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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ loool @ they are scared of their comeback? taa waxaan u daynayaa Jacayl Baro Haa walaale dowlad majirto balse baarlamaankii oo dhan baa jooga intaan ka ahayn xooggaa yaroo caro u maqan mooye oo la sugi karo haddii aay iman wayana rag bay gacantu u taagan tahayoo ku hayo annagaa kaas isku tol ahee igu badala waana lagu badalaya horeyna waa loo suubiyey oo YEY ayaa sidaa suubin jiray marka wiilasha meesha jooga ha ku biiraan "Ciidamada Qaranka" haddana waxa ku soo biiri doona ciidamo hor leh oo local ahmarka ama qabiil ha u ekaadan oo ha iska hulaalan ama ha jogeno oo waagii dowlad kale la soo dhiso oo roob fiican da'o ayaad areki Duke oo halkan ka mashxaradaya ee ragga cesha yaa idin yiraahda Yeyna ka tashta yuusan meel xun idinkala dhicin. Gobol dhisan ayaad haysataan dagaal idinma fiicna ninkana waa dagaal ooge hadduu koonfurta idinka soo sarana waqooyi ayuu idin gelinayaa koleey Kismaayo wuu isaga samraye
  2. Sh Emperor, stop making them they are like some sort "african peace keepers" and dont delude yourself with these bulsh1ts saaxib you read from Pro Yey sites, I know you better than that sxb wax isulahar . Raggaana they either stay there as a somali army ready to take orders from their new bosses and do what they ordered to do or they choose to be a "clan militia" and follow the footsteps of the man who brought them there from Puntland. One of the two! which one?
  3. Originally posted by Cirdey: Replacement? I don't fink so! I hear the whole 61 **** block MPs have gone out of Baidoa to either Garowe - Galkacyo or Gedo. I hear even the entirety of the **** block are having a sit in for the time being; it's like creating a set-up for off-side. Lool @ Cirdey, the only ****-Block who have gone out of Baydhabo in protest were those of Puntlanders i mean ciyaalka xaafadda ku dar ee ****-block within ****-block-ta. balse the rest of rough ****-block gangs Alshabab ayeey ka dhuuman doonan inta aaysan magaalada ugu soo gelin. Annigu shaqsi ahan waxaan qabaa in PM & Mr. Presdident la isugu daro ****-town lagu sharfo with Cimaamad iyo xaalmaris as a good gesture lagana warsugo bal saay wax yeelan. [ December 30, 2008, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  4. Saudi King Abdullah has spoken to US President George W. Bush urging him to intervene to end Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip. source
  5. Professor Igor Panarin: When America fell to pieces the shouting was outrageous Russia Today As early as autumn 2009 the economic crisis may lead to a civil war in the USA and then to its division into parts. Igor Panarin, doctor of political science, dean of the foreign affairs department at the Diplomacy Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, presented this forecast ten years ago. At that time his forecasts seemed unrealistic, but now many of them are coming true. We present a new version of the event’s development through the eyes of the scientist, even though it may seem disputable and even scandalous. In his interview with Izvestia, professor Panarin shares his opinion on the following issues: why the United States decided on monetary reform; who Obama is working for; and why it is better for Russia to be friends with China. Question: Mr. Panarin, where did this idea of the breakup of the US come from back in 1998, when this country was prospering and when it was an unconditional world leader? Answer: In September 1998 an international conference called the Informational War was held in Austria. I presented my analytical research there. 150 out of 400 participants were from the USA. There was outrageous shouting in the audience when I was talking about the division of America in my presentation. However my reasons were well-grounded. Back then it was obvious that finance and economy would be the main destructive power for the USA. The dollar was not secured by anything. The external debt of the country was growing like an avalanche in spite of the fact that it was non-existent at the beginning of the 1980s. In 1998, when I was making my forecast, it had reached 2 trillion dollars. Today it’s more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid which is bound to collapse. Q: Will the entire American economy collapse? A: It is collapsing now. Three out of the five largest and oldest banks on Wall Street ceased to exist because of the financial crisis; and the other two are on the verge of surviving. Their losses are the largest in history. Now we are talking about replacing the regulation system in the world: America will no longer be the world regulator. Q: Which country will replace it? A: Two countries are making a claim for this role: China with its large reserves, and Russia as a country which could play the role of a regulator on the