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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. You shouldn't expect good muslims to assimilate into non islamic culture. Integration yes of course. See difference btw assimilation and integretion.
  2. B, ma lahubaa inaad muslim tahay? Koleey waa kuu jeeda waa soo xayd-xaydaneysaaye dhowrkoo maalin aan kaaga haraye (hatching time-ki) War annagu Islamka waanu qaadanay waayo Islamku wuxuu inoo la yimi waxaanu hore u haysanin hore usoo arag hore usoo maqal ayadoon nalagu qasbin ayaanu haddaanu somali Maxamed nahay qaadanay taa marka hore sidaa u ogsonow koow dheh su'aalahada kale waxyalo badan ayaad isku qas-qaseeysaaye waxaad soo wadaa af-somali halagu adimo, af-somali quraanka halagu aqriyo, carabigu waa mixnade halaga maarno waxaas jawaabtooda waad ogtahay hana xiijinin bowe.
  3. ^sxb, the way Islam is going right now is like tsunami and for sure it will sweep the whole world and cause changes in the societies. There is some true to this call tho. for every Muslim born there is 4 drug abusers and alcoholics (so called moderates who are loyal to their countries) care to elaborate?
  4. . . A matter of concern and a call to action . .
  5. Allamagan

    moving out

    ^^ loool @ "Acuudi Bilaahi Mina Sheedaani Rajeem" habeen mugdiya wax cirka kaaga soo dhacay ma wax laga cararin maaha! This Bunt u talking about is it the one near Kaah QSS or near Hotel Guled? Goofafka dhinacooda, sax? waxba isaga kaay qasqasane... I think Shineemo Equatore was in No Afar, near Hotel Caalami or the big roundbout,
  6. Allamagan

    moving out

    the only one i know was Ladane Theatre, and was not 100% butlandiski
  7. Allamagan

    moving out

    Che, since when Ceel Maxamed Baare was in xamar? teeda kale ciddu shineemo biz ma ku jireen?
  8. Somalicentric, we need his profile in order for us to take serious this man.
  9. Allamagan

    moving out

    ...because first they are not fat enough yet and secondly they are easy prey for pimps
  10. Nuune, inta aanan ka hadlin arrinkan, marka hore inoo sheeg xaalka odeyga, waa nin caynkee ah? miyirkiisa ka waran amaba dish-ku si fiican ma ugu suran yahay odaygu? Olyadii & Farinki ma daadinayaa mise isku dhex-yaacsan yihiin? Buufis ver. 4.5 maa haya? waa nin caykee ah dee marka hore haddii markaa intaa an kor ku soo sheegay wax si ka yihiin dee hadaldiisu wax ka soo qaad malahan, Allaha shaafiyo iga gaarsii.
  11. Anyone who sits on papa's lap gets the attention. Period. The rest Papa ha iska sal-salaaxdaan. The lap position is for anyone basically on 1st-come-1st-sit basis weeyaan. They seem to have fag behaviour too!
  12. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: I'm assuming her past is in reference to her opposition to Barre regime-to call her opportunist for going against Barre administration is silly. What opposition? Dont forget the fact that she was not speaking of her mind of that said opposition as you may have thought. She was just a messenger (waa loo soo qoray waa loo soo dhiibay) hence my reference to her as tool used by the underworld gangs. What she didn't know tho was that this gang was actually architecturing somalia's demise. Wakas maanta la mareysaneyso waxaan soconeynin iyo [war aanu wada tashano, wada tashan mayno, e wayahaye ii tali, kuu talinmayo, aan kala tagno kala tagimaynee taabtaas illaa akhiro inoo ahaneysaa] good song though!
  13. What is the big deal here, this guy Malema is not different than those other far right racists folks like geert wilders, Netanyahu, Nick Griffin, Rush Limbaugh and so on who whenever they puked we were always reminded they just exercing their freedom of speech. :rolleyes:
  14. Why polish while you can be a broad hungarian in great transformation watch Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button at Hungarian Grand Prix...
  15. most of these folks who behave like that did come from tuulo(bush ppl). remember naagtii miyi inta ka tagtay oo xamar 4 wiig soo joogtay kadibna ku soo noqotay tuladeedi ay kaso tagtay deedna orgi inta xaniinyaha ku dhegtay tiri: "Ar lee kan ma dhiiqaaye maxaa ku dhacay" waa sidiiyo kale kuwa dad waaweyna oo qurbaha 2 sano kadib yiri afsomaligii waanu hilmaamnay waa la arkay
  16. Waraa duqa Mr. B, qararacda naga jooji waxaad ka naxdo intaa weysay aa polish oohintooda noo keene adeer oohin hore nooga soo dhamaatay ee adigun ooy. "Sadder We Somalis Don't Know It!" kulahaa for most 99.9% of us here let me tell you this was not a newsworthy at all thats why you didn't see anyone of us to post it on here and I guess everyone like myself saw it as it happened after crush got the news, got the message and got on with our life.... waxaanan na khuseyn waxba nagama gelin. :rolleyes:
  17. ...and what is alshabab's doing about this? let Hizbu trying to play boss (bullying) some corners of mogadishu or do they have some sorts of no-go territorial in btw them?
  18. ^ Cowke, this calender will not work or suitable in the islamic world especially todays South somalia where alshabab movement spearheading and setting the agenda. Amal would have been better off to make a custom made calendar featuring more islamic and somali holidays ( i know even somali holidays like maalinti hawenka or xaawo taako will not make happy these guys)
  19. Nasser, so how old she was in 80s you think if I may ask you? She was just naive lady mere tool that been politically abused.
  20. ^What a weird calendar! Amal must be run by some ex-north american fugees wierdos who are not aware of the environment that they are operating in. Halloween, Election Day [whose election day?] Thanksgiving day [my zz], rememberance day [what?] hanukkahday who the hell are they talking to? By just looking at this ill-advised calendar it is pretty obvious to any1 that this will land them in BIG trouble with alshabab law enforcement
  21. She is nothing but ruthless oppurtunist exploiting publicity at every oppurtunity .... past and pressent. 80kii habar ayeey ahayd kulahaa anoo da'yar 80-madyadii :rolleyes:
  22. I think I am kinda BANKER and the CAR DEALER-type! -slightly changing this sturdiness to something modifiable
  23. Mahubsotooy sheekadan managa hubtaa bal in ay fiction tahay iyo in kale? Yaa islaamo waxan oo dhan aqrin kara? maqaal waa dhaafeen buug baad malaha meesha ku soo guuurisay!
  24. looooooool @ Ma labada Rakco een idin tushiyey baan Muslin ku noqday?
  25. Thanks to Youtube, you can search any conspiracy theory and you find... well some "answers" there. Now if your search by 'HAARP+HAITI' you will be surprised the outcome. This is one of them! :eek: Allah knows best!