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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Allamagan


    A horrendous tragedy. May Allah ease their pain in this difficult time.
  2. Asadujjaman insisted he was not tempted to keep it: "My heart said this is not good." He also declined the reward the Lettieri family offered him, saying that as an observant Muslim he could not accept it. "I'm needy, but I'm not greedy," he said. "It's better to be honest." ...Two years ago, the Grammy-nominated violinist Philippe Quint left his $4m (£2m) Stradivarius in a New Jersey taxi after flying in to Newark airport at 3am. Despite fearing that he would never see his 285-year-old ex-Kiesewetter violin again, Quint was eventually informed by the airport that the driver, Mohammed Khalil, had returned the precious instrument. To show his gratitude, Quint handed Khalil a $100 tip and free tickets to his next Carnegie Hall concert. He also gave a kerbside recital at the airport taxi rank to an audience of 50 cabbies. Good examples of good muslims.
  3. Originally posted by AYOUB: ....The Home Secretary should compare the Meerkats. Simples. 100% agree go and compare the meerkats. Like the BNB, they shouldn't be banned and it is wrong to ban them as long as they are not threatning people. Talk about freedom of speech! blah blah blah....
  4. ^Fadlan axsaan inoo suubiya Duke mar lee dhaqan celis haloo diro. Qardho geeya ciir qardhawi soo cabsiiyo iyo subug sabeen 2bil jir ah. Fiiri an heer xamar in wax igaleen shimeed ogaatay, haddaa? iyaa.. in amiin caamir abtigey mahino! medina caamir igaarkeed ma ihiyo arrrr sheeko ku haysa geber dhessha jooji nooh, an afkasta waa ku hadlaa heer waqqoyi kasoo bilow, reer bari ku xiji, sory I mean reer qardho reer kaalkacyo so dul mar af-may bas le an aqonin inta kale waa ku kasaa abay af heer markod, af buulo-xaaji afki dontid
  5. ^ Che caadi waayo duqa, tareesoyinka waad soo gemi karta xididtinimadeenu wax u dhimimayso under waanu kaftamaynay banner aa la soo galina wax halawa malahan KK, ma waalanahay markaan kaa daba-hadlaayo haddii oo rebtid in on kula hadlo telfonkaada meeqa waaye isheeg noo? wara KK aniga adiga wa ogtahay dagaal nagama dhaxeeyo ee jooji rabshada. Duke camal haddi oo ahan lahed mar horan ruqubada ku jari lahaa nooh.
  6. KK, hungurigii goor horan dhameystaye waxaad rabtid hadda qor abaay! at least waan dhageesan karaa nooh!!
  7. This is for all nomads except PeaceNow you know... just for his own safety coz rumor has it that arabs are on his trail Polite notice: any successful nomad owes me a drink!
  8. Any north-american nomads interested this? The International Co. For Education & E-Learning is searching for both male and female native-speaking English instructors for immediate work in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital. Married couples are extremely preferred and encouraged to apply. Prospective teachers will work in various academic institutions throughout Riyadh, including universities such as King Saud and also preparatory schools. Prospective teachers will be expected to work between 4-5 hours each day; salary is tax-free and varies between $2500-3000 USD/month, depending upon experience and educational background. In addition to an attractive salary employees will enjoy: Free, private and secure accommodations close to work Free transportation A one year contract extendable to at least 2 years Interested applicants should send their CV and a copy of their passport Applicants MUSTmeet the following requirements with NO EXCEPTIONS or your E-Mail will be quickly discarded: Be a native speaker of American English (meaning, English should be your FIRST language) Currently reside in the United States or be willing to return immediately to obtain a visa Posses a TESOL certificate and at least a BA or BS in some field. English and linguistics degree holders do not need a TESOL cert. Partial degrees or degrees in progress are not acceptable. Degrees obtained on-line are also not acceptable. An American passport and citizenship • A clean criminal record verifiable by an official police report No preexisting, serious medical conditions verified by a medical examination Ability to start work immediately Individuals with a background in computer science and/or CALL will be given special consideration. We are hiring swiftly on a first come, first serve basis so do not delay! If you have received this advertisement via E-Mail please mention so in your reply.
  9. ^ Aabe Siyaad kaliyaa? ma la isku dheelaa KK waxa laga hadloyaa characteristic-ga ciddan reer Sheekh Sadeh oo dhan ayaanba caadi ahayn ta kale Salatu shukri ku lahaa! rashin baan cunaya hadda ee ha inac siin bal xoggaa xayeeysiin geli halkaa almeno Ducaysane ayad mooda inu runta kaaga dhowyahay
  10. ^ Zack, they are juveniles (teenagers) so would that help them get lesser punishment (showed lil mercy)??
