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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Allamagan

    Online Dating

    ^ ar ka daji adiga Dhubad, welcome back, sxb. How was your holiday? any pics to share? Teeda kale adiga weddings a ka qaraaban jirtay haye kuwa musqusha gabdhaha u istaaga ahaan jirtay haye? any luck? Mostapha Dualeh, I am happy for you if your online dating was successful and that you and your new lover probably non-somali are over the moon with each other! good luck sxb! Why do you think that our somali sisters only interested in new 'converts'? This reminds me story that a friend of mine who used to work at Brixton Mosque once told me that most of the sisters looking for marriage in Brixton mosque are somalis and he said their typical letters read like this below: ...a 32 yrs old practising somali sister is looking for a good and God-fearing brother for marriage partner. he must be considerate brother and has positive attitude towards life. Ages wanted from 21 - 45 yrs. Any race, but blacks, especially jamaicans and arabs are favourable. Please no time wasters and definitely NO SOMALIS, NO SOMALIS, NO SOMALIS. jazakummalah kheyran for reading my letter! your sister in Islam Xaliimo Somali ..asked my friend what have these poor somali men done to deserve that unfavourable position? He replied no one knows.. ask them! :rolleyes:
  2. ^ loool LMAO! love when he is reading the letters from his 'fans'. He already got his fans here on SOL, I know one here.
  3. ^in some countries it is illegal to use someone else's wi-fi dunno USA tho. Another bad thing with this kinda network is the unpredictability especially when you need it most is OFF ama adigoo meel fican ku mareysa aa laguugu daminaa! Now that you have Win 7 downloaded and in a DVD format, probably image, all you need now is use a CD/DVD image utility like magicISO to extract and burn it on DVD disc. Or if you have VISTA you can freely download it form Microsoft as an upgrade that is when Win7 is officially launched by MS somewhere in Oct.
  4. to you, all! rgds, Shekhuna Allamagan ...
  5. With that rebelliousness so characteristic of the somalis (somalidii hore) and the fact that somalis were hard nut to crack, resulting the british colonialism's Total Submission upon the somalis was something far far away and therefore they, the british had to look out other alternatives; so ethiobia was hot cake for them at that time.
  6. JB, qofkanan Maki Somalia ku aqoonin thanks to Universal hadda waa top celebrity weyn hadda.
  7. ^ loooooooool @ Apple guys!. I love this MAC advert!
  8. ^ looooool @ Cumar, wiilka Kalligi Muslima qarasta ha ku kicinin hadduu nacayaa Saciid Afisioni-hiisiye.
  9. Tan naag dhaqmeyso maahin in la bursha waaye inti goori goor tahay.
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: For Those who don't know him ... here is a good sample of him: Sheekoy Sheeko Makki ma cid la baraa? Any somali oo yiraa Maki ma aqaani been buu sheegay somalinimadiisana mugdi aa ku jirta.
  11. Typical Siad Barre bashers and as usual driven by qaraar & qabyaalad! Siyad Barre (AUN) wuxuu aha great somali leader isku hayey dadkan wada dugaaga ee maanta la isku keeni la yahay, faanis uma bahna wuxuu ahaana wa la ogyahay ee waxaad rabtan sheega let it go yesan idinku dacareysanin, faduushan fiiriya siddi iyagoo salaada ku leh maxa bal ka galay hadduu tukan jiray iyo haddii kale.
  12. Developing Window 7 it is no doubt that Microsoft was inspired by Apple! more like iPhone's GUI and enabling users to interact with the PC using touch. bling bling...
  13. File sharing is the answer. Create sharing folder in each machine or you can make the whole C-drive or my documents' folder of the desktop as a sharing and then through the laptop you can have access to these folders on the the desktop. Yes, you can easliy connect two computers together by a single crossover cable without router involved.
  14. waa madaxweyne shaqo la'aan badani hayso.
  15. ^ was it Aug last year or what? loool @ "Sheekh" :rolleyes: Eden Madobe maqaxidisa ninkusan u rabin in la saaro oo police lo dalbado waaye!
  16. ^ loool @ Nuune Bal xaggey u waday 15.5M, ma naga foggee ba lagu yiri mise shopping bay la rabtay?
  17. Well done Ayaan & Idil! all the best with your future collections. And hope you help your wax-kala-jeedjeeda-o o-birbirqaya-wearing somali sisters dharka Siiriya iyo indonisia ha ka nastaane bale
  18. Allahu Akbar! How sad to see this agonizing slow death. It actually defies description wallaahi very sad indeed to see of what these innocent nomads going thru. Maxay tahay masiibadan/inkartan ku habsatay dadkii soomaliyeed. Illaah haka saaro but we need to stand up for these injustices and support these people in every way possible. Where are these have-a-go-mujahidins called al-shababs and hisbul Islam? if they wanna fight real jihad then here is the true land of Jihad not in Mogadishu or any other somali town.
  19. Possibility that Tujiye Talk Show would be held in London? Possible? looking forward to it Originally posted by *Ibtisam: .....the 100 security guards standing outside with toothpicks iyo glassy eyes. Looool @ Ibti. ....and you forgot that the "security guards" holding hand in hand outside every coffe/maqaxi.... :eek:
  20. Ina Abwaney soo weynow adeer. Mabruk Mr & Mrs Abwan
  21. Lets all start pray Fajr. shall we? IA, am startin it this morning already my alarm is set to the fajr prayer time. God save me and save the muslims. amin.
  22. ... Bullshit politicians talking bout solutions, but it's all talk, You can't go half a block with a road block, You don't pay at the road block you get your throat shot, And each road block is set up by these gangsters, And different gangsters go by different standards, For example, the evening is a no go, Unless you wanna wear a bullet like a logo, In the day you should never take the alleyway, The only thing that validates you is the AK, They chew on Jad it's sorta like coco leafs, And there ain't no police... So what's hardcore? Really, are you hardcore? Hmm. So what's hardcore? Really, are you hardcore? Hmm. K'nan
  23. I recently found out that am badly hooked up with K'nan music. waa tan geela ka raaci waayey! I fell in love with my neighbors daughter I wanted to protect and support her Never mind I'm just 12 and a quarter I had dreams beyond our border. Is it true when they say all you need is just love, Is it true What about those who have loved Only to find that it's taken away And why do they say that the children have rights to be free To be free What about those who I've known Whose memory still lives inside of me. K'nan rocks!
  24. ^^ I was told somewhere in and around Southall or West London.
  25. Originally posted by -MARX-: ... He reads Quran into a jug of water, repeatedly discharging dribbles of saliva into the jug and then expects the unfortunate and innocence possessed souls to drink this Holy Water . Taas kaliya haddii lagu joogi lahaa caadi lee ahan lahayd waase laga daran yahay.. A friend of mine was telling me this yesterday wallahi. A man claiming to be an "exorcist" rented a big house somewhere in Southall, West London and attracting huge crowds of somali women who seeking his help for their problems, any problems. Stories of sexual assaults will soon surface especially on those most vulnerable and naïve ones where their money were ripped off of them and no healings achieved.