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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Only few max five or six poeple are OK but the rest ehm dabaday muska la galeen! Bal'adba!
  2. Happy B'day to all nomads that r born 2day!
  3. Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad ..... Always look on the bright side of life Always look on the light side of life :: Football :: funny japanese prank :: England Squad :: :: This is coooooool!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: ...this looks like the family's word against the Danish Government's word. If you plan to get a result on the words of the family alone, let me tell you that you'll be wasting your time, saaxib. Sxb this is not like family's word against the Danish Government's word as you put it infact this is one mum's fight against injustices committed against her son by some bureaucrats in the danish health system who actually benefitting from the status quo. This family has a case, 1) their son's basic rights had been denied and violated, 2) this mother have no access to her son, so I dont know what more you would like to hear and let me tell you one thing sxb whatever the consequense they will not be wasting their time, yeah my time insha'Allah.
  5. ^Oh, thanks LSK. Jazakallah for that brother. Elpunto, you right but their fight started long ago and found it very difficult to beat and deal with the system bureaucracy and all those faceless bureaucrats. Dd iska qaxooti ah waa garaneesaa yaa warkooda maqlaaya!
  6. loooool @ “Waar miyaad iska soo qaadeen bahalka miyaydaan eeginba.”
  7. KK, thanks check it....on your way! Originally posted by Dabshid: Maybe the family should take to independent doctors to examine, emotional feelings aside, if the kid is mentally sick, then that is why there are mental hospitals. Dabshid, to have access and for independent doctors to examine the boy is actually what the family is fighting for and been denied for. Originally posted by Dabshid: ..I remember where a young man in his twenties was released from mental hospital,by his family, and his mum was saying that he is fine and all, and after three months he committed suicide. It is quite understandable as to why he committed suicide. Its well proven that there is a relationship between these dengerous anti-depressants or whatever drugs and that of being suicidal. All these drugs do is to worsen patient's mental condition. Weliga ma arkeysid nin intuu u gacan galay raggan asagoo fiyoow ka soo baxay. Once you in you are done for the rest of your life. psychiatrists killed her son
  8. ^you forgot also this AZ-liqueing disorder that he suffers and if he goes to any psychiatric health screening point like the ones they do have in america surely he wont pass the test and risks to be locked up right away. He is the kinda ppl these guys are looking for and certainly fits the bill. PS. Paragon thanks for the sign sxb. Originally posted by Jacphar: War wuxu af xumaa. Islaanta maxay sheegtay. The only two words I got from that news clip was the Somali guy saying experiment and medicine in the end. Jacphar, sxb-ow afkeena inoo daa!! meel uu la'yahay ma jirtee. My rough translation of that the news clip as follows: The reppoter: "Nowaday, hospitals are increasingly using this infamous forced bed-strapping method despite the government's target to reduce the numbers of forced bed-strappings. Statistically from 2006 to 2007 the number of people with force bed-strapping rised from 458 to 519, a 13% rise, this is from the health department. And here we have two brothers with the moving story of their brother who been bed-strapped for the last 7 years 24 hours and according to the doctors they saying he is dangerous. Doctors say that they want him to be fully recovered, however i 7 years he still the same. According to the two brothers Yusuf and Mahamoud and the newspaper Politiken [one of the biggest newspaper in Denmark] in all these 7 years Abdulle has been bed-strapped continiously without a break. It started with when 7 years ago Abdulle once threw video cassettes at ward workers in another hospital where he was then been deemed as dangerous man and bed-tied ever since. If the hospital ppl deem patient as dangerous then they have the possibility to bed-strap patient if they want to and in any given time" Yusuf [0:53]: I believe this is inhumane and degradding Mahamoud [1:01]: When you read the definition of TORTURE which is the act of causing great physical or mental pain then you realise what these sick guys like my brother going thru is pure TORTURE. Mahamoud [1:25] in response to Abdulle's bed-strapping: My brother didn't set someone alight nor did he rape someone. So to deem him as dangereous person that itself can not justify for him to be bed-strapped for all these long years. It is ridiculous. Yusuf [1.42]: Of cours it becomes experimental subject when a person is continously bed-strapped over 10 yrs and been tried with all kind different medicens against his will the clip Originally posted by Cara.: Allamagan, thanks for the info. I hear what you say about lawsuits being uncommon, but it seems like this is one case any lawyer would be happy to take on for free. Cara, I dont think that is possible in today's Denmark, thats why the family now taking the case to the European human right court and thru EU in the hope of their case be heard. Originally posted by Cara.: I agree, that's such an ugly language. Imagine heestooda! dansk is not an ugly language, c'mon once you learn it you will love it. Singing? Denmark on world stage: , Barbie Girl, Outlandish (hiphop) ...and now the interesting bit, singing in danish, caadi maahan!! since am hip-hop fan, so here is a taste of dansk hip-hop! Outlandish are a multi-award winning Muslim hip-hop group based in Denmark Når Du Kigger På Mig (When you look at me) this is denmark's Notorious B.I.G ver. Pigen er Min by Cool Kids (The girl is mine) Originally posted by NGONGE: Without seeming to take the side of Peacenow, I can't see anything in those articles that points to the Danes being wrong. Some of the articles refer to human rights organisations but don't give enough on that front. Is there any more information on this story? Ngonge, with due respect waxaa iska jeceshahay inaad controversial iska noqtid ma istiri? sxb hana xiijinin, wiilka macluumadkiisa intii enough ah halka waa kuu keenay intii kale websitekisa waan ku siiyey u raadso with more information and videos su'aal haddii qabtid so dhig halka haddi kale iska amu ninyo.
