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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ Waranloow, dadku xaafadihii hala soo tashtaane daa mise sidii Amin Camir shariifku inuu inkaaro miyeey ka cabsanayaan! looool @ repackaged TFG
  2. Warya Abwaan waxaan yaa aqrin karo illaa berri lagama dhamaan karo balse dulucda ujeedada saan u fahmay ma xuma xambaarsana dhanbaalo ku socda shariifka. Lool @ "..Caamo dirirtay culimaa kala saarta, Culima dirirtay cadaabtaa kala saarta iyo ido bukooday ma dawobaan, wadaado dirirayna ma heshiiyaan" OK, Caama somaliya ku dirirtay (warlords) waxaa kala saaray Culumadii (UIC & Alshabab), markaasba isla ayagii culimada ah ayaa diriri raba yaase kala saari doona weye sheekadu?Yaa heshiisiin doona? mareykanka?
  3. ^ OK injineere! Yaa soomali aheeno title abuse-gareeye, hadda waxaa nagu soo badanosa PHD & DR. title-ka Eng. iskaba daa horaa lasoo ba'shay. Kii hal maalin meel cashar engineering ka soo qaatay ama soo taagnaa wuxu la soo istaagaan injineer baan ahay ee iigu wac ama haddii aad ugu wici weyso waa laguu xanaqaa. yaabnay!
  4. lool @ Xoogsade!! annagu tan (Sharif TFG) na ersan mayso Allaha u fududeeyo ... you just wait and see bacdal honey moon. secondly, it doesnt matter who the PM is, but what really matters is how all this came about and all that appeasement nature to it. I am not that optimistic whether it will bear any fruits at all (may Allah forbid).
  5. Originally posted by Abwaan: It could be in Xuub sireed code-kii la tegey. looool. Waa beec ee haddii TFG-du aay gadaneyso ha ila soo xariiraan anniga. Serioussss!ly!
  6. Waranle is right. There is none so deaf as those who will not hear. So far from get go Sharifka demonstrated a worrying naivety about the real political issues in Somalia and how to approach in solving these problems. Xumbo & xiiso wa dhacaan aanu aragno meeshay nageyso.
  7. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Adeer keep talking, you are un-important, your Son Maslax was used to legitimise Shariif Ahmed's presidency... Lool @ we'll see, is that a threat? Adeer, Shariifka is our pres. and we rally behind him, but I see he is already a victim. Talk about blackmailing & bullying!! Threat? me? not at all. Adeer you know we are peaceloving ummah! but we'll see directions he chooses that is what I was merely refering to!!
  8. ^ if he does that and runs the show by himslef do you know the first entity who will break out and call or label him as dictator or etc? Well I guess you know that! Originally posted by Emperor: Mideeda kale, isn't this a contradition when Puntland Admin made it clear that they don't recognize and support the new Somali government, so how can they possibly say now that if they don't get the PM will secede? sxb, PL timahoodu dhana uma wada xiirmaan. Hypocrites, thats what they are and every somali including yourself know their true charactrestic. Originally posted by Emperor: Shariif Ahmed made it clear, and disregards all the important contenders except Puntlanders.... You think so? it might be true but the true true is that if Shariifka decides such a move to make someone from PL for a PM post, then clearly pres Shariif shoot himself in the foot asagaana shaahisa ka cabi doona...(talo xume) we'll see
  9. PUNTLAND :: Haddii annan PM helin waanu goosanaynaa!!!
  10. Yes, bring one of Samatars! They are the real deal the real change!!!
  11. Juuje dadkaan ha waalin ninyo. Shariifkana hadduu PM ka dhigto wuxuu ogaan doonaa in dowladiisu lumin doonto kalsoonida shacabka soomalida ayna mari doonto meeshii tii Yey martay. Ciro dhowr siyoodba kuma haboona PM Waa koowe siddii aadba adigu soo werisayba ninka xagga waxbarashadda wuu ka liitaa oo waa nin dugsi dhexe wixiisu dhaafsiisnayn. Waxaa la sheegay inuu ahaan jiray kotorobaniste ka ganacsan jiray jaadka, jaadwale Kenya-Somalia :rolleyes: Hadduu PM noqdo wax isbedel muuqda ah oo uu ka suubin karo Konfurta Somaliya ma jirto, madaama uusan ku lahayn base ama taageero. Wuxuu ka soo jeeda beesha YEY, beeshaasna wax sumacad ah ama taageero kuma haystaan Koonfurta & caasimadda somalia oo aay u badan yihiin H-block, aanu ognahayna siduu Yey uu amxaaradduu watay ugu galay shacabka reer Muqdishu. Ciro oo ahaa xubin firfircoon taageersanana Yey iyo siyaasadiisi ku wajahnayd siduu u qaabili lahaa the H-block asagoo wata Tigreega. Taasna waa sii wiiqeysaa ninkan Marka laga reebo Raisul barlamaanka dowladdii TFG-du waxay ka koobnayd Yeey oo Pres ahaa iyo PM-kiisi oo ahaa Nuur cade. Nuur Cade waxaa lagu tilmaama inuu yahay injineerkii ka shaqeeyey dhicitaankii YEY, marka maanta oo reer Yey helaan PM miyeesan dhici karin in aay waa reer Yeeye ka shaqeeyaan siddii aay Shariifka ula gambin lahayen adeerna ugu aari lahaayeen illaa shariifka ina adeerki (Nuur Cade) buu ahaa kii Yey uu sababsadaye. Revenge is sweet ma ladhihi jirinoo! Shariifka muggoo waraa u yaala!! Hadduu Shariifku rabo siyaaso ahaan goosto in uu reer Yeey PM kala soo dhex baxo (inkasto aysan ficnayn balse go'aanka uu iska leeyahay Shariifku), marka waxaa hagaagsan inuu soo qaato qof aanan TFG-dii camp-Yeey ka soo shaqaynin lugna kulahayn sida ina Cabdirashiid Cali sharmarke oo kale. Isku soo duuduubo haddii Shariifku u camp-Yey u gacan galo waxad ogaataan in marka honeymoonka laga baxo in yar ka dib bilaaban doonto warar suuqa soo gala oo sheegaya inuu soo if baxayo khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay labad shaqsi ee ugu sareeysa hogaanka Somaliya. Sheekadaa ha la iga qoro raggoow!!!
