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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. A new oppurtunity on the horizon for the young Al-shababs. They probably know that any publicity is good publicity.
  2. I blame these ignorant and blind mothers (allow-sahal(s)) who just bringing home these perverts introducing them to their children as adeero without any pre-screening/scanning!
  3. ^ waaa xilibaano haddiise aad weydisidna wiilkadi ka waran waxa uu ku dhihi: "waa wiil xagga tacliinta faraha loo tagayoo mardhow Berkely & Harvard ayaa labaduba soowada dalbadeen annaga halka ka dhigo jaamacadda & halkan ka dhigo ayaa iminka laysku haystaa"
  4. What is the fuss here ppl? the honorable Qadafi is doing his bit of the dawah here and of course in his own way to do it
  5. Loool @ Geelle Haji Geelle!
  6. Good evening all! or is this only open during the daytime?
  7. very graphic and moving
  8. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: For many, they may get a different response, but for some odd reason I get the same response 'qof furfuran baatahy' bey yiraahdaan... KK, in qof furfuran tahay miles & miles aa looga jeeda for sure kuma jirtid saan u maleeyey mise saad igu noqotay chatagory.
  9. Looooool @ "It means he never built the ball from behind, no neat inter-passes, no midfield artistry, no creative through –balls, no dribbling. But he managed to score at critical times, usually stoppage time." She looks like that she is not interested in set-pieces and corner kicks types, but give credit to Shamis she is bargaining hard and nothing will stop her in her quest for a true inter-passes specialist trainer that also wont make any further goals
  10. I dont see what the fuss is about -My chickens are free-Roaming Chickens leave them alone!
  11. Originally posted by Abyan: Kan iga koreeyo wadankeena kama imaanin aan umaleeynaa.Siduu soomalida ugu hadlaayo, qof ka tirsan uma eka. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooool @ kan iga koreeya. lmao!! Abyaneey bal afsomali ugu qor bal inuu ku soo jawaabo bal wa lagu wareersan yahay aw-yulow!
  12. Girls describe me as shy & interesting time passes by for some odd reason am ciyaal suuq for them but still charming nevertheless
  13. ^ haa tu yaroo teenage fish&chip ah baa beri itiri: "adeer dabadda xoggaa iga jebi" anna sowta inta hareeraha iska eegay durbadiiba cararay yaa la shirqoolaya is iri Ilka D sheekadii Dood Wadaag miyad General sectionka inoogu soo xawishay haye? lol
  14. ^SeeKer, the chill-out-room is that way ->>->>-------------------------->> unlike SeeKer AM feeling good, real gooood tonight Welcome to Somali & African Night Khadra Omar Dhule:: Uroonoow Naftediyow, Ka ronoow Raggoo Idil (Alla cod macaanaa innantu) Khadra Omar Dhuule :: Dood Kulama Wadi Karo Habib Koite (Celebrated Mali singer):: Mr.Blue :: Mapozi (Swahili) Igaarkan, Mr Bluug inaba caadi mahan!
  15. ^ calool xanuun iyo nus. I was with some friends eating Pizza, there were food all over the table then mid un ba meelu ka keenayba noo shiday ...dee walaahi calool xumo un, I couldn't eat more annagana waanu ku cayaareyna dadna waxay cunaan ayeey waayen oo boggaa qalalay. Wiilka yarka ah had touched my heart ninka carabka ahi ayaa banaanka usoo tuur-tuuraya isaga iyo abihiba. These pictures of that single father and that single mother keep coming back to me. Think about that lil boy, I dont think he can survive for the next 10 yrs given the condition that he is living under ti Allese waa gooni.
  16. Lol @ Duke! the chat master! toloow tee intu isku firdhiyey ku soo daadisay tolow, haduuse dhahayaa anniga ma ahayn dad kale aheyeen! IP-gaada loo jeeda sxb, raggeedi!!
  17. LOL I saw it on tv, last night's Match of The Day @ the end of the prog, this comic 2 good, 2 bad. I dunno why he was doing that, could it be the guy was doing it deliberately having Adrian Chiles's Match of The Day in mind..
  18. Allamagan

    Bad move

    ^ blame it on dowlad la'aanta maanta! Had we had a strong and united Somalia, then things would not have been the same as the status quo meaning the AL would forced to bargain with Somalia for the better incl. good incentives in order to stay in the leage or see Somalia finding (joining) herself in other cooler league in the area In 1974, there must have been thorough reasons for the Gov of Somalia to join the AL from ecomomical and historical perspective.
  19. Will this ever STOP or are we just doomed nation? when our people are internally displaced, mistreated & opperessed by their own ruthless kin (see what is happening in Somalia now) then what do you think of how our people are treated in everwhere, South Africa, South Sudan, Kenya,Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen (as seen in this video), Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Greece, Turkey, Malta, Italy and many more...? Alla weyn!! -
  20. The Wall was eracted by DDR (East Germany) ment to prevent access to the West Berlin from East Berlin and adjacent areas of East Germany. This wall was encircling only West Berlin. What a memory back! I experienced this physical barrier between germans in their own city, Berlin and all these check points regulary crossing from east to west and vice versa. It was hard you gotto have your papers with you all the time. It was hard and quite unbearable for everyone let alone the germans who were fed up with this barrier in their own city, cannot go to the west of the same city they living in, this barrier was for the E.germans and was dividing germans alone no one else, This reminds me the jewish wall, exactly the same as the germans, the palestinians are regretably going thru the same and in their own homelands with various checkpoints and restrictions. I was also there when the wall was finally falling down. What beuatiful memories there, in Berlin!!