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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Well written Xiin but I am still getting my head around who is this 2nd son? I understood this son as that one who wanted her amputation.. you should have also asked her whether she'd got over the sudden loss of her long partner died few months before her I too missed her and unfortunately am one of these millions out there who never had great time with her or enjoyed under her care
  2. Abdirizak makes music under his artistic name INA DALMAR. He is also a writer and wrote many books in english. Not he is talented but also a well educated man. You can listen some of his alla reggae, blues, arabic style modern somali music **HERE**. Play his somali hal-xiraale (croswords) while listening his music. They go well together...
  3. ^blame it on konfuria culture of kill more
  4. another munkar spreading I wonder when you will delete this thread again?
  5. Fadaro fadaro dhashay! carabta, iiraanta, hindida, spanish talyaaniyow waxaan timojilicda timaha madoow khaniisnimadu dhaqankooda qayb ayeey ka tahay wa lagu yaqaanaa. Waxaan annagu dhaqan uma lhihi balse kuwa viruskan lagu soo duray waan aragnay halkana way nala joogan hadda
  6. Of course they will crashland because most of these ladies are asking way too much than they worth, dictatorial, unrealistic and too arrogant.
  7. ^ Walaahi inaay fooda is gahsaan danaa noogu jiri lahayd. Imagine a war btw Ethiopia & Egypt. Result Ethiopia oo dhan waa wada firxan lahayeen oo smaller states badan aa soo bixi lahaa halkaana A&T iyo rag badan shaqo halkaa uga soo bix lahayd
  8. Zack, isku meel aan taaganahay sxb. Raggaan diin wa hayaan laakin dabeecaday ka dhinteen
  9. understandably, I heard ppl blame Suge Knight is behind all this and his Death Row Records was instigating all this in fear of losing 2Pac to Badboys Records. Munkar kulahaa! markii hore xagged jirtay saaka ma soo quraacan miyaa ninyo mise waa launchtime snapshot gone wrong weeye sheekadu
  10. Thats not fair dont blame all on the west coast for all that sh1t happened there the last thing the WC wished was a war, they went there to share some message of the California love with their eastern house niggaz thats all. Imagine the outcome of the two working together, man
  11. Horta Illaah baa runta jecele gobolada dhexe waxaay waligood la qiiqayaan oo roob la aantu uga jirtaa waa diin la'aan diinta si fiican uma haystaan suufiyo warershay. Dhac iyo boob ma aragtay waa rag dagaal & xoolo dhac u socdda oo raba inay dad soo laayan haddana salaadi aysan gafaynin oo soomahaya kun afuraya caano hal booli ah laga soo lisay ka waran hee? Sharciga agoonta & dhaxalkaba iskaba daa kuwaas warkooda marka Shabaabku ha iska qaab darnaadaane oo dadka dhiigooda ha iska baneestaane waxaan u maleynayaa in aay suufiyadaas dhaamaan oo markaa hadduu roob yimid imaatinkoodi waa good news waa la soo dhaweenayaa balse suufiyadu condition haku xiraano alshabab. alshababna ha u dhaafaan suufiyada libaral-nimadoda micnaha meel dhexe ha la isugu yimaado. yaa diidi kara? alshabab probably?
  12. oo kenya xagguu Nile-ku ka soo maraa waaba yaabe
  13. Riyaalow 15 sanoo kale laguugu dar! haay haay waligaa haay nagu sii sin
  14. ^ma aragtay? maybe A&T's sixth sense working perfectly in addition to his already five senses or he is a good mind reader
  15. Allamagan

    Who is B?

    Originally posted by B: How can I contact this Marx? Perhaps I should send him a message so that he could substantiate my innocence! you can send him a message or by just digging deep down his sol posts you can even find his contact number. Looking forward ur joint press confrence.
  16. ^kolka imaanka waad u qarini xaqiiqda JB sow maha? By the way I ddnt know that JB was a 'family member'
  17. war ninkan Muriidi la leeyahay ma fahmine ma af canfar ayuu wax ku qoraa horta mise howlo kalaa jira?
  18. ^Exactly! and you know how bad british media write about Iran and that they tend to recycle anything beyond digestible.
  19. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Tukada inta aan laydin ku tukan - or in this case - tukada si la idinku tukado. Period. Hadda rag badan oo halka SOL joogo ayaan u baqayaa in wax ku tukado la waayo.
  20. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: i used to think Persians where the smartest people in the Middle East... so your assumption towards Persians now shifted solely based on this nosense that you read there? cajiib
  21. ^no...not at all if you are young and not married
  22. Allamagan

    Who is B?

    Originally posted by B: Islantaan should keep her opinions to herself. It was you who started these rumours that I am Marx, who the hell is this marx person? is he a communist believer? and where is he? has he not left this forum. :mad: B-ga if I was you I would go and find this Marx dude and get him over here hold an E-press release confrence together answer questions and hopefully ppl would put these to rest. what you think about that?
  23. When least prepared for the exam ppl tend to do these kinda mistakes of course due to too many stresful exams, and of course lack of confidence in the exam can result one do silly mistakes that can cost you everything
  24. If you wanna buy e-reader buy the latest colour e- readers no more B&W