle Sam's best interest towards Somalia is for Somalia to have stable and secular government. If they get red of Shababs then what? mission accomplished? No way, for sure Shababs will regroup themselves and come back stronger and this time with more local support. And then back to square 1. So Uncle Sam seems to have learned his previous stup1d mistakes better help/get somalia up on its feet once again or face its bad consequences. So lets see how theses games in Nairobi and Djabuti progress in the coming days and weeks ahead.
  2. Cirdey, Yey is being told the same lines that were told to Geedi a year ago. Simple is that. Waxaa loo sheegi doona inuu without condition iska tago inta anan xoog looga bixin Caruushana la geenin. Lets see which option he chooses. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby: it seems every1 is in djibouti. Something is going down. yep something is going down. you will see once again another peace conference this time SL seriously taking up (filling) more seats in the peace conference. This time uncle sam himself is the chairman. "Intay duushay ayeey Jabuuti ku degtay ayadoon meel kale gaarin"
  3. DulQ, jawaabta waa iska cadahay sxb Horta Somalia ma international community baa iska leh? WAA MAYA! marka shuqul arimaha Somaaliya kuma laha daka aad leedahay "international community". sxb, in alla inta international community ku biisho, mushaarkaada bixiso, amnigaada sugeyso (amisom incl Melez' boys) shuqul ayeey kugu leeyihiin waa in aad dhageysataa warkooda. Waagii adeero aduunka soo marayey oo meeshuu tagaba RED CARPET loo fidin jiray waxaad ku hayseen TFG-da international community-ga ayaa la safan, marka ogolow maantana haddii aay PM la safteen. Secondly, markaad tiri "shacabka somaliyeed taageero kama heysto"...shacabkaad sheygaysid kuwee weeye? Ma Somaliland miyaa? Ma Puntland miyaa? Ma Mo'oryaan gardheerta iyo munaafiqiinta Al Shabab miyaa? Ma Biliqo&CO miyaa? iisheeg shacabka aad sheegaysid? Shacabka soomaliyeed waad ogtahay intuu kukala firirsan yahay min ras caseyr ilaa ras kamboni min soomali galbeed ilaa bari Hobyo weeye dadkaan ka hadlayo oo uu kasban waayey kalsoonidooda iyo taageeradooda oo dhagaha fur ka gashtay amxaarana usoo kaxaystay. Bal fiiri raggii uu soo kaxaystay weeye ragga beri dili doona ama soo qaban doona. Aduunow ba' Isku soo duuduboo markii laga tago xoggaaga caadifadda qabiiliga ah (o iska natural ah waqtiganoo kale ), xatta adeero taageero xoogan kuma dhex haysto tolka dhexdiisa oo wax kale iska dhaafee dadkii uu watay ee mutacalimiin ahaa oo dhiiqada ka saari lahaa iskuna reerka ahaayen ayaa odaygan madax adeygiisa iyo waji kaakinimadiisa inta ka yaabeen oo uu talana ka maqli waayey ayey isaga wada hulaaleen qaar uu rag ku dalbado iyo miduu cayriyo iyo miduu dilo ka dhigay. Taas wax qarsoon ma ahan qof walba waa ogyahay markaa odeyga wax xoggaa caanaboore ah inta u dirtid iska seexo dheh inta anan intern. Cumm.-gu seexin.
  4. ^ haddii maanta kaasi daawo ku jirto adeero aa maanta si xun ugu baahane ka gaarsi oo Daallo ugu sii dhiib PS. Duke-na xoggaa ka sii kabasii bal ha seexisee laga yaabee inaay soo toosiso waa dambe oo uu his longtime school friend saaxiibkii Dr. Axmed C/Salaan oo PM ah ama Sh Shariifoo Mr. President ah oo Vila Somalia Jendey Frezier ku qaabilaya
  5. ^ hehehe sxb, ma adaaba aduun la socda inti ad caanabooraha ku maqnayd wax badan ayaa ku dhaafay
  6. Originally posted by Qudhac: Wareysi ay siisay laanta Af-Soomaaliga ee BBC ayay Jendayi Frazer ku sheegtay in qodobka 51aad ee axdiga qarameedka Somalia uu qorayo in baarlamaanka oo kaliya xilka ka qaadi karo Ra'iisul wasaaraha, sidaa darteed dowladda Mareykanku la shaqeyn doonto Nuur Xasan Xuseen iyo golihiisa Wasiirada. Well, that was uncle Sam. This is such a boost to PM's self-confident.
