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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. . . . Anyone can make a difference... ..please support Abdulle with your signature! Sign the petition site . . .
  2. 16-year-old boy beaten and tortured in the Danish healthcare system! Abdul's unfortunate story begins in the late 1996 during a visit to the Hospital due to complaints of a minor back pain, the irresponsible doctor responded by giving Abdul antipsychotic medication (Zyprexa) Abdul obviously reacted strongly to this medication as he was not in need of it and could not tolerate it, but doctors condescendingly submitted this very young boy to a psychiatric Hospital where he was held hostage for several years. Abduls family was told one thing and Abdul something else, this kept the family in tremendous confusion until the gruesome reality revealed itself, In 2001, psychiatrists managed to get a treatment ruling whereby Abdul can be given drugs against his will, and eleven days later they convinced the Ministry of Justice to issue a so-called hazard decree indefinitely, following an incident where Abdul was framed and accused after being coerced. Abdul has never threatened or caused any harm to another human being, nor his own life in the free Danish society. He was a smart and happy boy full of faith and hopes for the future. For 10 years Abdul has now been restrained and forcefully drugged with a vast variety of different psychotropic drugs. Today he cannot walk, can barely speak, his whole body is shaking, and his teeth are destroyed. The family has fought a desperate battle to get Abdul out without succeeding. Abdul has being denied his right to get visitors, since 2001. Many have seen the psychiatric-system, and for them, it started very innocent, when a person accepts their help believing that psychiatry will help them, until he or she are stunned by the detention and powerlessness. That is the way Abdul got into the system, which have turned his brain into a chemical laboratory, and denied him all his rights as a human being. The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture " has objected to the treatment of Abdul in 2002 and in 2008, but Abdul is still restrained and he is in detention indefinitely". Please help us save this young man's life before it is too late.
  3. . For more info go to Free Abdulle Website and select your language on the top lefthand side of the website Somalinimo haddii aay kugu jirto come and show your support for this somali family. If you cant come to the demo then please sign the petition and pray for the family. IA, Justice Will Prevail.... Thank you!
  4. Shabeel, are you sure you were the cook? Couscous and north africans! it must be their national food
  5. : The best from 2:40 to 2:48
  6. yeah, I believe that poor somali/danish boy was a victim himself and it most likely that a bomb was already planted in there for them by none other than one of these below groups a) Al-shababs (current leaders in Assassination Somalia League championship) b) Hizbul islam (wants to prove a point, currently lagging behind Alshababs) c) Disgruntled warlords (too many of them in Mogadishu and armed to the teeth) d) Foreign intelligences like CIA, MI6, Ethiopians at al could have fingers in it (who wants Somalia back on its feet) e) Amison (this means more money and extension of their "holiday" in Somalia) d) TFG (of course these hotel chickens will thankfully enjoy any cash donations generated by any tragedy of that scale like this one one in Hotel Shamo) Losers: innocent somali civilians
  7. Cursed? Oh, Lord have mercy on us, somalis!
  8. - Every Heart Needs A Home by St Paul (this song 100 yrs from now on it will still be on top)
  9. For good smooth melodic music (good oldies) - Have you seen her? by MC Hammer - Have you seen her? by ...and here performing live
  10. Urban, good good thanks mate for the link, the site is absolutely informative and inspiring and I bookmarked and downloaded some of the downloads!
  11. This is not fair, the largest DEAD snake ever found, over 50 feet. Who killed it? Lets find out
  12. Koleey waxa hadda isa soo taraya wararka ah in aanun qorna meesha isku qarxinin ee bomku meesha lagu sii rakibay oo remotely loo qarxiyey.
  13. ^ heer waqooyiga waa reer burco ama waxba!
  14. Good song with funny video wallahi, on video this is very hilarious from 0:52 to 01:52 ..HADDABA AANU KALA TAGNO KALLA TAGI MEYNEEEEEEE TABTAASAAY NOO AHAANEYSAA (where you see Sh. abumansaur showing off his AK47 looooooooool)
  15. He got the means he got everything, why prostituting? good advice tho hope he reads this and consider srsly your advice.
  16. loooool @ racist! had these sales ppl nothing better to do? lol leave the HP alone man, best in market. as to the camera this is merely technical issue.
  17. Fufu & Urban, thanks guys for the cool and insightful tips. I always had these silly excuses & other commitments stopping me from going to gym as I otherwise wanted to. Always stop going to gym any more especially after the first muscle tone :rolleyes: but thanks guys especially Fufu for starting up this thread and am this time more motivated than ever before actually one of my new year res. so looking forward to it. fingers x'ed!!
  18. ..the hypocrisy of those who seek to prosecute Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president, while at the same time they refuse and obstruct efforts to investigated and prosecute Israeli criminals. Western leaders are nothing but a bunch of greedy hypocrites with no morals at all. With regard to isrealis, credit to them they doing well and ahead in the game with control over the whole world so wouldn't it be better to deal with them directly instead and ask them to help issuing of a warrant for the arrest of anyone of theirs for war crime? When I read this article, this post by Bro. eNuuri some 3 years back came to my mind. Read it here....
  19. smarter ppl call in sick a day like this day in London.
  20. Thanks for the amazing pics yaa D&D, sawiro aan caadi ahayn ayeey ahaayeen balse waxaan tabay oo meesha ka maqna kuwii qardho townhallka, marketka, and of course sights and sounds of dadka reer Qardho, qaasatana habalaha reer qardho
  21. Bi'idni Allah Kareem my 2010 resolution as follows: become better muslim (with good ebadah and taqwah IA) in good fit and more health conscious improving my marketable job Skills (start new IT courses and be certified) Travel -see new places and people
  22. Its human natural it alwasy been like that the more money you give out the more blessings that you expecting from the sheikh to send to your way. AT ha is yeelin saaxib adba haddii aad $1000 inta bixisid uu sheekhu kaa yar mashquulo ama next caller usii gudbo carro darteed TV wad baqtiin lahayd ama isoo celi lacagtaad dhihi lahayd la ima ducayne