  9. Cara, in Denmrk or in scandenevia, they dont have this suing culture that you see in N America or UK, it is allmost unheard term in this part of the world. These pictures you talking about were taken during the heydays long long before family visits were stopped by hospital. Its well known fact that all this time Abdulle never been a violent person, even one single day forget about now (he is lucky if he breathing in and out on his own). His mum and dad used to visit him regularly but there were few occasions where they found him with cuts and bruises sometimes black eyes and nose pleedings, missing teeth. When the parents rang the alarmbells, this resulted them being banned to visit their own son anymore. There were also some occasions where Abdulle told his mum that he is scared and that he wants mum to stay with him all day, he also told her that the hospital guys drug him everyday and if he resists they beat him up. These psychiatrists somehow thru the high court (thru lobbying) managed somehow to get extended the ban on parents indefinitely so now no one can visit him no one knows his condition and this had left the family frustrated and helpless. The hospital bills the government around $1300 per night, thats the cost of having abdulle in there let alone the drugs. Of curse they make money on him by trying him with all kinda drugs. So all these unaswered questions and secrecies surrounded by Abdulle's captivity tells you that they are not helping abdulle but infact they making money on him as well as experimental subject. I myself never visited Abdulle but I know more about this case as I work closely with the family on this issue and have access to his files and records. ::Videos:: a song for Abdulle Abdulle making the news, TV briefing
  10. ^ As usual Mr. Meiji's eyes only see the part where american Rangers massacred the innocent somalis and not the part where thousands of innocent people massacred at the hands of these so-called "brave resistance" led by the General. Twisted man he is I say!!
  11. ^ you ar the cow, the imposter in the wrong crowd.
  12. . "Labeling a child as mentally ill is stigmatization, NOT diagnosis Giving a child a psychiatric drug is poisoning, NOT treatment" by Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry A MUST see video . .
  13. ^^ loool @ "alla muxuu diin wa**ey"!! ninka waalani has a poin there! lol
  14. C'mon fellow nomads! dont just read this and go, make a difference and do something amazing today to help this family and sign the online petition send/write an email to the embassy. thats all! ::sign the petition:: ::E-mail:
  15. Deadly Restraints Psychiatry's 'Therapeutic' Assault Report and recommendations on the violent and dangerous use of restraints in mental health facilities IMPORTANT FACTS 1. Patients are often provoked to justify placing them in restraints, resulting in higher insurance reimbursements— at least $1,000 a day. 2. Thousands of patients each year are subjected to “four-point restraints” after being subjected to known violence-inducing drugs. 3. Patients can become so exhausted fighting against restraint, they can suffer cardiac and respiratory collapse. Many have died, some as young as six. 4. Heart-wrenching tragedy is regularly repeated under psychiatric “care” in spite of government efforts to prevent it and reflects the viciousness of individual psychiatrists. ::source::
  16. History of Psychiatry Tom Cruise's take on psychiatry and that of Brooke Shields's claim that she benefited from these drugs. He says these drugs just mask the problem as well as mind-altering and not solutions at all. Psychiatry Kills Psychiatry Kills 1 youtube Psychiatry Kills 2 youtube Psychiatry Kills 3 youtube
  17. They are lucky that they still alive! three somalis and many more muslims onboard. These are the same guys operating in Somalia.
  18. ^Shabeel thanks mate, here is the petition site and below is the embassy email I dont have a written statment but you can write anything asking them to have a look at this case and to stop forcing him drugs without his will and to give the family unconditional access to their son. E-mail:
  19. Abdulle, front row, sitting in the middle. This picture is from 94. Let me be clear about one thing just in case some of you guys asking themselves wether I am related to Abdulle, well I am not in anyway related to abdulle or this family other than they are my somali ppl and one time neighbours, really good family also my younger brother used to go same school, same class as Abdulle. they were infact friends. My brother is one of the back row guys. Good old times! always had smile on his face! thats what I remember most about him. This really tells you about his daily life, 24/7, 366 days he is like that condition. Bed strapped. no outside contact, no phone, no visit nothing at all Infact they did poison him. In front of danish parliament.
  20. Thank you guys, for this family every little help counts, you can at least help by: donating (family curently campaigning in wide across geographical ereas, like in DK and now in UK as well as in EU) go: signing the petition sending an email/letter to the danish emabassy in London (Adresses at the bottom) coming down to the demo day in front of Danish Emabassy in London on Wedsnday Dec 30th. Raula, what a good news! walaashiis thanks for your support by coming down to the demo that day. I appreciate that. Naden,Thanks for sending a letter/email to the danish embassy. Sending letter/email is infact good idea, many people have already done it and lets hope all these alarm bells will not fall on deaf ears IA. This kid was druged and experimented with every deadly and dangerous drugs availabe on the market, the likes of Zyprexa, Trilafon, Cisordinol, Leponex, Rivotril, Serenase and many more (thats according to his medical record). No one can visit him nt even his mum or dad is allowed to visit him. Bed strapped fr the last 10 yr. He is not dangerous to anyone he can even stand on his own feet. He is there as a human experiment (live experiment). Drugged against his will, in some cases beaten, abused and his rights violated. The only reason for them psychiatrists to keep him there is that the kid is money making machine. His captors cash in for all the drugs tested on him on behalf of these strong and powerful pharmaceutical industries. Psychiatry is multi billion biz run by pharmaceutical industri. Millions of people fall victim to them, you to them with minor problems you will never come back lif its proven and well documented I will insha'allah post here videos and documentaries about how psychiatrists kill people and get away with it. Insha'Allah soon Danish Embassy Tel: 0044 (0)20 7333 0200 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7333 0270 E-mail: Opening hours: Mon-Thu 09.00-16.30 Fri 09.00-16.00
  21. He come from a wellknown family in Nigeria his father was well respected an influancial figure in the Nigerian establishment. Sad to see these kids brainwashed.