  7. ar somaliland-na meesha aay wax ka luflufanayaan daya.
  8. ^ yes, sidan dan inooguma aay jirto balse dad Cabdullaahi uu ku taxaluqo miyaa meel gaaraya. Ninkan maba yaqaan tanaasul in asaga looga haro mooye ka har ma yaqaan tan labaad wax support ah kuma haysto guud ahaan shacabka somaliyeed international community-gana haday kala baxeen marka asagoo intaas oo dhan eegaya waxaa fiicnayd in uu inta fakiro talada fiican dadka ka qaata. aragnee
  9. ^^ waa runtaayo siyaasad ahaan iyo talo ahaanba waa 'O' caawa . Odayga caawa ceelna uma qadno cidna uma maqna. Asaga isa sii isolate gareeyey,markaa talo hadduu maqlayo waxaa u fiicnan lahayd asagoo asagoo is casila, haddu sidaa suubiyana PM, barlamaanka kuli waa lawada deggayaa. Meel aan wax ka qabasho lahayn ayeey la mareysaa caawa.
  10. For Puntland... Originally posted by NGONGE: ..If Somaliland gets recognised, Puntland will jump at the chance of seceding and, if Somalia gets fixed, Puntland will be the first to reap the benefits (being an organised and stable entity). Exactly! but at what cost?
  11. so the TFGs and the ethiopians together denied PM Nuur Cade from flying to NBI :rolleyes:
  12. Every dog has his days!! Gone days when Yey was fully enjoying the blessings of these important countries and organisations who have the real authority over the TFG. His mistake was when he turned a deaf ear to the same group who initially packaged this TFG package together and somehow stupidly chose to sail this time around on his own without navigational support as well as without the blessings of these powers that be, especially when things are at this critical stage. So he made this fatal political miscalculations and he is now reaping the outcome. Haunted!
  13. ^ looool! your typical nacnac. Sxb, Hiraale is not in the equation now so do stay within the subjuct at hand and wait hiraale when his time comes in, capice?
  14. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I said long time ago, something is telling me Xaaji is Duke ,,,, Waakaa is haysan kari waayaye bal eega ,, looool Xaaji xunduf waxan waligey u haystay inuu the SL side of the fence inu ahaaye goormo Duke u ekaaday? DNA halaga qaado.
  15. Now the name Duke is synonymous with the name Comical Ali, former Iraqi Information Minister. They have manythings in common, both "generals" and both comedians
  16. Baydhabo: Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo ku mashquulsan magacaabida Raysal wasaare Cusub reer bariga markaan oo kale waxay dhahaan Ar boowe, ay la tahay
  17. Emperor Is there any excitment left in the last last 5 min of the movie? The movie bosses want stop screening it with immediate effect.
  18. ^ JB, but how come I haven't heard anyone mentioned that "Way Duushay" or anyting in thata regard. mise xaggan UK weli kama duulin?
  19. ^ Duke, at the moment adeero seems to be in crisis and found himself sitting on the wrong side of the current political scale. This Xeer-ilaaliyaha-DF-oo-hadlay wont help him at all so he better go to Addis try to beg forgiveness and convince Melez to change his mind before things worsen than its now.
  20. Originally posted by Juje: ...Melez and Mesfin ado ayaga wata ayan whether you dis them or not wa howl adiga ku talo.
  21. Originally posted by Abdinasir Kadawo: A/Yusuf: Nur Cade wuxu Galay khiyaamo qaran ... ironic comment iga dheh!
  22. ^ entertainment indeed!! If thats true, I cant wait to read Duke's alla mohamed-Dheere-flowery new "topics".
  23. ^ looool! why not in W london hangouts. E london is the most boring places in London. After all
  24. Originally posted by Thierry.: I have to admit for a second I thought the old dog got him self back in the game loool or say it a compulsive gambler hence the name Ma Quuste