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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. Originally posted by Maaddeey: tartiib tartiib lee yaah? ^
  2. Ottawa dhalinyaro somaliyeed oo jabuutiyan u badan oo kuli madaxa kuwada socda aa jooga. good luck!
  3. ^ yeah sort of... this time waa mobile clinic rabani ah. Anway haddee qofku haddusan xaqiiqda lama-inkiraanka ah usan arki karin sow in dahaar indhaha ka saaran yahay ma cadda markaa?
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: Cowke, you should admit you are from Galmudug, and support south Mudug. All this pretences are not helping your cause lad. Thanks for the update, you always have inside info on Galmudug. looool, Duke one year on, you still doubt that Cowke is from Puntland?
  5. *Anwar*, marka hore go and learn basic islamic teachings then come back and ask your question. skrid hvorhelvede!
  6. ^ inaalillaahi.. war kuwaan ahlu secessionists sow ceeb kama xishoodan miyaa? Mise marqaanka wuxuu tuso aya la qori. Cigaal Allaha u naxariisto tariikh & sumacad ayuu ku leeyahay jahmuuhiryadda oo dhan balse secessionists-ku waxay doonayanaan in ay sharaftiisi ku koobaan hal xaafadoo qura. Allaha indhaha idiin fiiqo waxba uma jeeedane.
  7. ^ thats manslaughter on your part
  8. Allamagan

    Who is B?

    ^ you cant read picture PM bt B and Marx? well Marx said he left the biulding for good and gave some brotherly advice to B. OK, guys enuf! honestly, our B brother has now cleared his name and proven his innocence eeda oo dhan waxaa iska leh Maraxan Marx la dhahayo if I was Marx, I would take the burden from B and quickly put up a short video on youtube to settle this issue.
  9. ^ article xiiso leh ayuu ilal noqday markaa waa danenayey inaan si fiican u dheehdo balse to my disappointment waxay sheekadii oo dhan nala dhaafi weysay oo ka bilaabatay airportki oo ninku ka soo degey & dadkii soo dhaweeyey basa halka laga filayey inaay na siiyaan full account of wixii dhacay, sabab uu addis iyo ayaga isku soo dhaweeyey ama suddenly friend unoqdeen, waa siddee xirrirka ONLF iyo iyaga muxuu yahay planka urrukiisa mustaqbalka soo socda iwm. yacnii extensive coverage of this story waa haddee somali DIY journalism awalan waxba laga sugayenin.
  10. caku iyo soomalida iyo sida aay wax usoo tabiyaan. Maqaalkas kore ee dheer inta aan aqriyey ayeey sheekadii waxay dhaafi weysay waa lasoo dhaweeyey iyo airportka iyo daweyne. repetitive repetitive repetitive peace of bulsh1t.
  11. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Muriidi goormuu ku dhuftay? ma dhowrkii cishe een maqnaa ayuu duqeeyey? Asagoo fayoowba yaa arkay! dunno what kinda herbs the man is on but he writes these stuff wrapped in mystery. waa la fahmi la'yahay
  12. Ilaahow u nasariiso asaga iyo intii muslima. Amin
  13. Allamagan

    Who is B?

    looool @ B & Marx pm exchanges!! this is so funny wallaahi. Anyway thanks you have now proved 100% that you love to talk to yourself
  14. I wonder who he is talking to? Every one in Mogadishu, Jubooyinka is direct or indirect victim Alshabab!
  15. These two stub1d cunts wanted to make it worse than it already was. And blame all this on this headless father who cant just go!
  16. lol waxaan ka fahmay oo kaliya surname Kumamoto or was it Kumamako! lol will Alshabab accept newly appointed british ambassador to Somalia Mr. G*S MacPherson? Everywhere is the same....
  17. Ibti, thats not fair, lil bit exaggerated however, there some true to that about the Incredible India! I now feel sorry for the Ferguson he now seems to be cancelling his trip to India and left frightened I would recommend to anyone to go to India see it yourself, you will absolutely love it -the land of blaring horn- Ibti, by now I think you already got used to all these loud honks (Horn, please! thank you!) have u seen that? great country, especially down the south. 1.1 billion ppl live in there meaning one out of every six people in the world lives in India and one quater of world's poor live in India. with that extreme poverty in mind the country is ironically doing well and its economy soaring at around 8 percent a year and it is not just a story of software, outsourcing, and far away call centers but also medical and pharmaceutical. Each year 600 more ppl become millionairs. Five if not six of Forbes top ten richest people are indians who live in India, hence the name the land of contrasts. How did they make all these money? well, firstly kudos, they speak fluently the language of the money true entrepreneurial and good at creating wealth from 0, secondly, ripping off each other and of course any foreigners on their way. So doing business with the indians require for you to have first some basic knowledge about them, their culture and how they click (their mentality & how to go about them) anyone not equipped with these things eeyaa cunay, dabkaa la saarana for them a foreigner waa lacag socota.. halaga reebo lacagta mooye wax kale niyadoodu kuma jirto, suddenly their products terribly overpriced. Dealing with a muslim or not muslim doesnt make any difference, statistically muslims are the worste offenders. Regardless of who you dealing with you may find the way they conducting business are based on a fraudulent manipulation - overprised products, quality? a real drain on your wallet. meesha waxay ku fiicantahayo kaliya dalxiiska unless aadan dadkan si fiican anad u aqoonin iska dhicin.
  18. Iska daaya wiilashaa reer Senegal xaqoodi awoowyaashoodi hore aay yurubiyanku dudsiyen haata haka xoqxoqdaan habrahan sex-herinka ah bal inaay wax ka keenan bal
  19. I saw him on BBC news last night, I think malaha sheydaamo ayaa wax siiya! how possible for 70 yrs with no food and water? Ma soconeyso ee Mr Guru sheeko kale hanoo keeno
  20. I saw it on youtube how Ileen (RIP) caadi ma aheen xagga cayaarta. Video-gan waxaa ku arkeysaa most of waaberis kuwi dhintay iyo kuwa nool oo bashalaaya. This guy with NO legs & NO arms can wrestle any1.
  21. Hi there, welcome to the SOL's unofficial youtube thread. Whenever we feel bored we know where to go...we youtube right? you youtube, I youtube, so isn't it a good idea to share them all in one place (here) innit? so any youtube video(s) that you find it hilarious, funny, not so-funny, informative or aMUSTsee vid why not drop it in here @ I saw it on Youtube thread. All in one place
  22. Ibti, hadda somaligi waa la bartaye waaba lagaa badshaa adige
  23. ^ you right, masaakinta ayey ka adag yihiin. Remember 30 something isreali who came to Dubai and committed a crime in their own backyard what have they done about that? and most of these if not all are of course somalis.
  24. ^ ok, mic ayu la xarga goostay miyaa. xagguu ku maqnu odaygu? Remember this happened to tony Blair, to Bush to many others... and these 1diots forgot all the mics surrounding them and they talked like they were in Ricky Lake show.