  12. Originally posted by Juje: Waryada kala jooga marka - xabad jojin ku dhawaqa. You like two school boys in a playground. I kindly request you to both bring an end to all this please. Juuje, with all respect gaal dil gartiisana sii. Labada nin, nina hadal nin weyn ayuu ku hadlay aan aflagaado lahayn nina matag ayuu ka wareegay marka Juujoow waxaa qumanayd inaad isaga gaabsatid ama sxb gar Illahey ayeey taqaanaye runta ka hadashid labadaba illen waxay qoreen waanu uwada jeedaanaaye. Horn, brother, war waxani siddii dumarkii ayuu u hadlaa ee ka gaabso yuusan ku najaasaynin. Nin inferiority complex xun hayso misna usii dheertahay cudur ******-syndrome ee aay wada qabaan marka hala yaabine wuxuu qorayo naftu ku daaweeyaaye ogoow.
  13. Horn, I almost know where this BUUFIS comming from. Wait for the next 2 days it will get worsen Ilaahow Duke caafimaad ha siiyo gabanku qarasta ku kacsane. Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote:Originally posted by Aw-Dhubad: Otherwise why is he agitated every time you mention Maslax. It is really puzzling Dhubadoow. He, and some of his clansmen, have posted upwards of dozen or more prime minister topics (including this one) and I did not remark on their obvious hopefuls, not even once you see. Yet the two contributions I gave, literally two, that I gave on the topic of prime minister the response not only from him but also couple others has been "enlightening" to behold. Buufis joogta ah wax ka yar kuma tilmaami karo. It is as if I cannot even post a single article for their 20's without coming under some sort of an attack. Far iyo meel bugtaa is og kolayba. Wax jirran oo buka ayaad ka hadlaysaa ninyahow oo hooskaada markaay arkaan ayeeysan kaadida ceshan karin maxaad u malaynaysaa markaad aad la deal gareysid. Talk about intellectually and moraly inferior to you yaa Hornow!!! Xumaan ha u qaadanin ee wanaag u qaado haddii aad aragtid markaad waxqortid ayagoo meel walba ka soo insaarixinaya!!
  14. lol @ Gadiid sxb inta sheekada naagta suuqa gashay ka daysid maxaa ka fiican sida Britain loves to talk about her glory days what is wrong with Horn talking about his glory golden days. and one more point, unlike Duke, Horn got something history of Somalia to be proad of... Duke, hadaladaadu ka soo qaad ma lahan, misaana culusna kuma lahan halkan SOL Politic section. ehm, Rabbi ku og, reer SOL-na ku og, bac baa kugu xiran ee marka hore iska fur bacda
  15. Aanu aragno Shariifka iyo dooraashadiisa. -- Maslax for PM! --
  16. Originally posted by Oodweyne: quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Allamagan , I just talked to a family member currently on visit in Hargeysa and he said that he was stunned by the amount of support for Somaliweynimo that ordinary people of Hargeysa showed. And, in that case, let me say to you, in all seriousness, that I have a bridge to sell to you; so, see to it, please, to drop me a line, soonish, yaa allamagan .... Adeer Ooda, the truth is that the people of SL is fed up with that wicked idealogy such as that you harbouring (secession) I know it is so hard for you to let it go kadib markii si xun lagu soo cabsiiyey sheeko aan soconaynin balse sikastaba Odweynow we'll talk the day when people of Northwestern Somalia shake off the shackles of secessionsts
  17. Originally posted by Oodweyne: quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Allamagan , I just talked to a family member currently on visit in Hargeysa and he said that he was stunned by the amount of support for Somaliweynimo that ordinary people of Hargeysa showed. And, in that case, let me say to you, in all seriousness, that I have a bridge to sell to you; so, see to it, please, to drop me a line, soonish, yaa allamagan .... Adeer Ooda, the truth is that the people of SL is fed up with that wicked idealogy such as that you harbouring (secession) I know it is so hard for you to let it go kadib markii si xun lagu soo cabsiiyey sheeko aan soconaynin balse sikastaba Odweynow we'll talk the day when people of Northwestern Somalia shake off the shackles of secessionsts
  18. Sooner or later, the truth will come out and when it is out wonder what SOL secessionists' excuse will be. I just talked to a family member currently on visit in Hargeysa and he said that he was stunned by the amount of support for Somaliweynimo that ordinary people of Hargeysa showed. Miyesan ogayn in dadka laqasbi karin!!
  19. Sooner or later, the truth will come out and when it is out wonder what SOL secessionists' excuse will be. I just talked to a family member currently on visit in Hargeysa and he said that he was stunned by the amount of support for Somaliweynimo that ordinary people of Hargeysa showed. Miyesan ogayn in dadka laqasbi karin!!
  20. Thank you Allah for my mother!!
  21. ^^ Truly agree with you ya Nabad-Nabad-Nabad! I feel the same and think Sh. Umal thought that he was in Makkah.
  22. Maslax is the man for this job for many obvious reasons.