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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^ war wax Qardho u jiro oo KK ka naxeyso ma jiraan ama ingiriis ha kula hadleen ama quuqda ha ila dhaafeen ee taagan tahay Originally posted by Kool_Kat: AfSoomaaligaan ogaa maaba macalin ku eheed? I kid! KK, ad marke ka hadlooysaa marki o la shacireenooyo [*changing language mode] mise markii dhabta ama xaqiiqda jirta aanu ka hadalno. Ma waxaad dooneysaa in aan shahaadooyinkaygii Lafoole hata borka ka soo jafjafo oo kuu soo scan gareeyo.
  2. According to Abtigiis, Shariifku Sharmarke intuu dalqad ku furay, ayuu misna soo ceshtay dalqadiisi :eek: Looool this is insane. Anyway Sharmarke was laughing last. Shariifka 0 PM Sharmarke 1 so far
  3. ^I know somali is not that hard to read but it is more than that it is about confidence building, grammar, vocabulary building (of about more than 500 hundred words), writing, suugaanta and so on
  4. Tuujiye for PM or at least wasiirka dhaqan celiska. lol
  5. ^ lool @ behind their moms Ashkiro, we really lagging behind in this department. Unfortunately most of parents dont see this as important or in priority for their children development. For many parents somali is not the main language spoken at home. There are also parents who really want their children taught somali but they lack of resources and support. I myself used to work as somali teacher for three years and can help you share with my experiences in this field.
  6. Shabeel jiljileeca iska daa adiga nooh you got me? I know you have your own somali interpreter in the house. Anyway whoever is going to hell who is not is up to the Creator, Allah. The issue of marriage btw a non-muslim and a muslim woman being null and void is from our religion teaches us that and well there are ppl who ignore this fact and marry non-muslim and thats up to them and their business. Like Russell Peter says, Be a man!
  7. Waa dhici kartaa inuu doonayo inuu si madadaaliyo tan iyo intii dhaanku ka imaanayo. cigaal allaha unaxariiste wuxuu dhintay dhankiiyo weli maqan. caku dhaankan!
  8. ^ and what is wrong with that statement bal? mise boss-ka yan wax laga sheegin weeye shakadaadu
  9. Originally posted by Cadde23: ALLAMAGAN what makes you think somali women are more "qaali" than lets say arab women or white women? war ninyahow candhuuftaa dhib u liq,it is 2010 and people marry who ever they wish. sxb, I'll appreciate if you go back and reread what I wrote and find where i said that somali women are more "qaali" than lets say arab women or white women? Let's say, just for the sake of argument that our sisters are "qaali" than any other race, then be it, alxamdulillaah I am happy for sisters that they are that qaali that no one can afford to have them as wife except their own
  10. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: My solution : If I should ever decide to marry a Muslim woman, and a Muslim woman should ever decide to marry me, I have a very simple solution. I will kidnap at gunpoint a priest from my country and a qadi or just a regular Muslim of impeccable quality, and make them perform a joint marriage Shabeel, how about the girl? you didnt mention that is she doing all this at gunpoint or what?
  11. ah! thats so kind of the danes. I know there are still big-hearted danes in there like these guys. Good guys!! This brother must be worlds luckiest bus driver. I bet this guy wont go anywhere soon will stay there and drive the same bus number til the day he retires. Will London Bus companies learn from this and try to honor and acknowledge somali bus drivers input Dhubad, thanks bruv! and salamullah calayk
  12. ^Most of his family -quite big family though- live in Virgina. this interview given during Yey tfg time.
  13. loool recession kii miyaa halkaa la tagay SL mise lacagta cusub deficit-ka ayaa la doonayaa in SL looga saaro
  14. They forgot Shariifka, why? anyway plundering funds donated by the international community is not something new. It was done before under YEY/Geedi sh1t tfg and also under this Sharifka/Sharmarke partnership.
  15. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Who is he and what does he do? He is from Virgina, for sure you know him, some of his family/relatives live in Boston with you dee. He is good fella and am sure he can make more noises than Cumar aamusane. Anyway this post is cursed and anyone who gets it will be cursed too.
  16. ^for me, it doesnt look like it is floating, more like solidly built on solid pillars. Thanks Cons sharing these breath-taking pics. Amazing!
  17. ^ Mr. muriidi, was it by just by accident that you dropped in these two above links? thanks anyway I really enjoyed them all. but I owe this to myself to ask you ehm I wonder what kind herbs you are on when you do write what you write in here I mean who you trying to communicate with?
  18. Odayaal ay maha soo safeen oo caruur teenage ka horgeeyey markaas kuli lafaha laga garaacay, hence Nigeria won three times Nigerian may dhaheen ciddaan ma la amini karo. You cant trust these guys! Nigerian footballers and athletes involved in age-group competitions are to be tested to determine their age. Accusations of age cheating have blighted Nigeria's success at youth level in recent years. Now the country's sports minister says MRI tests must be carried out make sure no-one is over age. "All athletes representing Nigeria at any youth tournament [must] undergo the MRI bone scan tests," a government spokesman told the BBC. "Any association or federation that [fails to impose] this new directive will be severely sanctioned." "It is not just football that has suffered from these accusations but other sports as well - Nigerians are honest people and we should prove that." Football's world governing body Fifa introduced MRI scans to check the ages of players at the recent Under-17 World Cup, which took place in Nigeria. But they have not implemented the tests at Under-20 level because the results are less easily interpreted at that age. Nigeria have won the Fifa Under-17 World Cup three times - 1985, 1993 and 2007 - but there have been frequent questions over the ages of some of the players representing the country. Meanwhile, more than US$4.6 million will be paid to Nigeria's World Cup team if they reach the final of the tournament. Players could earn up to US$138,000 each in allowances, appearance fees and win bonuses should they go all the way in South Africa, according to the country's football federation. Nigeria face Argentina, South Korea and Greece in Group B in South Africa. ....
  19. I hope they do preserve these sites and not be looted and sold to these european treasure hunters or their agents. For sure Somalia has many answers to this missing links of pharaohs. Their ancestors and history are buried many places in north and eastern somalia.
  20. Lets welcome back the guy. He has alot to tell us about
  21. Ibti, loool @ adaaba ugu daran! Wallahi I dont mind any somali sisters marrying to arabs and I never mentioned that I am against this but I was merely highlighting the cultural side of it and our differences when it come to marriage. forget the percentage thats my own estimate but the true is the figure likely can be higher. Our girls are more liberal they marry who they want muslim or gaal balse carabta waan ka naxaa inaay xorriyada ka qaadan. lol
  22. Wallaahi never heard of it, just now. What can I say than I wish the media is fair and impartial. Imagine if this was a synagogue.
  23. Ibti what views sis, bal maxaa kaa yabiyey?
  24. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Allamagan...Atleast they don't discrimante. They screw every nationality that fall for "I love you".....] lol that can be true but when it comes to their own, the faraxs....hmm.. remember this "a 32 yrs old practising somali sister who was looking for...." an advert in london Brixton Mosque came to my mind.
  25. ^Sadly, that is the case everywhere, esp. in UK. Do you know that the most of terror-charged Algerians Moroccans in London have somali wifes and they are all without sharci.