Eurasian territory. A rather remarkable event took place at the G20 summit which has just taken place in Washington. Participants put forward the new architectonics of the international affairs where a key role would belong to the International Monetary Fund. But the International Monetary Fund needs funds. Thus the participants addressed China and Japan with a request to provide money. The gold reserves of China come to more than 2 trillion dollars. It is the largest creditor to the USA. Now it will definitely affect the policy of the fund. By the way, it is not accidental that Mr. Hu Jintao met two leaders at the summit: the Russian President and the leader of the UK. There are plans to hold the spring G20 meeting in England. And the meeting with Russia as a country which is putting forward the basic principles of reconstructing the world financial system also clearly fits the vision of the Chinese reformation process. “Skeleton which keeps the USA together is fragile” Q: We are clear about the world leaders. But let’s go back to the USA. What makes you believe in the possible division of the country? A: There are a number of reasons. First, the financial problems of the USA will increase. Millions of citizens have already lost their savings. Prices and unemployment keep growing. General Motors and Ford are on the verge of collapse which means that entire towns will end up unemployed. The governors are now harshly demanding money from the federal center. Complaints are growing. They’ve been restrained so far by the presidential election and by hope that Obama could perform a miracle. However, by spring it will become clear that a miracle will not happen. The second factor is the vulnerability of the political mechanism in the USA. There is no uniform legislation on the territory of the country. There aren’t even general uniform traffic rules. The skeleton which keeps the USA together is fragile. Even the armed forces in Iraq are represented by the non-citizens of the United States to a large extent. They fight for the promise of American citizenship. Thus the army, as a melting pot has stopped fulfilling a consolidating function for the American state. And finally, the split of the elite has made itself especially clear under the conditions of the crisis. “Hundred dollar notes may get frozen” Q: How will the country be divided? Mexico is obviously in the south. What else? A: There are six parts altogether. The first one is the Pacific Ocean coast of the USA. I can give you an example: 53% of San Francisco’s population is Chinese. The Governor of Washington state was an ethnic Chinese; its capital, Seattle, is called the gate of the Chinese emigration to the USA. It is obvious that the Pacific Ocean coast has been gradually influenced by China. The second part in the south is definitely the Mexicans. In some areas, Spanish has become the official language already. Then comes Texas which has been openly fighting for independence. The Atlantic coast has a totally different ethnos and mentality. It could be split into two parts as well. And we are left with two central depressive areas. May I remind you that five central states where the Indians live had announced their independence. It was perceived as a joke or a kind of a political show. But the fact remains the same. Canada is making a strong influence in the North. By the way, Russia may require returning Alaska, as it had been rented out… Q: What will happen to the dollar then? A: In 2006 a secret agreement was made between Canada, Mexico and the USA on preparing to implement the Amero as a new currency unit. This may mean replacement of the dollar. At the same time 100-dollar notes which have flooded the world may just get “frozen”. An excuse may be used, for example, that terrorists have made false notes which need to be checked. "Confrontation between the clans has become open” Q: Could you tell us about the division of the elite. Are these the democrats and the republicans? A: No, that is not right. There are two groups in the US authorities. The first one may be called the globalists, or the Trotskyites. Leon Trotsky had already formulated their idea in the past: it’s not Russia that we need, but a world revolution. Soviet Russia was viewed by them as a base for control over the world. The second group is the statists which want prosperity for their country. Representatives of these two clans are present in both Democratic and Republican Parties. Take voting for the anti-crisis plan of Paulson, which was suggested by the Republican administration, for example. It was voted down in the Congress by the Republicans first of all. Q: Who is in charge of the clans? A: The key persons of the globalists are Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney. The key persons of the statists are Robert Gates, Defense Secretary; Michael