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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Originally posted by nuune: lol@intaan iska barakaysta lool, sheekadu ma waxay mareysaa intaan bal ku sii yara suga oo iska sii barakeyst inta xoggaa kale gadaaal la idinkaga soo xawili doono!! Amin raggeedi waaye, raggaan la tusi karin aya jira!
  2. We welcome Jubbaland admin. Any admin regardless of what clan those men, who form the spearhead belong to. It is time for the bottom-up approach nac-nac kale waa dhamatay!
  3. malaha intii aay looooooooooooooooool taas un haysey ayuu wax kale u qaatay oo uu isa sii raacshayba iyadiiba! looooooooool -ta badan dhib ayeey ku keeni kartaa qaasatan xilligan credit crunch-ka lagu jiro ragga qaar baa waxaas xamili karin.
  4. The idea is super good but still some vagueness here and there and there is still alot of work to be done. First hurdle to overcome is for the system to explain if something for example is lets say haram, then on what bases is it haram and why is it haram and so on with Quranic & hadith references instead of coming up with this vague statement like "Your search inquiry has a Haram level of 3 out of 3! I would like to advise you to change your search terms and try again" who is he? Anyway, it is brilliant idea and the muslim organisations as well as wealthy individuals are encouraged to support this project and take it to a higher level with sophisticated search engines then muslims especially those practicing muslims who want surf the net at the same time trying hard to avoid these unsuitable images and websites will appreciate it and use it daily.
  5. District 9 is cool film. someone would invite these cool aliens to take over Somalia and to squeeze all these ****** native somalis into small chunk of land, called Somaliland!
  6. Caku sambusa, cunistisa iskadaaye aragtidisa aan necbahay! teeda kale xaa ku caafimad xumo ah!
  7. Mr. Somaliyow waad ujeeda gabar sidan kugu soo baxaysa malahane si kale u xariiftan. Adeegso farsamooyin kale sida PM system-ka SOL, waa lagu najaxay taas wa la hubaa natiijoyin fiican inaad ka gaareysid at least dhowr round-ka hore waa sii soconaa hadaadba last round-ba gaarin.
  8. Isma dhaanto & dhasheed.....doomed nation dheh!
  9. Isma dhaanto & dhasheed.....doomed nation dheh!
  10. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Rumor has it that Oomaar was cough red handed campaigning for the succession of Somaliland in the western diplomatic circles. That would be good reason to demote him. haddii aay taasi run tahay malayaabayo Mr. Omaar hadduu danaha reerkiisi sii hooshoosa usoo dham-dhameenayey. Yaanan suubin taa ka soo biloow Shariifka to PM. to Mr Speaker, kulli calooshooda ushaqeystayaal waaye. They all put thier own personal agenda ahead of that of the national one. Period!
  11. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: ....inuu isku barbar dhigo beel qowmiyad oo dhan iyo beel kale. Bal inoo jilci waxa aad ka wadid Beel qowmiyad dhan & beel kale? Ma fahmin sxb!
  12. Anaka ka weyn & No 2 aan nahay bay dhaafi la'dahay sheekadu. Originally posted by Jaanka: ^What do you mean? War wuxuu ku yiri oo u kawada ookiyaalaha degree-ga sare ee ku xiran iska siib marka hore
  13. JB, naagaha xusul-baruurta dalki weli malaga jecelyahay? kuwa caatada waa laga carari jiray lalama hadli jirin weli ma sidiba?
  14. ^Fufu, Mataako watchdog complain in loo diro waaye video-gan meel saara bal la dhaho! Vid 2aa, mataakoy xaal qaado! cayaar kurdi & imarati timo-warfiyo wax loo kala garanwaayey.
  15. Storm or Tour, HTC Touch HD is the deal, a true companion in every sense!
  16. Entrepreneurship at its best! colaad aa saan la yahay maxad umalaneysaa marka nabadu jirto (low and order). Horey ayaa loo sheegay somalidu sida aay ubadan yihiin waxay leeyihin entrepreneurial spirit waalan marna joogsan mahayaan haddii nabad jiri lahayd and with free market Somalia waxaa laga dhigi karaa Dubai or Singabore-ta africa
  17. I heard there was one small railway stretch in between the Jowhar sugar refinery factory and its sugar plantation nearby.
  18. Eng Yariso is well respected London guy. He was more activist than politician and with limited experience and now this ministerial post is such one BIG giant leap
  19. ^ C'mon Buuxo. JB qushidiis laakin Allamagan ma buraanburo balse maanso butaaca markii looga baahdo.
