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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. what-'s-really-ahead -of-him miyaa? lol
  2. ..In October 2007 the 29-year-old was stopped in his Land Rover at a road block near the village where his father is a warlord, then held overnight by a 15-strong militia in a cell. Abtiyaalkii uu la joogay ayaa xoggaa loo tuur-tuuray ayagibana soo xirxiray, weliba qaarkod London joogaan. Crime doesn't pay and he definitely paid the price.
  3. Intii aay kaga naxin lahayd waxa ka habonaa iyadoo asaga marka hore la tashato, haddase haddii uu yeelay kaba sii fiican... dhabaha halagu caraabiyo.
  4. Lool @ adoo bilcaana! these southwest regions of somalia incl. NFD got funny dialect, walaahi. Bal "Bilcaan" maxay tahay? ololihii afsomaliga ee "hadal ama halagula hadlo" dib halkaa in looga soo bilaabo weeyan.
  5. 1- there is no true Sharia law in that cauntry, The "Sharia" law they have there is for the people (masakinta) and of course the royal family and the whites (westerners) are of course above that "Sharia" law. 2-This is typical story of an elderly man (tacbaan) man married to much much younger woman (with high SD) am sorry for him! he should have pulled off or worked hard and done his homeworks proberly to avoid any future imbarrasment.
  6. I wonder who gonna pick up the PricewaterCoopers's bill is it the TFG itself or the intern. community? :rolleyes: BwC's bill is huge 10 times bigger of that the entire tfg's budget incl. all these donated money by int. comm (donors)
  7. lol wax kasta waad maqli!! this headless tfg waa rafaneysaa ee yee ku rafanesa weeye su'aashu!
  8. Amin amin! what kind of court was it? how do they let him in with a knife?
  9. Somebody send a fax to MJ, the new arrival of "LEVEL II World" in order for him to file a LEVEL-II-World record of $12 million libel suit against the father of Jordan, a soon to-be-joined level II world. no am kidding, just for humor sake! istaqfurallah
  10. Originally posted by TopGirl: ilaahay haunaxariisto if he was muslim. I second that! Micheal, R.I.P if you were muslim. Off the Wall, Thriller put him in the history books. The man was fvking living legend on earth. An iconic planet earth mega star. I dont think anyone else did it or would ever break his record. am a BIG fan of this man.
  11. Alshabab are parasites upon the somali citizens. They gotto be stopped by anymeans. Having said that I hate ppl who supported Alshababs in the past and when they didn't see their interests there any longer they just switched. Hypocrisy! we all knew that these groups were real threat to anyone from get go....
  12. Cursed land! Allaha u naxariisto both men. May Allah defeat these khawarijities amongste ourself. Allaha jabso gaaladan!
  13. I love Bastow, S Dawo and Co. Durdur rocks!
  14. Aaway sheekhii Jacaylka, innanta bal ha caawiye? Odayasha yurub inta ka taga ee Somalia taga kadibna gabdhaha teenage-ka masaakiinta
  15. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Mileage badan baa saaran... laakiin sida kale waa u qurxoon tahay. Waryaa Ducaysane, sideed ku ogatay in mileage badan saaran yahay ma adaaba matoorka fiiriyeyba. At least hadaad hal mar aad buurka saari lahayd waxun bay ahaan lahayde!
  16. "waa banad" ma maqli jirtay? Raggaan culumo ku sheega ah waxoodu waa banad uun & kursi raadis.
  17. Ar maxaa Islaamka loo gafaya.. Hadda shaati diimeed aa lawada xirtay.. Fashion dheh!!
  18. Firstly, Allaha u naxariisto. This is the price to pay. They must have known all the risks and consequences associate with these piracy activities. A lucrative business (activity) for any young man in that region. It is like why I wouldn't do this if all my friends and their friends had already done it and drivng in all those flashy cars and with lots of money. ..all in all apart from taking the coast guard job to that extreme level I support these guys and they doing great job for us by scaring away all those sea monsters. God bless them all.
  19. ^how can small seven or eight million somalis can claim ownership to such a vast land and huge territorial waters? sxb, justice has to be done and whats better time than now when Somalia is beyond salvage. Sorry to say but quite frankly we are under the hammer (auction)...sooon to be gone (history) lets face the reality.
  20. ^ Its not Puntland anymore it is Pirateland. Watch this vid