Hayden, CIA Director; and Admiral Mike McConnell, director of national intelligence. Globalists are mainly the financial elite, and statists are the armed forces, special services and military and industrial complex. Recently the confrontation between these two clans has become open. In December last year the statists presented a report which completely denied the existence of the nuclear program in Iran. It directly contradicted conclusions made by Condoleezza Rice and Dick Cheney. The second important event took place at the hearings of the US Congress concerning the 5-day war in the Caucasus. The globalists represented by Condoleezza Rice insisted that Russia had started the war and that it would be punished for it. Georgia was the project of Condoleezza. And representatives of the intelligence community presented a diametrically opposite statement: that Georgia had started the war. We see an open confrontation between very outstanding political figures. Q: And who’s Obama’s company? A: The statists with Gates in charge were the key players who had enabled Obama to win. They are demanding that he change the general line in return. In this light, a very interesting factor is that Gates the Republican is viewed as the most important candidate as to whether he remains the US Defense Secretary or becomes the Secretary of State. This is the influence of the statists on the President. By the way, the first session which Obama held was with the American intelligence community. “We have to cut the ropes tying us to Titanic.” Q: What does the victory of the statists mean for Russia? A: It’s a rather good chance for us, as they acted on our side in the conflict in the Caucasus. According to President Medvedev’s visit to the USA we see that he was not subject to any obstruction in relation to the events in the Caucasus. The atmosphere in Washington was rather calm and friendly. Q: What should Russia do in order to avoid shocks in relation to a possible economic collapse of the United States? A: It should develop the rouble as the regional currency. It should form an efficient petroleum exchange which would sell oil for roubles. Several days ago an agreement was signed between Russia and Belarus on transferring payments for oil and gas to roubles. This is the beginning of establishing the ruble as the regional currency as well. We’ve been receiving our currency from Kazakhstan and Belarus for electricity already. Now our task is to try to make as many rouble contracts as possible for the year 2009 before the end of this year. In this case Russia will be able to escape the growing global crisis. We have to cut the ropes tying us to the financial “Titanic” which, in my opinion, will drown in the nearest future. source
  6. US apocalypse in 2010, scholar predicts A former KGB analyst and Russian academic predicts a civil war in the United States which will lead to the eventual fall of the country. Igor Panarin, doctor of political science and dean of the foreign affairs department at the Diplomacy Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry said while he does not dislike Americans, the outlook for them is gloomy. He said he has based his forecast on classified data provided by analysts at the Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information (FAGCI). The Russian intelligence agency is one of the successors of KGB and an equivalent to the American National Security Agency (NSA). Panarin believes that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war in the United States as early as the autumn of 2009. The Russian scientist adds that the US will then break into six pieces in late June or early July 2010 -- with Alaska reverting to Russian control. The Californian Republic, the Texas Republic, the Atlantic America -- consisting of Washington, DC, and New York --, the Central North American Republic - consisting of Canada and a group of Northern states - along with Hawaii are other five regions to be ruled by foreign powers. His theory of the US demise was first introduced in 1998. While Panarin's forecast seemed unrealistic at the time, the current global financial meltdown has lent credibility to his prediction. "There's a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur," Panarin said. The US administration has so far refused to comment on the grim forecast made by the Russian scientist. "I am perplexed and therefore I think I will have to decline to comment," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said at a December news conference. :source:
  7. Originally posted by Abdinasir Kadawo: and which group is that? Kadawo, ninkan Duke aa layiraa bac weyn aa isaga xirran ciddii ka fikir duwanata waa "Looters Inc." oo lawada ogsoon yahay qabiilka uu ula jeedo, ee energy badan ha isaga qasaarinin.
  8. ^ Markaa mardhow JB vs Duke showdown a SOL ka bilaabmaysa haye!!
