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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Originally posted by Geel_jire: .....The victim later noticed that the intruder also used her computer to check his Facebook status, and his account was still open when she checked the computer. Brainles & 1diot!
  2. This looks not a fair election, rumors that the voting machines's software which initially donated by Dahabshiil had been tampered with. Reports of wide spread irregularities & vote rigging going on! for some people it was like that of Afghanistan election. Front page of Mail on SOL paper's headline reads: A&T allegedly bribed officials. time for SOL electoral reform
  3. Ciid Wanaagsa to all! Allaha soonkeni saladeni sadaqadeni naga aqbalo.
  4. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ....During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou' and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru. Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas. If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl Loool @ fifz yer!! when reading this Morinho, former Chelsea FC manager came into my mind. Honestly speaking that is fair enough and all euro ppl would welcome this move. Wicked! Italians would find it difficult tho! Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by chubacka: Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru. Das Führer vil schließlich rest in frieden Chubucka..Allamagan spricht besser German dan mich.Er ubersetzen sie In nur drei tagen, ich bin wirklich froh dass dein deutsch ist nicht so schlim. Yu ser zis shud haf bin dan long aqo! Zanks EU!
  5. Ferrari's new 458 Italia! This car sprints to 62mph in under 3.4 seconds and onto a 202mph top speed. Driving through a seven-speed. I take my hat Off to this car!!
  6. ^ Aliyaha416, Baqshiish = laluush. The internet is mainly positive on the subject of somali women, according to Google. Koow... the internet is not quite sure about somali men , according to Google. .. I think Google is feminist. Very biased here, see wax ka yihiin?
  7. With max uploading capability and no further restrictions it is easy & simple and can be achieved however, from biz point of view if ppl were to allow running their own servers from their bedrooms all these big companies would go bust revenue lost, jobs lost & security risks!
  8. ^ however, the internet is 100% positive on the subject of kool kat, according to Google. how come? baqshiish aa dhiibtay haye?
  9. I believe the poster instead of this farta-taaga he should have put up a poll here with all SOL female list and let SOL males vote for the GOOD, the BAD & the UGLY!! halka waxaa ka soo bixi lahayd yarta sanadka & xuuxdi qarniga! Anyway all girls in SOL are good girls aren't they? but for me only a handful of them are of the essence of SOL.
  10. ^ haa oo micnaha waa siriqow-day, cajusa ama darajo ayeeyo e gaartey. Thanks haddan fahmay!
  11. ^ I dont think there is translation of his muxadara available in english. His muxadaras are for the german speaking. Other celebrity convertees include: William Chappelle
  12. Lulla sidee runta ku aragtayoo kuwan SOL ku arki'la yihiin! runtu waxaa la ogyahay east and west farax & xalimo makala maarmano waa isu baahan yihiin.
  13. xeey dad caawisa ayadaaba in la caawiyo u baahanee! waa lafo-lafo socda
  14. Sxb Nuune sheekadaan waa sheeko weyn wax ka bixi kara o kaliya ninkii ka soo jeeda ama ku soo dhaqmay galbeedka. Galbeedka markaan kuleeyahay waa marka laga soo bilaabo Dirirdhabe, Jigjiga ilaa Hawdka deedna hoos usoo deg illaa Feerfeer, Doolow ilaa iyo Nageele wixii intaas ahayn oo kale waa iska 'ciyaalka xaafadda' ama waa iska iskaashato (beerelay/kallumeysa to) ama lo'leey ama kuwo idaha maala (dhaqda). Aniguse unfortunately waxaan hoos imanaya category-ga 'ciyaalka xaafada' sheekada waxaan ku kordhin karo aba iska yar balse waxaan kaa saxayaa luuqad ahaan khalad yar oo malaha iska technical ah waxaad tiri: nirig= waa geelka ugu yar ee naagta ah Loool @ geelka!! teeda kale geelka naagta ah maxaa waaye? miyaanan la dhihin geela midiisa dhediga ah! waxaan so xasuustay waa anno yar hooyaday ku iri: "hooyo, waxaa halkaa marayey laxyuuyin, annoo markaa ula jeeday ido" qurbac= geela ugu yar ee ninka ah you see hadda geelka maadan dhihin hadda, balse waxaa saxsan sidan: geela ugu yar ee labka ah Af-somaliga aad ku qortay & topican laga hadlayo is-maba soo geli karaan marbaan is iri armuu Nuune buug inooga soo guurinayaa! cashatab= waa hasha geela ee dhalmo diidey caano ka maalidna joojisey sxb ii jilci halkan, haddiiba hashu marnaba aysan wax dhalin koleey sidan annigu u fahmay hashu waa mid ma-dhaleys ah markaa sidee baa caano looga maali karaa illeen maba dhasho'e! am bit confused here Nuunow!
  15. Chubacka, It is what kinda muslim ARE you? very nice islamic talk (muhadara).
  16. Originally posted by President Anwar: hehehehehehehehe Amazingly the interviewee speaks better and clearer somali than the interviewer himslef! ceeb badanaa Originally posted by President Anwar: German Speaking Somali Correction: he is not german, he is a rusian. His name is Giorgi Kapchits. Waa qoraa weyn oo bugaag badan oo suuganeed af-somali ku qoray.
  17. ^yes, I do speak german, lived some years in Berlin, and lived also a danish town near the Germany border where German is the 2nd language for biz.
  18. ..My first shock was the sight of a nine-year-old Nigerian boy sitting on his own crying aloud. He wanted to go to his mama. He had been separated from his family in a souk. For the police, he was an illegal immigrant and booked for deportation. Does the Saudi sharia law require a nine-year-old to be imprisoned with adults? This was not a funfair. Apparently Saudi law is blind when it comes to such subtleties. Welcome to the sightes & sounds of modern Saudi Arabia!
  19. Fu-fu, extreme bodybuilding is rubbish if not dangerous, am talking about health wise, however, it is always good to be FIT and have good muscle tone I mean healthy tightness of the body. that picture above^ is sick! My wish, to be financially healthy and with more time for ibadah & family!
  20. Masha'Allah raggeedi waaye, saacada ha li qabto he said within 30 sec I'll tell you what Islam is all about. Briefly covering on the belief that there is only one God, the islamic monotheism and based on ones personal conviction and deeds on this matter you either end up in Jannah or Jahannama (Allaha naga koriyee)
  21. ^ it was just a halal mocking dee! Wacdaraha, you right, Jabuti & Jaad makala hari karaan. adoo afgaduud aa geleysaa magaaladaa adoo af-madow aa ka soo baxee muddo yar gudaheed!
  22. They look they spend more hours in khat sessions than training sesssion! You see waa odeyaal wada tacbaana qaarkood qaadiro qaadiro ayaa ka muuqato marka jaadka halaga joojiyo inta tababarku usocda ayaan leeyahaywar yaa intaa taliyaha iga gaarsiinaya?