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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Unfortunately, there are people who are allergic to peace. These dark forces need to be subdued at any cost. Xoolahaan dadka yaa ka qabta!
  2. I have been to both Malaysia and Thailand last summer and I am sure Val, you will definetely enjoy your stay in these countries. but Vietnam, I dont know much about this country and I am now itching to hear more about Vietnam especially after I watched Top Gear's last episode (episode 8) in december 2008 where Richard Hammond and James to travel the entire country in just eight days. Here you watch the the beauty of this country and what it has to offer. Amazingly amazing!!! Watch it all here!!! Val, I am sure you will love it!! Go for it, girl!!
  3. Emperor, I am not surprised at all, sxb! as expected your point is "anyone who was involved in toppling uncle YEY wont have easy ride and especially anyone from H-clan" warkadu waa cadyahay, wax kale oo ad Shariifka ku diidan tahay car bal miiska soo saar adigu.. so dont hide behind a smokescreen of buhaa-buhaa qabyaladana iska dhaaf and pls dont be obstacle to peace like your uncle was
  5. HARGEYSA OBAMA RESTAURANT THE MENU :: Starters --------------------- - Soup of the Day freshly prepared with our chef. With special Obama Bread - Somaliland Nukileer an exciting combination of smoked Utanga stuff, lemon juice, Xulbad Burcaawi, subag sixina (olive), served with freshly Kenyan mira. - Honeydew Caanabore Freshly We-shall-overcome caanboore with a choice of caster sugar and ginger. - Chilled Hillery Clinton Fruit Juices selection - Grilled Puntland Cheese A delicate Garoowe goats cheese grilled and served with canjeelo amxaari. - Avacado with Obama Crab Filled with somaliland crab, any crab -Smoked Sagaaro selected Baardheere Sagaaro with lemon & malmal.
  6. Lol... Puntland waxay meesha la taagan tahay sow ma ahan haddii PM aad nalasiin Shariifka PL imaan mahayo... lana hadli mayno... namana xukuntid sow ma ahan sheekadu. saas haddii shekadu tahay Galaydh baanu taageerayna waana nin PL ah.
  7. Allaha u naxariisto marxuunka. Alshabab kaliya laguma ekeen karo cidda ka dambeysay dilkan balse waxaa jira dad & hay'ado kale oo dhici karto in aay ka dambeyaan. Warjiraba cakaru imaan anu sugno ilaa jimcaha bal.
  8. ^ Taasi sow hadal wanagsan maha? Annu wadahadlno waa aanu hashiino. secessionist heshiis waxba kama oga waa nala laayadaa bay hayaan iyo waxaan excuse lahayn.
  9. Thank you but no thank you! hadda nabadda ha qaataan haddii ay yihiin duul wax maqla.
  10. ^rumor has it that he is keen to the notion of Somaliland secession. Ta maxaad ka dhihi lahayd shekhow?
  11. If they dont let MR. Riyaale run the show for them then this might happen!! WARNING Do not try to remove Riyaale
  12. Waaw!! not bad at all. Lets give him support and enough time to see what Pres Sharif can really offer us, somalis.
  13. Nuune, hanagu soo celin ee meeshiisa hanaga joogo dhaaf ninkaan qasaaye aa la dhahaa yuusan bal shariifka ka qasin xarkaha uu rabo inuu isku xirxiro.
  14. Originally posted by Aw-Dhubad: Nuune, adi warka jeebak maa kala soo baxdaa nin yahoow! Dhubad ma maqashay "Arliyooy Arliyo, kaalay kaalay, waanala duljoogaa!!" hadda ninkaan nuune Arliyo ninkii la shaqeyn jiray waaye oo weli wararka usoo tuurtuurta
  15. Masha'allah. Good choice, our somali Obama! I am currently listening his victory speech. Allaha la garab galo. Juje, how old is he by the way?
  16. ^ warya how old are you horta? secondly, tell us which features in your eyes that are a "bit unsomali"? wuu madow badan yahay miyaad ka wadaa mise?
  17. CONGRATULATION to sharifka. May he become the one who brings the real change that we all need. amin. Huge tasks ahead Allaha u fududeeyo. IA. my next comment about our new pres, Sh. Sharifka will be his 100-day-in-office and what directions/steps he taken so far. Ebbow u fududee! amin
  18. ^ sxb, your anarchistic tendency is well proven, here. Go figure!
  19. Loool @ no point counting!! at least the man gave it a go. Everyone knew sharif will win. Let the counting finish
  20. Sharifka as favorable as he is for this hot seat no doubt he will win, but I want to see how far Maslax can go.
  21. ^you think so? I dont. I want someone from H-clan especially from Mogadishu to be our next Pres, so now Sharif is the ideal man for this job and as for the PM, Maslah is the good deal here!
  22. @ rag halkana iyo filimka ay iska dhaadhiciyen. Waraa Emperor, even thoug Hassan Abshir is experienced and a likeable politician but from "4.5" point of view I am sorry to say he is from the "wrong" clan to be our next PM. Ciddu ha nasato kolkan dee, Anyway what Somalia needs are true changes, new blood/faces with clean sheets who can win the hearts and minds of all somalis. My predictions: President Sh. Sharif PM Maslax (Go Maslax Go)
  23. Amxaaro tagtayee waxay ka tagtay ma la is weydiiyey?
  24. ^ "it's next to impossible for them to find any common ground" thats exactly what I was talking about. Yes, Peace keeping forces gone into Somalia and they all failed, why? because they were operating on their own accord and there was no internationally recognised somali body like the current TFG to work with at that time. They were considered as invading armies and not as peace keeping forces. So having that in mind it's next to impossible for them (in south somalia) to find any common ground the status quo, meaning things can easliy go back to square one and to fowdo & warlordism anytime so if we get at least good & functioning government (an enhanced-TFG) with progressive attitudes, who unlike the infamous TFG enjoys the support of at least 50% of population strengthened further with at 1000 strong peace keeping forces with greater accountability & good conduct that acceptable to the people. Only Alshabab minded people will say no to such that idea! Viva Somalia!!!