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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. I love when our xaliimos in diraca, very sexy and beautiful.
  2. Allaha u naxariisto, wax kale oo la sheego malahan
  3. Allamagan

    Quitting Music

    I love music and its kinda hard for many muslim ppl like me to kick the habbit for good. I went down this road many times before but to no avail and find myself downloading music again. There were at times I started listening Islamic nasheeds or music as they can be very powerful and put you through spiritual journeys. but the downfall is they are not widely available online so when you listen them all and bored with them then you start another collection. Me going over from islamically non-halal music to rather halal islamic nasheeds had never been hard and they are quite good as anyone else and I still have these collections together with some other you know what I mean.... Here are some of best renowned islamic artists today. offering something for everyone, provided you have soul 1- Can't Take It With U by :: VERY VERY POWERFUL You plan to be richer,you stash to be bigger. But man get the picture, you can’t take it with ya. Your cell phones, head phones, flat screens, ring tones, Big homes, gemstones, power from big loans, collections of new shoes, Connections of Bluetooth, vacations where you cruise the young ones go OOH! You go shop for robots or gold watch or what not. Your CDs of hip hop, your lap tops. Just STOP! & let go. When you die say bye-bye. What is best is inside. Fill the scale up with deeds so you best when you part, Put the wealth in your hand; take it out of your heart. Give thanks for the wealth that your Lord will bestow. But no! That you can’t take it with you when you go. [*]2- Ummati Answer Me by Come listen to her story with me, in a world of opportunity. A little girl has lots to say, but everyone is so far away. Come listen to her story with me. Her tiny life and tiny hands shake, ashamed of her unknown mistake. A child’s hopes and tears in vain, she believes she is to blame. Listen to her story with me [*]3- Talal Al Badru Alayna by Native Deen His eyes slowly rising Sunrise warms the horizon Sand dunes form in the distance He's up and out in an instant The crowd, they all were waiting Watching and anticipating A man appears from afar Could it be the one sent by Allah He shouts, "Here comes the prophet!" His face is a light that drives out the darkness Words are alive -- his message is living Joy everywhere, our voices are singing [*]4- Try Not To Cry by You, you’re not aware That we’re aware Of your despair Don’t show your tears To your oppressor Don’t show your tears ...................... FREE PALESTINE!
  4. Khayr, waxba ha nixin raggan kama caqli xumidee la dheel dheesha sxb and keep on updating us here.
  5. JKLH brother, dikr softens the Heart. May we become those who always remember Allah in dikr so that He remembers us, IA.
  6. Originally posted by Maaddeey: War wax ha la hubsado & iyagii baaba beeniyey Sxb, warkoodu war kasooqaad malahan. 3 nin oo aay bartilmaamsadeen rabeena inaay dilaan markii aay u dhinteen (dileen) intaas aqoonyahano, ardey, walidiin, culumo, macaliimiin, dadweyne ayeey bilaabeen in aay tooda u yaabaan oo aay dafiraan. Raganimadii aay ku fuliyeen in aay ku adkeystaana fiican waayo warkaas dafiraada ah cid ka dhageysaneysa malahan.
  7. Originally posted by peacenow: ..Like many of you do. You live in the West. They feed, house and clothe and then you bring up children who are more radical and non-productive than your generation while you defraud their state. Dude, let me tell you one thing, you are not somali, nor black so spare us your fvkeng rants towards arabs, muslims in general and now somalis. Everyone get fed up with your stup1dity and senseless posts, it was first about gay rights, then anti-arabs and Islam and somehow you managed get away with them all and now you started making mockery of us, somalis. You think we are not aware of all these dirty jobs you undertaking in Italy and that you make a living by licking sh1t? dude, you always in disguise with fake "somalinimo" as part of your hidden agenda. Anyone can read all of his posts and see the common denominator was his hatred to wards muslims and nowadays somalis.
  8. Inaanilaahi Wa Ina Ileyhi Raajicuun Allah u naxaristo dhamantood. I am deeply saddened by this devastating tragedy. May Allah's mercy on them all. Let us now unite against this evil group called alshabab. Allaha dadka ka qabto waxa kan waxuushta ah.
  9. Allaha u naxartiisto intii dhimatay. Al-shabaab waa gaalo takfiiri ah waxaana banaan in laladagaalamo oo hal meel looga soo wada jeesto diin ma haystaan mana ku dhaqmaan.