  11. ninkani XX ahi waa war-xunsheeg, intaa waa la is-galaydaa un buu hayaa!
  12. That is good news if the perpetrators are in police custody. Now these guys have to pay the price and be punished to the max and to let them suffer so that in the future other kids woill have to think twice b4 ever trying to carry a gun or knife. I say put them in the death row. execution by the firing squad will do fine and sooner than later..... One more thing, I wonder why this thread is in the politic section?
  13. 1- or all tracks here.. 2- G O O S T A ---InaDalmar
  14. loooool @ clip title "imam ferari turkiye" I cant call this a Salah, rather it is gymnastic exercises...
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Our Milan correspondent dee. @ ^ they probably too black and not arabs thats why we didnt hear his usual rants.
  16. Nice pics Duke! however, you wasting your time with brainwashed fellas who happen to be "allergic" to whatever good has to do with the name Islam. You cant knock some sense into them. Allerjiyada uun baalagu sii shidaa, thats the easiest way. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Despite his hatred of Arabs or Muslims, peacenow has valid points to present, if he would only make case intelligently . Truly agree with Che, hope PN learns from his shortcoming and look things differently.
  17. Blame it on CL for throwing poor Ibti into the ring with the monster Anyways I never seen Ibti as successionist
  18. Paragon, could these be cryptic messages ( a form of communication) from the space, maybe aliens trying to communicate humans down under and you become the lucy winer dee dont dismiss these messages as spam, ask them politely to give you the key, the private key in order for you to decrypt these rusisk codes.
  19. It is true that everyone wants to marry from within his/her clan circles but the truth of the matter is that love still brings people together. There are choices to make here and it is up to the person (individual) either to follow his/her heart or his/her parents wish. I personally believe that most of today's somalis especially those in diaspora dont give two hoots what parents will say about their marriage choices. It was post civil war that ppl started reaching out to each other and because of this ppl moving around up & down the country from south to north and vice versa then dadkii iska arki jirrin wa ay is arkeen, la is caashaqay, deedna guur ayaa meeshi yimi, OK, so over the years I have seen northern folks (when I say North folk, it is incl. those of Paragon's, Castro's and of course reer LAs) doing the 'unthinkable' i.e. married/marrying ppl from deep south, from Baay, Waleweyn, reer Xamar, Shaanshi etc and of course southern clans I have also seen reer xamars, reer bravos, reer Baay, reer Mogadishu finding love in the north. so I dont understand what is the fuss here? People should follow their heart and ignore these clannish prejudices. Period!! Re. the caste issue in marriage, this is really ridiculous and insha'Allah over the years we somalis will evolve from this centauries old evil practices into more civilised societies. I dont understand how one can NOT be happy marrying to an attractive and an educated somali sister/brother who is said to be from this "derided" clan? I know it is all about this social stigma around it, right? but I believe together we can change this, so that in the future marrying to your own somali ppl regarfdless of their clan affiliation no longer carries the social stigma that it used to. IA. Time will tell....
  20. Allaha u naxariistoAllaha u naxariisto Allaha u naxariisto d h a m a a n t o o d Now, lets hope police find these perpetrators!
  21. ^ MAX, ninkan ha waalin dee sxb. Waxaan caay & liiditan iyo xumaan uu u hayo soomalida mooye wax kale maka haysaa oo wanaag, forget bout islam am talking about somali car wakaas hal post oo uu soo dhigay oo kheyr leh keen bal. War xatta somali ma ahan. Sherban, listen dude, to get your answer go and dig deep PN's old posts. it wastn't me...
  22. Allamagan


    Originally posted by Complicated: ^^ And some who are still considered as an Alien almost a decade on @ Complicated, you are right, when I saw you as an alien member here in SOL some weeks ago I asked myself how can one be an alien after such long years in SOL. The system should have taken note of all those years you were here I think based on your long membership here it would have been better if the SOL system considered you as a nomad (or SemiNomad )instead of this Elien. GDwonder wlc to SOL
  23. Allamagan


    Hats off to Garisa... from sub zero lil dusty and undeveloped village town to a leading commercial city in east africa.
  24. ^ good advice! and he is not somali. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: peacenow, horta are you attracted to somali women? War gabdhaha soomaliyeed ha u gefin ninyo. This dude is gay dee, yacnii khaniis.