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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Godir, thanks for the youtube video, masha'Allah Allah blessed him with sweet tilawah.
  2. Signs are there, we do already have handfulls of smaller dajaals in this dunya hwever the question is when this BIG Dajal will show up. Any time any minute.... Najaynaa kullahum..
  3. Honestly, I dunno what better time for kenya than this time to get this sh1t signed when they dealing with these let-me-sign-it-for-y ou-happy inexperienced and illiterate "wasiiro". Kenya ayaa istiri xoolahan xooluhu dhaleen aanu inta hotel isugu keeno quraacna siino iyo min hal malyan oo dollar aanu ka saxiixano, waana dhacday.
  4. ^ you right sxb. From legal point of view Kenya can start exploring any time they want. They got all they wanted and thanks to these illiterate 1diots (wasiir kusheega). Caamo wax u dirso wa kaas!
  5. This pirate biz is quite complicated one. There are many foreign organizations and countries involved into this in order to make SOMALIA something of a history and to share the booties (the land and its resources) amongst themselves in a "legal" frame provided by the UN. So this piracy thing is just another tool as that of Sharifka's tfg.
  6. Lool @ Waranle. Somalia has been cursed, just look at its wierdo people and their behaviour. Mowle lagama quuste rajadu waa madowdahay.
  7. Ninkan marnaba caadi mahan! loool @ Udhis!!
  8. Originally posted by Paragon: ^FB have you seen this before? Talk of food presenting itself before yourself. Even the lions themselves are caught by surprise. Like ...'what the hell..?' om/watch?v=1Oz_JILs1 vU abow tannoo kalaa... jinni camal aa lasoo gamay maskiinta ee yaa soo gamay hee? libaxii aaba ka yaabay! c'mon this cant be true waxaan u maleynayaa qoladii DreamWorks ama PIXAR ayaa faraha kula jiray howshan...
  9. what a sad news! Mahad is a good friend of mine I was there last year and man the hotel was truly a paradise on earth in every sense offering a magnificent seaside holiday atmosphere. As guest of honour, I had the privilege of spending three full days with my own driver and guide last year, for sure the Hotel and Bogamoya, a historic town itself had big impact on me and am already missing it! Below is the picture of what once was Paradise Holiday Resort in Bagamoya, Tanzania. The good news is tho they were insured and I am 100% sure that Mahad and his family will not give up and will bounce straight back from this stronger and better IA.
  10. Originally posted by Valenteenah: ^ Do you actually live in SW19 as your location indicates? Val, yep I am an SW19 item. Do you live in SW19 as well?
  11. Allamagan


    Originally posted by Legend of Zu: ..If you are into Digital stuff go to Low Yan Mall (Can’t remember the spelling) it is next to Bukit Pintang Mall – they have good stuff – whatever you do – do not buy movies from the Chinese DVD pirates, you will get the copyright movies at the same price as they charge– the real ones are very cheap and most importantly the copyrighted ones do work. Meeshan waa meshan ku jabay Every shop in this mall selling copyrighted items at the front and pirates at the back almost everyshop do this and it is common so if you want pirates you nicely ask the guy and he will take you somewhere at back or basement. I foolishly spent £80 on expensive software and game pirate DVDs (worth of around £1300 in retail price) and when I returned home almost all of the DVDs turned out to be rubish and straight to the bin. ciil! never trust a chinese...
  12. hilarious!! They all seemed to have enjoyed it. I like the monkey's terrible hangover the next morning. Qaadiro darteed dhafoorkuu haystay!
  13. Allamagan


    I have been in Malaysia last August and I really really enjoyed my stay there. One thing I noticed was that things were little bit expensive in some places and when I asked ppl why that expensiv I was told that back in the days things used to be so cheap but not any more especially after the arrivals of these wealthy arab families coming to Malaysia as their holiday destination. They have spoiled the whole city with their stupidh cash and make life miserable for rest of non-malay communities likes Somalis. Note most of Somalis there are students who relay on whatever small remittance they get from their relatives. The malay people are generally well-disciplined and highly educated society with good manners. Unlike any other muslim countries most of malay women are highly-skilled professionals and have good jobs, proud of their Islamic identity you would hardly see a malay woman without Hijab. Those not wearing Hijab are of course the chinese eventho I later learned they don’t look the same. While you stay in kuala lumpur if you want cunto soomali the only place you can get it is of course the main canteen of the great Islamic University in KL at very low cost. There is only one so-called Somali “restaurant” never go there, you been warned!. Upon meeting with local Somalis in KL, the first thing they will ask you is “which city in Australia do you come from?” of course it is the only place the ausie somalis ka qaraabtan I was told. ileen meelaha kale ma soo gaari karaane Another good place is to go deep south to Singapore. It is like Dubai very expansive but not too bad at all for a two or three days stay. Another option is to go up north all the way to Bangok. Whatever the situation I am sure you will enjoy your stay in KL sxb. Bon voyage!
