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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Sad but good movie indeed! the three mesquiteers Jamal, Latifa & Salem had unpleasant chilhood/life always had to fight for their survival. aduunyo ku niikisay. I liked the young Latifa.
  2. I believe we still need a non-happy-trigger and well-diceplined peace keeping forces with proper code of conduct to be sent into Somalia. Considering circumstances such a fragmented society that we are today and the feeling of conflict of alligiances (state & clan) by the society at large so all these facts alone will reallistically speaking not allow us to restore law and order by ourselves alone at this stage therefore we need help.
  3. Killing innocent civilians made AMISON's peace keeping mission null and void. Therefore we declare War/Jihad on AMISON. it is now the time these dogs to pay the ultimate price for killing innocent somali civilians..
  4. Nuune, why remove it? brother, let the world see what Bush stood for and lets share the pain and agony they went thru these muslim people massacred by zionists with the blessings of this man. By the way I found another funny pic of the man:
  5. For sure, Bush will be remembered as the islamophobic dambass, warmonger, most cruel, women & child murderer of the world. He was utterly useless to his nation as well as to the rest of the world. Good to see him go! The above picture is taken in Gaza. A mother talking to her son for the last time before she died. Traumatic indeed!
  6. Barre amxaaradu horey ayey u corrupt-gareesay haddana weli ku wadaa waxa qumanaan lahayd asagoo meeshaa aay hadda la mareyso sheekada intii aysan sii xuman uu uga haro oo uu shacabkiisa kasbado kalsoonidooda. Ta kale shacabka Reer Gedo ma rabaan filmkan madaxweyne-madaxweyne iyo buuqiisa ma rabaan oo banaanka inaay ka istaagaan ayaa doonayaan oo markaa ciddii kale ee rabta magacaan inay iska xambarato ha la siiyo ayaan oran lahaa.
  7. I never believed that Isreal lost only 10 soldiers in combat and 3 civilians by rocket attacks. In close combat like that it is unimaginably impossible for them to keep their loss that low low.
  8. Nuune, as president unlike YEY he would only do some ceremonial duties ikhyaareyn un and all these international affairs are for any serving government's or PM's duties.
  9. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Extremely juvenile but expected from the old guard nevertheless. Let the world be a witness to hypocrisy exemplified when Xiin is a superficial Al Shabaab supporter in Kismaayo but a critic everywhere else. Say sheer hypocrisy!! Stinking from miles & miles! aduunow ba!
  10. Jinni Boqor waa raggeedi wax badana wuu ogyahay waana nin dadka wax ka dhaadhicin kara balse ma u malaynayo in hadda ay tahay the right time meeshuna waa meel dhiiqo badan.
  11. Sh Sharif is acceptable to majority of the somalis and could make good president if given full support.
  12. why not him when we have in the list all those president candidates from hell.
  13. ^ Zack, I mean not only one clan as you put can claim "ownership" talking about those 0.5 of the 4.5 equation.
  14. ^ you wrong Zack. Think again! Meeshan wax copywrite ah ma jiro miyaa. Maxaa loo is ticmaalayaa dadka kale trade mark-ooda!
  15. Allamagan


    Masha'Allah! Kanoute is good muslim with strong iman. I saw him many times on Islam Channel. Watch out for Anelka's goal to roll in!!
  16. Originally posted by me: [QB] quote: Originally posted by Allamagan: [qb] This was the war that my grandfather as a teenager and six of his elder brothers and cousins fought against the invading infidel armies for the honor of our land & religion. Only my grandfather survived. (May allah rest all of these mujahedeens in peace) PS: ME , wonderful topic, however, sxb you yourself killed the whole thread and its importance by provocatively singling out one section of the community when the fact was these invading armies exploited every weakness in our people by threatning and forcing people to do such these things. and when you know no clan was immune from this humiliation. Allamagan, Our nation is grateful for the sacrifices made by your family. However I would like to ask you, how come it is possible for invading armies to exploit the same weaknesses the colonials exploited over 100 years ago? our disunity, our disunity brother, blame it on that!
  17. For sure the sons of these shuhudaa, unstoppabale Saleh u-Deens will come out of these rubbles ... and sooner than later what will they do then? Allahu akbar!
  18. George Bush 'shamed' Condoleezza Rice, says Ehud Olmert US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was left shamefaced after President George W Bush ordered her to abstain in a key UN vote on the Gaza war, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Monday. "She was left shamed . A resolution that she prepared and arranged, and in the end she did not vote in favour," Mr Olmert said in a speech in the southern town of Ashkelon. The UN Security Council passed a resolution last Thursday calling for an immediate ceasefire in the three-week-old conflict in the Gaza Strip and an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza where hundreds have been killed. Fourteen of the council's 15 members voted in favour of the resolution, which was later rejected by both Israel and Hamas. The United States, Israel's main ally, had initially been expected to voted in line with the other 14 but Ms Rice later became the sole abstention. "In the night between Thursday and Friday, when the secretary of state wanted to lead the vote on a ceasefire at the Security Council, we did not want her to vote in favour," Mr Olmert said "I said 'get me President Bush on the phone'. They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia. I said I didn't care. 'I need to talk to him now'. He got off the podium and spoke to me. "I told him the United States could not vote in favour. It cannot vote in favour of such a resolution. He immediately called the secretary of state and told her not to vote in favour." Mr Bush has consistently placed the blame for the conflict on Hamas, telling reporters on Monday that while he wanted to see a "sustainable ceasefire" in Gaza, it was up to Hamas to choose to end its rocket fire on Israel. Tel Aviv dictating Washington what they SHOULD say. PERIOD This remindes me brother Nur's Open Letter to Ehud Olmert. This was two years ago he wrote!!
  19. This was the war that my grandfather as a teenager and six of his elder brothers and cousins fought against the invading infidel armies for the honor of our land & religion. Only my grandfather survived. (May allah rest all of these mujahedeens in peace) PS: ME, wonderful topic, however, sxb you yourself killed the whole thread and its importance by provocatively singling out one section of the community when the fact was these invading armies exploited every weakness in our people by threatning and forcing people to do such these things. and when you know no clan was immune from this humiliation.
  20. ^Ibti, that link above is pointing to poll results. Here is the correct link Back to the topic, as long as arab rulers especially Egypt and Jordan are in the pockets of zionists and their protectors world wide and not even dare to open up the gates to Palestine am afraid there is nothing we can do about it to stop this terror against the unarmed muslims. At least all we can do now is to remember them in our prayers and give donations.
  21. It is quite understandable why many reer SSC people like Hunguri & Caamir are not happy with the election outcome. For sure PL missed the greatest opportunity of putting itself ahead into level III of the game.
  22. Originally posted by Fahiye: Faroole President- from Nugal Col Cabdisamad- from Nugal Speaker of the house: Mudug It is interesting that both the President and his Vice are from the same region (different tribe though). Tis is the first time this has happened in Puntland. Also, what happens with the Maakhiri's? Good question! but a bitter pill so swallow weeye sheekadu