  20. No, I cant live without! People love new technology. Gadgets are the products of this technology and thanks to the new technology our everyday is alot more easier and convenient for us than previous years. So when your co-worker said to you "that thing needs to be in a museum!" he was somehow right when benchmarked against today's ones. There is not that much you can do with a 1995 Dell laptop apart from that you can of course at least check your emails, surf the net or do small tasks it comes very very heavy, probably with overheating problems, smaller chip & HD, with certainly not expandable memory. With the newer laptops you can do alot more than 1995 ones, very powerful, very light and let alone all the new features and built-in wireless capability. ...and the phones, you know for instance a 1995 NOKIA 5110 no way it can be compared to the lets say 2009 NOKIA 5800 Express Music. One is just deadly dull phone nothing more whereas the other one infact is more than a phone (internet, MP3, Video, messaging system and so on). So Indhos, dont let yourself stuck somewhere 90s la jaan qaad ee dadku yaanu kaa tegin.
  21. ............. ............... .................. ............. ............... ..................
  22. Allamagan

    Online Dating

    Originally posted by chubacka: ^hahaha. there is some truth in somali sisters, especially practising ones wanting to marry out but majority still marry somali guys. An if some somali girls avoid faraaxs like the plague its only bcoz of their experience of them right? You right Chubacka! faraxs are complaining xalimoyinka haba sheegin and most of these rumoured stories & allegations of each other are untrue tho marka xal aa la rabaa dadka la isugu so dhaweeyo. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Allamagan That seems like an exaggeration sxb. An insider [a friend of mine] told me that and of ocurse there is some true to it and it is common thing these days, ask any Londoner even our SOL resident, Mostapha Dualeh had his apps rejected just because he is a Faraxos. And it is an open secret that any somali sister who is looking for a marriage partner in these mosque circles makes herself very clear in her app. that a farax is not an option for her and will not be considered as a serious contender and will not be shortlisted ..down to the bin dheh!
  23. Mandhow Gardaradu ma fiicne gooriyo ayaane Ma garbaa in gaar loo xiraa gabanki sharife Gaal buu gacanta ka salamay looga saara islaamko Gooni loo xiraayo la yiraa waa gaal Gar Allay taqaanaye maxa godobta lo gali Wax makastiyo gabanada gudinta loogu dhiibi Gawda ka haaya lo dhihi gooriyo ayaane War dadyahow gaabsada gunimo ma fiicne Guulaheena barino gobonimo u dirirno Gardaradda aan diidno Gacmahanu isqabsano .... yanan la isku kaa kicinin!
  24. Originally posted by nuune: Isbitaal baa la geeyey oo muddo dheer la daaweynayey oo laga dhaadhicinayey inuu qof yahay. Ugu dambaystii, markii imtixaankii laga qaaday uu ku gudbay oo la yiri waad bixi kartaa, buu inta dhaqaaqay haddana dib usoo noqday oo takhaatiirtii su’aal waydiiyay: “Anigu hadda waan fahansanahay inaan qof ahay, laakiin digaagga ma loo sheegay inaanan masaggo ahayn !!!”. Isbitaalkii baa lugu ceshey looooooool @ ..laakiin digaagga ma loo sheegay inaanan masaggo ahayn? Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Habeen dhowayd anaga oo maqaaxi fadhina ayuu nin aanu sxb nahay sheeko soo martay oo dhab ahayd isla markaana xanuun kululayd ka sheekeeyay, nin meesha fadhiyay oo dhegeysanayay ayaa show buufis qaba, lama ogayne wuxuu yidhi uun anigana i dhegeysta. Wuxuu ka sheekeeyay wax aanu rumaysan kari waynay, oo waxaabuu ka bilaabay ina cidii hooyadii isaga ka dhashay aan laba garanaynin oo gaaladu Antonio ugu yeedho, Carabtana Abdullah looga yaqaano halkana magac kele. Wuxuu yidhi dowladii Somalia ee Siyaad barre baa i raadinaysay, Tanzania ayaan u baxsaday, Sirdoonkii Soomaaliya iyo kii Kenya oo is kaashanaya ayaa gacansaar la yeeshay kii Tanzania, markii dambena kuwii Yemen baa ku soo biiray, Yuhuudii baa hadana soo gashay. Wuxuu yidhi xataa gabadha aan guursaday sirdoonka Kenya ayaa soo diray oo anigaa la igu khaarajinayay, Ilmihii ii dhashay baa la ii bedelay, gabadhayda aniga uurka iimay qaadin ee nin Kenyan ah baa uureeyay si aniga la iigu wanjalo ,,,, Belo, markuu halkaa marayo baanu meesha iskaga yaacnay ,,,,,,,,,,,, Waaun la dabajooga weligiis, cajiib! 2daan nin caadi ayeey ugu dhufteeen wixiisu buufis waa ay dhaafeen beyond reparation ay marayan. Reer Burco ayagoo kale waxa ay dhahaan Dishkii ayaa wareegay