  14. OMG, waraa Dhubad, sxb check my address and you will be shocked by what you see there. you will see me walking towards my house and talking om my mobile phone, luckily they put screen on my face so no one can recognize me. lool BTW, I love Google Latitude I can always see mes amis and check what they are up to and where they are.
  15. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: what if nuune imports irish whiskey to somalia!! lool.. then all this will become possible. Loool @ ^ War waxaan fiiriya, waryaa ninka wad u dhameysaye!
  16. Well done Mr Goonjeex! good move! waa "RATI CALOOSHA LAGA RARAYO OO DHABARKA LAGA CAYNSHAY" sidaa waxaa u dhigay oday somaliyeed oo fikirkiisa ka dhiibanayey markii uu arkay wixii uu ina Cabdirashiid uu dowlad "midnimo qaran" inoo soo dhisay ku tilmaamay!!
  17. ^ Waranlow adaba goordhow arki adigoo lagugu shaabadenayo inad tahay tribalist, anarchist iwm. Dadkan baadan aqoonin!
  18. What a bad timing! and what a comic person he is. On one hand he calls for a "government of national unity" presumambly a lethal cocktail made of the good, the bad, the ignorant, the arrogant and the ugly and on the other hand he is calling for international criminal court probe on somali conflict. This is nothing but to facilitate this ongoing Project Somalia by the UN which its main objective is for Somalia never to stand on its own feet again. Furthermore, its not secret that UN cashes in on the use of somali airspace/seawater.. a multi million lucrative business!! only less than 5% goes back to Somalia, so who needs the return of a failed state?
  19. ^ Rag badan oo reer London ah, qaasatana Westiga iyo North London ayaa ka faa'ideystay 270kii xilibaan ee Shariifku qaybta u helay, qaarna madaxweynaha ayeey aad isugu dhowyihiin oo waaba la taliyaal iwm. Marka Juujena malaha ragaas ayaa malahooda ku soo tuura. true insiders weeye!
  20. " Waxaa halkaan idinka muuqda sawir gacmeed uu sameeyey Amiin Camir kaas oo uu ku sheegayo in Puntland taalo Warshad sameysa lacag Faalso ah oo uu weliba iska leeyahay Madaxa DGPL, arintaan ayaa ah mid lid ku ah sharafta Madaxweyne Cabdiraxman Farole iyo weliba jiritaanka Puntland." ayuu yiri Mr. Mire oo kor u haya sawirkaan. It is not about whether Mr Faroole ownes the said Money Factory Warehouse rather the truth about its existance that really matters to us all and of course to Mujahid Amin Amir. Farta iyo meel bugta is og so lama dhihi jirrin, hadaysan waxba ka jirrin maxay la qaylinayaan?
  21. @ alliance aan D&M la suubino aana xukunno Mudug illaa Kismaayo. Ma dagaal ayuu u olololeenayaa ninku!! Jokes aside, this guy is right and done nothing wrong. I believe the whole republic will benefit from stable and peaceful South, i.e united H-block. Loool @ Dhubad, ragga ha is ilaaliyeen dheh, you know youtube-ka waxaa ka buuxa leaks-yo badan oo qolo kasta ah oo wax shirqoolaya ama u tashanaya ama aanu mucaaradno ah iwm.
  22. ^ You hope so? Puntland waxay si cad u qayaxday markani in Puntland dad gaar ah la yiraahdo oo aysan ku jirrin beelaha kale sida kuwa degge Laascaanood oo jagadani la rabay Cali Khaliif Galayr oo kasoo jeeda, tanina waxay meel fog geeysey beelaha markii horeba dareensanaa in Puntland ay tahay magac ay dad gaar ah ku awr kacsadaan oo aan iyaga matalin. So sagaaro ima barato.. ragba laga sheegay. Waxaa ayaan darro ah in rag qaarkii weli ka dhursugayan oo isu qaban in aay PL yihiin. Markii busaaradu jirtana waa laga dhiga markii roobku da'na luguma tiriyo!
  23. ^ waraa I didnt know you were a big fan of Young Buck. thank you for the link tho. Btw tell this to WC crew, lixle, haybe, shiine, dalmar and the rest of the crew (ciyaalka xaafada). Say lil respect and change that old tune... usheeg!