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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ lool @ todob kun iyo.... I once read that the US is currently considering to have new currency together with mixco and latin american countries (a move not welcomed by these said nations) and if that goes ahead then it plans suddennly to stop using or taking in dollar without warning by simply saying terrorists are printing the dollar and no longer in our control.
  2. ^ Allaha u naxariisto duqa iyo intii muslima ku dhimatay shil. it is horrifying to see these scenes after it happened. Waxaan xasuustaa afar wiil oo baabur BMW la ordaya oo hal mar xuf ugu dhaafay, 10 min later I came to see them and their belongings in the car scatered all over the road all of them dead I was the first to came to the scene and called the police, 3 months later I was still suffering from this shock and that certainly changed the way I drive and see things differently now. The zebra-crossing guy, tiisan gelin wallee mar dambe ninkan iyo zebra-crossing basi ku soo socda uusan u dhowanin xattaa haddii uu ka istaago.
  3. ^ exactly! I believe Somalia can get there easily and quickly, if and ONLY if these senseless killings and anarchy stop. Thats in level II of the game, the question is with the lack of the right skill how can we ever get there? God knows best! Aanu Alla barino!
  4. ^ Koleey ninkan Nune rageedi waaye wuxuu suubiyaba xanjo iyo suuf waxbu isku rakib-rakibay koleey biyihii soo daadanayey wuu istaajiyey
  5. ^ xalay sifiican wad u seexatay malaha. Typical hater, sow weligiin cuqdad & kharaar kama kortaan? Get over it sxb its not good for your health at all. ALLAHA U NAXARIISTO MARXUUN DR. DA'UUD DIRIR CADCAD! alshab or no alshabab this make things even worse than it was.
  6. Illaahow hadday dabiici tan tahaa..... nomads sempre nomads, yaa ka dhaadhacsiin kara in Somalia became a natural testing laboratory... before it was somali sea now the main land
  7. folks, وأنا أتفق اللغة العربية هي لغتنا الثانية لكنه لا يسمح هنا
  8. ^ loool @ Konfuria! ...may be this could be related to Al Shababs oo dhoola tus ka suubinaya area-yada.
  9. I watched this Nigerian movie a year ago and find it hilariously funny! It is about this nigerian villager coming to London to inherit his deceased brother's wealth. In London he meets this white British woman... hadde balaayo kala raaceysa asaga iyo gabadhii caddeyd iyo London. Osuofia in London
  10. Let call this the SOLgate. Source close to the SOL police said no formal complaint recieved from LG, however, I was told that they secretly trying to piece together the jigsaw of how truth to that of LG's claim that with the help of a moderator or may I say a hacker she was able to tamper the result of Ibti's poll :eek: and last but not least that of th Guru and the Bully's job in London! How many SOLers were involved into this plot. had Abtigiis & Tolka finger in this grand strategy? how about Oodweyne? worth considering to fingerprint them all we say So, now LG, are you not releasing pics/videos/text messages/recoreded convs for the waiting press?
  11. ^murtida daahan raggan will break it down for us miyaa? lool inaay iska cadahay aan u haystaye.
  12. ^ Nune, tusbax dheeer oo over 3000 aa loo baahan yahay haddii kaneto lacag lagu xisaabayo. Originally posted by Cowke: looooool @ Amin Camir. Ninkaan inaba caadi ma ahan.!
  13. Allamagan


    This reminds me this. Facebook is good tool for intelligence agencies and & the police ma is tiraahdeen.
  14. Originally posted by Tuujiye: ....laakiin floor numberkeeda qofta ma taabaneysoo hee... SUBXAANALAAH waan u qaadan waaye in ee gacenteeda tahay war nin madoow in uu nagula jiro elevetarka aan u maleynaaye walaahi dhinac yada aan fiirshay Originally posted by * prince *: ....abaayo maxa waaye garantaan iga siib nooh aa ka dhacday. The poor fella thought in ay weli garan iyo buumo madow xiran tahay. !! loooooooooooool!! Wallaahi waan ka naxaa markaa arko gabdhaha jirkooda/wejigooda ku cayaaray. haddii aay sidii loogu talagalay u marsan lahayen wax ma dhici lahayn baan filayaa ee malaha aad durba cadaatiin waa aay isku wada dhamooqan. Is-cadeynta meel kasta ayeey ka jirtaa oo kuma eka soomalida oo qura waxa ka darran, afrikanka, asian-ka oo dhan ka soo bilow latin-american-ka, chinese-ka, phillepinos-ka & hindida aya waxan isticmaala. Asbuuc ka hor ayaan India ka soo noqday, wallaahi waa la yaabey sida aay u jecel yihiin in aay isku cadeeyaan xataa TV channeladooda oo dhan si open ah waxa ka socda xayeeysiimo ah bleaching or whitening products, shirkadaha waaweyn sida Loreal, Garnier iyo kuwa kale ayaa suuq xoog ku haysta waayo waa suuq fiican all celebrities, tv personalities oo dhan waa cadcadyihiin (bleached?) een shacabka hindidana seddex meelood labo meelod waa cali-dhuxuloow yaal madow yihiin waxay jecel yihiin in aay is cadeeyaan marka lacaga taala halka oo laga suubiyaa.
  15. Subxannallah! Ma maqli jirinoo qofkii tiisu gashaa dhinta. We say God had saved this baby, they say it was the pram who saved the baby. Already talking about like "thanks it was a newzealand pram, blah blah blah ...a very strong one!!" :rolleyes:
  16. Ngonge, some places bosses do spy their employees' online activities with the help of the IT guys.
  17. Originally posted by Geel_jire: **** maal u lahow ama muraad hakaa lahaato:D Looool @ ^ koleey saan ani u fahmay haday tahay maahmaah macno saasa suubinaysa ma ahan, ka warran haddi aadan maal haysan muraad dhinaca kale jirrin ma loo qaadan karaa riwaayad ma jirto, sax? this is maahmaah alla Ducaysane camal! **** - Amaano Kugu Raagtay Inaad Leedahaad Moodaa - Geel Kolkii Loo Heeso, Goroyo u Hees
  18. Firstly these thieves/tricksters target mainly women folk and especially two groups: those who are new to the city (non londoners) like yourself and those alla iska-Allow-Sahal londoners who can be easily deceived or tricked, so ikke Londonborna ar let genkendelig, so when in London you better walk like Londoners, talk like Londoners and last not least trust nobody then you safe. I think you need this London Survival Kit or LSK (not SOL LSK tho ) and this is in the hands of some SOLers like Val, Ibtisam, DD, Juxa & many more, can anyone of you guys give the sister this kit? Send the bill to Nuune.
  19. Amin Amir rageedi weeye. I dont normally read these so-called somali news portals, each one of them writes nothing but rubish and all biased. So I normally go to and my man Amin Amir sums up for me everything thats goig on in Somalia. Every picture tells a story there.
  20. Amin Amir rageedi weeye. I dont normally read these so-called somali news portals, each one of them writes nothing but rubish and all biased. So I normally go to and my man Amin Amir sums up for me everything thats goig on in Somalia. Every picture tells a story there.