  9. Waryaa Emperoroow maxay tahay Sheikh Shariif in bed with Ahlu Sunna, ..... Ceeb, waad geftay sxb..
  10. ^ Askartii xamar laga soo xawilay o dhulkaas ku soo fool leh ayuu malaha ogyahay
  11. He will go down the history as somalia's traitor #1. He is now reaping the rewards.
  12. We will not leave our land we will not raise white flags and we will not kneel except before God. By Ismail Haniyeh. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. By Edmund Burke Our prayers & thoughts are with our palestinian brothers and sisters in Gaza especially through this hard times.
  13. Hunguri, Congratulations on your wedding!
  14. Originally posted by nuune: - Jenday Frezer landing in Mogadishu soon to be crowned Queen Of Somalia , the deal was struck in Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi where Yeey & Cade agreed and were given the flow of cash Alshabab aa u dan leedahay mandhoow! Lol @ abur kicinaya!!
  15. Ilaa hadda Shariifku waxba ma uu dhimin aan ka ahayn inuu doonayo inuu maskaxda adeegsado si uu dantiisa ku gaari lahaa. Sidaa daraadeed waxaanu xukmin karaynaa waagaanu aragno siyaasadiisa iyo meesha aay ku socota inta ka horeysana aanu u ducayno in Illaah kheyrka waafajiyo.
  16. Xamza, cadaalada xaggeeda way ku liitaan. Xag axsaanka iyo samafarista ha sheegin waxuuda waa qoriga caaradiisa iyo xoog. Waxayna baneysteen dadka muslimka dhiigooda diintana siday rabaan u turjunta.
  17. Ironic!! Somalilantu may ciidamo ayagu u diraan badala kuwa amxaaradda inta aay meelaha ka qaylinayaan.
  18. Koleey waa nin kasban kara soona jiidan kara taageeroyin bulshada soomaliyeed dhexdeeda. Hadduu President noqdana koleey waxa horyaala wuu ogyahay wixii Yey kharibay oo dejiyey hadduu ka leexdo oo dadka iyo dalka isku keeno taariikhda baal dahab ah ayuu ka galayaa haddiise uu ka bayro halkii Yey kabaxay (sumacad xumo shacabka soomaliyeed dhexdiisa) halkii oo kale ayuu ka bixi, simple is that!
  19. Waaba khudbad macaane ya u soo qoray? Duke? ehehehe wallee nin Cabdullahi Yusuf yaqaan ayaanan waxna ka aqrisanin (dhageysan)
  20. Sxb waa good news warkan marka hore balse ma ogyihiin faa'idadooda & qasaaradooda inay badan tahay qasaarahooda. Mase lala taliyey?
  21. No surprise at all. It is a case of the chickens coming home to roost. And if this news is true then it is a good news for all peace-loving somalis. For sure, in his part, Yey was a major obstacle to peace in somalia. So all in all good to see him go.
  22. Nunow warkaadi wax rumobaya ayuu u egyahay. Ragga shekada ku jira badankiis waxay hadda isla joogaan hal hotel oo jabuuti ku yaala si hoos hoosena ayaa kullamo ugu socdaan. Rag kalena waa la sugayaa ayaa la yiri oo YEY ku jiro in aay soo gaaraan oo film-ka ninba meel ka soo galo. Waa sida ad u dhigtaye marba mid baa madaarka laga dooni doonaa illaa kuraasta oo dhan la soo wada buuxsho. Si kastaba umalaynmahayo inuu ina Aweys soo gaari doona raggan kale balse la arki doonee. Wararka laga helayo magaalada Jabuuti ee wadanka Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti ayaa xaqiijiyey in caawa magaalada Jabuuti gaar ahaan hotelka Kambiski ee magaaladaasi ay ku wada suganyihiin Ra’iisulwasaaraha dowlada KMG Nuur Xasan Xuseen Nuur Cadde,g udoomiyaha isbahaysiga dib u xoraytan garabka Jabuuti Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin kuwaasoo ilaa hadda aan la ogeyn waxyaabaha isu keenay iyo waxa ay ka wada hadlayaan, waxaa la sheegay in casuumaad ay ka heleen Safiirka Mareykanka u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Mr. John Yates. .....