  10. I agree with Juje all most all of the guys in this thread dissing the guy just because of why he is living in that villa or whatever or why he is on benifit are probably forgeting how they were all raised. Caydha cid ka dhaaran karta malahan so plz leave the family alone it is not their fault they have been framed and the only regret is for them to let the Sun in.
  11. ^ wa Xaji Mirqaan Xujuf oo maanta his trademarks ::Kufuriya:: hilmaamtay, maxaa jira?
  12. Originally posted by The Zack: Kuwa nool haddeey cafiyaan Kuwa amarkiisa Lagu laayay ee uu badda Ku dara dhahay yaa Ka cafin. Exactly!
  13. Ninba la dhihi jiray Lax W**e (buuxi meelaha banaan) ayaa qabay naag la dhihi jiray Xaliimo, maalinkii dambe ayaa isagii iyo sodogii oo meel shax kuwada cayaaraya ayuu sodoggii intuu hal mar is hilmaamay ayu si aan xumaan ka ahayn ku yiri: "war heedhe Lax wa** maad naga cayaartid" "wacadale nin Xaliimo wa**y inuu lax wa**y" ayuu isna ugu jawaabay, meeshii ayaa haddee ceebti aduunka ka dhacdayo gar ninkii loo qabsaday oo haddana meel gartii la saarsho la garan waayey. Yaa gardaran ayad u maleneysaa?
  14. Hip-Hop is created by DJs with their scratches mixes and remix. If you are a Hip-Hop lover you will appreciate these guys input and contribution to music. Lets now enjoy this LIVE megamix of 60s classics by DJ Haroon Al-Qahtani. One of my favourite HipHop Djs, this brother can scratch, mix, remix, abuse and blend anything that comes into his way. I already had Turkish Coffee Breaks (a mix primarily of 70s rock and funk from the Middle East and Turkey) love it!! and last week downloaded his latest Eye Foreign I an hour long of 24 beats. A mix of all original Hip-Hop in down tempo beats. Amazing mix!
  15. Cherish This Time So your baby is here! What joy and what pleasure! Now your life is expanding, To make room for this treasure. A darling newcomer To have and to hold-- Her smiles are more precious Than silver or gold. She’ll demolish your schedule Though she’s helpless and small; She’ll make her needs known, And she’ll rule over all. See, a new parent’s work Is just never quite done, But you’ll never mind, ‘Cause it’s all so much fun. When you hear her cute giggle You’ll start "aahing" and "oohing," And she’ll soon reply back By "ga ga" and "goo gooing." Those big innocent eyes See a world strange and new; To make sense of it all She’ll look only to you. So cherish this time Of miraculous things-- The excitement and wonder That a new baby brings. Congratulations on your new addition Kool Kat! --------------------- Poem by Joanna Fuchs
  16. In this video some SOL mareykanka nomads (presumably Castro, Xiin, Ducaysane & Alle Ubahane ) gathered in small coffee shop in downtown Atlanta, GA and then suddenly what is believed to be our SOL resident Gen. Duke came in and ordered a triple cream triple sugar to which had became the subject of their discussion for the next 40 min. Some of these nomads had gone that path before and knew the devastating consequenses of this Triple Triple thing so they just seemed worried for their friend -a new comer to america and wanted him to understand to reduce his daily intake of sugar. Later on, LazyGirl joined them and made a good point though. As usual LG dropped a bomb on them all questioning them about their coffeeshop hangouts habit before leaving the scene. Despite all these efforts for Duke it was just stuff and nonsense and still not it AM
  17. ^ where else?..only in Al shababland
  18. cool cool, thanks for the sharing guys
  19. I was listening on BBC Radio 4 the other day when suddenly there was an interview going on with Abdirashid Dahabshil about running business in anarchic Somalia and all that risks associate with it. According to BBC, it estimated 1 000 000 000 (billion) dollar in remittances flown in to Somalia each year. from 5:40 listen here .
  20. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Ahmad Dedat Allah yerhamahu Allah yarhamahu. What a great scholar! Thanks Ibtisam. He 100% answered about the young lady's question. An answer that will propably change about the way she sees the muslim woman's hijab from now on. I particularly like from 4:44 to 5:12 loooool @ test-drive her now. Shame on them and how they treat their women as sex slaves! always in denial but the truth is that they know how Islam honour and liberate women.
  21. Ileen xiiran ma xishooto, anyway they should have distributed them with any good handy toys